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I stopped at common core is a Partisan issue lol. Cause mike huckabee and Jeb bush just always line up with Obama?

Never fails the left doesn't want to see bush and Obama are the same anymore then the right wants to see it.
Quote:I stopped at common core is a Partisan issue lol. Cause mike huckabee and Jeb bush just always line up with Obama?

Never fails the left doesn't want to see bush and Obama are the same anymore then the right wants to see it.

Cop out
Quote:Cop out

A cop out is calling all the parallels to Obama and Bush as partisan issues. NO one's arguing Bush didn't suck and kill the economy, what you're arguing is the guy that took what Bush did and ran even further BY EVER MEASURABLE MEANS isn't "that" bad. 
Quote:How can you think Obama is worse than Dubya? How is that even a thing? One could make the argument that he was the worst president of all time. Ever.

He let 911 happen. He tanked the economy. Destroyed the surplus, created a huge deficit. Invaded Iraq for absolutely no credible reason. Lied to the public about the reason to go to war. Unable to formulate complete sentences. The no child left behind act, which was uniformly villified. He destroyed our right to privacy.

What has Obama done that is remotely as bad as that?
Bush did suck. And like Eric pointed out, he and Obama suck equally, but in different ways. So there you go. I actually loathe Rumsfeld and Cheney more than Bush. They played a HUGE part in what went down with the Iraq thing. Should Bush have grown a pair and told them to back off? Yes, but it didn't happen. There's plenty of blame to go around where Iraq is concerned. 


And now we have a serious issue there. Only this time it's real and Obama didn't want to do anything about it. Only when they killed an American journalist and people went ballistic did he make a move.
There are some good things Obama has done, but the recovery was god awful.  The question I have is if it could have been better?  Also, Obama promised to be the most transparent administration ever and has been the complete opposite losing a lot of trust with the public.  The median household income is (based on 2013 figures) is 4.6 percent below 2008.  That is a biggie.  The gap is still widening between middle class and the rich.  The amount of people on food stamps as of June is 45% higher then it was before Obama was sworn into office.  That's an astounding number.  

I can't wait to get that fool out of office.. He's ruined the democratic party for me forever.. I almost don't even care about voting anymore.. 

I had hesitated to read this as I couldn't figure out why it was here...


Quote:There are some good things Obama has done, but the recovery was god awful. 
Can you give me one? I can't think of a single one.


He was supposed to be the great savior of our country... This nation is literally tearing itself apart on racial lines in the middle of America. The economy sucks, record numbers of people on the government teet, open borders with people bringing in illnesses that have been eradicated in our country for 40+ years. Bring in people with an illness they are claiming is the latest pandemic...and all we care about is how many touchdowns my receiver in fantasy can get me.


A Nation is determined by it's borders, language, and culture. We're losing ours.

Quote:I had hesitated to read this as I couldn't figure out why it was here...

Can you give me one? I can't think of a single one.

He was supposed to be the great savior of our country... This nation is literally tearing itself apart on racial lines in the middle of America. The economy sucks, record numbers of people on the government teet, open borders with people bringing in illnesses that have been eradicated in our country for 40+ years. Bring in people with an illness they are claiming is the latest pandemic...and all we care about is how many touchdowns my receiver in fantasy can get me.

A Nation is determined by it's borders, language, and culture. We're losing ours.
The Ebola thing is way overblown. I think people need to do a little more research and watch a little less of fox news.

Economy is actually improving, albeit slowly. We do have to remember why the economy is where it is. Keep in mind I voted for Mitt Romney, but just trying to have an objective view.

Our borders have been the way they are for a long time, though I agree it should be a priority. Just seems a little unfair to blame Obama without blaming every other President before him.

Anyways, this from factcheck.org which is a bipartisan website and updates key things up to this point during the President's term

Millions of Americans have gained health insurance because of Obamacare, and the number signing up for Medicaid keeps rising. But the exact number of newly insured won’t be known for some time.

Those signing up for private insurance in Obamacare marketplaces for 2015 will find 25 percent more insurance companies competing for their business. Marketplace premiums for 2015 are averaging 0.8 percent lower than this year, according to preliminary data.

Median household income declined 4.6 percent during Obama’s first five years, and nearly 5.5 million more Americans were living in poverty last year than before he took office.

The federal debt owed to the public has more than doubled under Obama, rising by 103 percent. But federal spending has gone up only 7.9 percent.

This year the economy is adding jobs rapidly and paychecks are rising faster than inflation at last. Real weekly earnings for workers, adjusted for inflation, averaged 0.7 percent higher in August than when Obama entered office.

And the total number of jobs in September was nearly 5.5 million higher than when Obama was first sworn in. Four times more jobs have been added under Obama than were gained in George W. Bush’s eight years in office.

Under Obama, U.S. crude oil production has increased by 70 percent, while oil imports have gone down by more than half.

New figures show annual handgun production has nearly tripled under Obama, rising by 184 percent as of last year.

So as I said, good and bad and no, I would not and have not voted for Obama.
Barack Obama has a cooler name, but not particularly Presidential. George Bush was already used once, and was never all that cool to begin with.


Jeb is a cool name, but more suited for a President of the CSA.


Abraham, James, William, Franklin, George, Richard, Dwight, even Ronald. Now those are Presidential names.


Don't get me started on Mitt.


You folks need to learn to focus on the important issues.

If that's the case then the last great president was Millard Fillmore. His supporters were known as MFers.
Quote:I had hesitated to read this as I couldn't figure out why it was here...


Can you give me one? I can't think of a single one.


He was supposed to be the great savior of our country... This nation is literally tearing itself apart on racial lines in the middle of America. The economy sucks, record numbers of people on the government teet, open borders with people bringing in illnesses that have been eradicated in our country for 40+ years. Bring in people with an illness they are claiming is the latest pandemic...and all we care about is how many touchdowns my receiver in fantasy can get me.


A Nation is determined by it's borders, language, and culture. We're losing ours.

I gave you a few things he has done right.  
Quote:I gave you a few things he has done right.  
Oil production he has had nothing to do with, in fact, it has increased in spite of him. The jobs, maybe, I'd have to see where he or his cronies had anything to do with it and it wasn't just a product of the market coming back..


More people being forced to sign up for insurance they didn't want, couldn't/cannot afford isn't a win to me. In fact based on the number of people who lost their jobs or had their hours cut back because of the law, it's a loss. 
Quote:Oil production he has had nothing to do with, in fact, it has increased in spite of him. The jobs, maybe, I'd have to see where he or his cronies had anything to do with it and it wasn't just a product of the market coming back..

More people being forced to sign up for insurance they didn't want, couldn't/cannot afford isn't a win to me. In fact based on the number of people who lost their jobs or had their hours cut back because of the law, it's a loss.

It's just weird to blame him for all the bad and give him no credit for the good. Seems like you are picking and choosing to fit your narrative.
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