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Full Version: One more play, Gus getting hot in his seat?
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Quote:Still, I want some killer instinct. Look at the Pats. No matter what, they never let off the gas, regardless if they are winning or losing.

Had nothing to do with letting off the gas. Risk/reward. Do you risk a bad snap, sack, etc... to pick up 4 yards? Or do you kick the field goal and win it. I think it was the right call.
Quote:Why didn't we try one more play with 12 seconds left!? It may have given Scobee a better chance. Gus coached a horrendous game!

Because we had no timeouts, of course. If we ran a play and someone caught it, then got tackled inbounds, there would be no time to spike the ball and stop the clock. Same is true if Blake Bortles got sacked on third down - which, of course, would take us out of field goal range. I don't understand why it is so hard for people to realize this.
It amazes me that so many people call themselves Jaguars fans, watch every second of every game, and still have no idea the risk of getting sacked is higher than the risk of a field goal attmept being blocked in that situation. Blake Bortles was sacked 6 times yesterday, so obviously he could have been sacked on third down. You all know Josh Scobee is very accurate over 50 yards. So why do you think just because that kick was blocked, it was worth the risk of Bortles getting sacked to keep the offense out on third down?


Look at the cat fight in Cincinnati. The Panthers knew if they went for it on fourth down and missed, the Bengals win 37-34. So they brought out their kicker to tie it up again because that is a safer way to finish the drive than anything they could do on offense to get a first down. Using the logic behind keeping the offense out on 3rd and 2, all of the critics here probably would have wanted Carolina to go for it on fourth down while trailing by three in overtime and gotten mad at them for not doing it just because Mike Nugent got one more chance to win the game. C'mon, people.

An even better solution is to actually execute the FG attempt. That's 2 blocked kicks in 6 games. It doesn't surprise me, since our starting OL can't block. How can we expect our backups to block for 2 seconds for a FG attempt?
Quote:Because we had no timeouts, of course. If we ran a play and someone caught it, then got tackled inbounds, there would be no time to spike the ball and stop the clock. Same is true if Blake Bortles got sacked on third down - which, of course, would take us out of field goal range. I don't understand why it is so hard for people to realize this.
Totally disagree. We had enough time to throw one ball towards the sideline.
I know it would have been risky throwing one last ball in that situation.

It's a shame we didn't have a TO left.... But you gotta make that challenge call, right? LOL
Quote:It amazes me that so many people call themselves Jaguars fans, watch every second of every game, and still have no idea the risk of getting sacked is higher than the risk of a field goal attmept being blocked in that situation. Blake Bortles was sacked 6 times yesterday, so obviously he could have been sacked on third down. You all know Josh Scobee is very accurate over 50 yards. So why do you think just because that kick was blocked, it was worth the risk of Bortles getting sacked to keep the offense out on third down?


Look at the cat fight in Cincinnati. The Panthers knew if they went for it on fourth down and missed, the Bengals win 37-34. So they brought out their kicker to tie it up again because that is a safer way to finish the drive than anything they could do on offense to get a first down. Using the logic behind keeping the offense out on 3rd and 2, all of the critics here probably would have wanted Carolina to go for it on fourth down while trailing by three in overtime and gotten mad at them for not doing it just because Mike Nugent got one more chance to win the game. C'mon, people.
Have to agree with this, one more play would have been stupid - even worse than the bad challenges.  Gus made the right call, the execution or lack thereof was the problem. 
Quote:Have to agree with this, one more play would have been stupid - even worse than the bad challenges.  Gus made the right call, the execution or lack thereof was the problem.
Hind sight, I guess... I don't know, I can see this point of view. I just remember thinking as the FG unit was coming out, why not try to get a few more yards...
^ This.  I was thinking wait.  12 seconds.  Roll out and throw something closer, and if it's not there, throw it away.  It's not that I didn't have faith in Scobee, it's having a higher chance of winning.  Aggressiveness/killer instinct wins games.  We lost.  So I don't know what people are complaining about with this comment.  Most teams would have taken another shot because 12 seconds is a lot of time in the grand scheme of things.  The game winning FG usually comes down to 2-3 seconds.

Quote:^ This.  I was thinking wait.  12 seconds.  Roll out and throw something closer, and if it's not there, throw it away.  It's not that I didn't have faith in Scobee, it's having a higher chance of winning.  Aggressiveness/killer instinct wins games.  We lost.  So I don't know what people are complaining about with this comment.  Most teams would have taken another shot because 12 seconds is a lot of time in the grand scheme of things.  The game winning FG usually comes down to 2-3 seconds.

After your quarterback gets sacked six times, would you feel 100% confident that he could stay on his feet for one more play? Gus knew taking that risk could easily end the game right there.


Doesn't matter, we lost anyway.  We couldn't hold the line for 2 seconds for our best weapon to do his magic. 

Quote:Doesn't matter, we lost anyway.  We couldn't hold the line for 2 seconds for our best weapon to do his magic. 

Yes it does matter. By deciding to kick on third down, we guaranteed Josh Scobee would get a chance. There is no guarantee he would get that chance if the Blake Bortles took one more snap.


What is so hard to understand about risk vs. reward? Are you mad the Panthers did not go for it on fourth down?
Hurns had enough room to turn that last catch up field and gain more yrds. Rookie mistake on his part. Honestly it looked like a blown coverage.
Quote:Hurns had enough room to turn that last catch up field and gain more yrds. Rookie mistake on his part. Honestly it looked like a blown coverage.

I am not worried about that one. His big gaffe was on the interception.
Quote:Why didn't we try one more play with 12 seconds left!? It may have given Scobee a better chance. Gus coached a horrendous game!

Are you serious or are you being sarcastic?
Strange how "improvement" comes when the competition gets far worse.
Quote:Strange how "improvement" comes when the competition gets far worse.

Exactly, thus people with a functioning brain can see through the "improvement" for what it is. 


We still haven't had one impressive win in Bradley's entire 22 game tenure. 
"So many lessons being learned by our guys"..... Yet also says "missed tackles back in double digits". Soooooooo
Quote:Exactly, thus people with a functioning brain can see through the "improvement" for what it is.

We still haven't had one impressive win in Bradley's entire 22 game tenure.

Right? This was a bad titans squad playing its reserves, and we still lost. Where does the win come from?
Quote:Right? This was a bad titans squad playing its reserves, and we still lost. Where does the win come from?

Even our wins vs the bad teams last year were unimpressive. 


Maybe had they beat down a bad opponent to the tune of 40-7 or something would a win vs bad competition be considered a sign of  legit "improvement".


Its all relative to the competition you are playing.  
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