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Full Version: Fiat Chrysler announces $1 billion investment in U.S. manufacturing, 2,000 new jobs
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Quote:That moment when you realize UAW actually did all the work on this deal months ago and Trump took the credit (..and the worshippers call it Trump winning.)

Tears are just a slight bit saltier coming from bitter losers.
That's a great put down. Trump should take credit for it so people on this board can praise it. It's under 140 characters, so it meets his stringent qualifications.
When did Trump take credit for this deal? Only thing I can find is a tweet from him thanking them for doing it.
I see links and comments in this thread that sure seem to be crediting Trump.
Quote:I see links and comments in this thread that sure seem to be crediting Trump.

Giving Trump credit =/= Trump taking credit


c'mon son
Quote:That moment when you realize UAW actually did all the work on this deal months ago and Trump took the credit (..and the worshippers call it Trump winning.)
Quote:I see links and comments in this thread that sure seem to be crediting Trump.

You said he was taking credit.
Forgive me.. it was only framed by multiple people that Trump should be credited for something he had no hand in. He would never take credit for something he didn't have a direct hand in. Like the failure of Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, the USFL, Trump Vodka, Trump University, Trump Casinos, Trump magazine, GoTrump.com, Trump Tower in Tampa and the rapid decline of his garbage Apprentice franchise.
Quote:Forgive me.. it was only framed by multiple people that Trump should be credited for something he had no hand in. He would never take credit for something he didn't have a direct hand in. Like the failure of Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, the USFL, Trump Vodka, Trump University, Trump Casinos, Trump magazine, GoTrump.com, Trump Tower in Tampa and the rapid decline of his garbage Apprentice franchise.

Thats a lot of typing just to avoid admitting you were wrong.
But anyone who posted things attributing credit to Trump on this same item is clearly right.
Quote:But anyone who posted things attributing credit to Trump on this same item is clearly right.

Feel free to point out how they are incorrect, but that still doesn't change the fact that you claimed something that wasn't true.
Nah.. why would anyone who falsely credited Trump with influencing this retract what they posted. Not on this message board.
Quote:Nah.. why would anyone who falsely credited Trump with influencing this retract what they posted. Not on this message board.

Kinda like you're doing you mean?
Not at all. I quickly admitted I misspoke. Why hold others to that standard.
Quote:Not at all. I quickly admitted I misspoke. Why hold others to that standard.

Is it really an admission if you blame it on someone else?

Quote:Forgive me.. it was only framed by multiple people that Trump should be credited for something he had no hand in. He would never take credit for something he didn't have a direct hand in. Like the failure of Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, the USFL, Trump Vodka, Trump University, Trump Casinos, Trump magazine, GoTrump.com, Trump Tower in Tampa and the rapid decline of his garbage Apprentice franchise.

So long as the person who first misstated facts is not culpable in any way. Why should they admit they were wrong?

I admitted my error. Shouldn't have assumed things posted in this thread by certain parties is accurate. Won't happen again.
Quote:So long as the person who first misstated facts is not culpable in any way. Why should they admit they were wrong?

I admitted my error. Shouldn't have assumed things posted in this thread by certain parties is accurate. Won't happen again.

You're right, the person who brought up "winning" should be held accountable...

Quote:I'll give it a shot..Minus 5,000,000 manufacturing jobs plus 2000 manufacturing jobs equals winning!!! Economy saved!
Quote:Giving Trump credit =/= Trump taking credit


c'mon son

=/= is not proper form.  It's !=.


c'mon son
Quote:=/= is not proper form.  It's !=.


c'mon son

Hey, I ain't coding right now.
Quote:I'll give it a shot..

Minus 5,000,000 manufacturing jobs plus 2000 manufacturing jobs equals winning!!! Economy saved!

Clown jobs aren't manufacturing jobs. Not even when they include government 'workers.'

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