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Full Version: Injuries...Injuries...Injuries...What can be done?
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The hamstring injuries are the most confusing. Are they just working with too much weight on the leg machines? In my limited knowledge of such things I always thought repetitiveness is better than strength. Once you've torn a hamstring muscle it's easy to tear again if you don't give it ample time to completely heal.


Regards.....................the Chiefjag

Quote:Where does it say we have an exclusive?

Oh, I see, in your earlier worthless resonse to this thread, to go with the other 55 million 'contributions'..

I'm guilty of the sin at the bottom of your avi..

Injured feelings on the board.
Unfortunately it's part of the game. The teams that prevail are teams who have depth.
Truefan I do agree that the Jaguars do seem to have more injuries than other teams.  I know every team suffers injury but we seem to always get beat up.  I don't know if it's the heat or just bad luck.


The truth is this team has had a dark cloud over it for a long time and I see no daylight.

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