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Full Version: You will see a completely different Jaguars team this Sunday
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I don't see why our season can't turn around. Colts went from awful to decent with Luck and Luck isn't half the talent Bortles is
He's at least half...

Quote:He's at least half...

Nah. About 1/3
IF you believe the rhetoric that it only takes one player screwing up to make the whole defense look bad, and I do, then the quality of our coaching staff comes into question. When I look at the defensive backs scurrying around just before the snap looking confused, it bothers me. If a good player knows what his assignment and responsibility is on each play, the result is usually positive. If a good player is confused regarding his responsibility, it doesn't matter how fast he runs the 40, or how high he can jump. And when I describe a player here as "good", I'm simply talking about his physical skills, not his mental skills. Given the choice between a player with outstanding physical skills who is mentally confused and a less physically-gifted player who never misses an assignment, I'll take the latter each time. Obviously, I'd like a player who has both.

It's the responsibility of the coaching staff to teach players their assignments. Some players are not teachable......they've risen to where they are through exceptional physical skills. In the NFL, that's not sufficient to be successful.......everybody has exceptional physical skills.

Quote:I don't see why our season can't turn around. Colts went from awful to decent with Luck and Luck isn't half the talent Bortles is

Man... Luck shredded us and we come back with this.
Quote:IF you believe the rhetoric that it only takes one player screwing up to make the whole defense look bad, and I do, then the quality of our coaching staff comes into question. When I look at the defensive backs scurrying around just before the snap looking confused, it bothers me. If a good player knows what his assignment and responsibility is on each play, the result is usually positive. If a good player is confused regarding his responsibility, it doesn't matter how fast he runs the 40, or how high he can jump. And when I describe a player here as "good", I'm simply talking about his physical skills, not his mental skills. Given the choice between a player with outstanding physical skills who is mentally confused and a less physically-gifted player who never misses an assignment, I'll take the latter each time. Obviously, I'd like a player who has both.

It's the responsibility of the coaching staff to teach players their assignments. Some players are not teachable......they've risen to where they are through exceptional physical skills. In the NFL, that's not sufficient to be successful.......everybody has exceptional physical skills.

It just might not be a good player out there.

This post reminds me of our safety situation a few years ago. Do you want Reggie Nelson out there or Sean Considine? Can we do a brain transplant and put Sean's brain in Reggie?

This is how the nfl is. When you have the smart, superior athelete you end up with Ed Reed or Manning. Unfortunately they are levels and variations. Guy is of the lesser in both.
Unless you have the 85 Bears or '00 Ravens D, your offense is your best defense.
Quote:Bortles is going to turn this around, a 180.  Jags are ready to make the playoff run, and it all starts by destroying the Chargers.
Playoffs?  Playoffs?  You talking about playoffs?!?
Quote:I don't see why our season can't turn around. Colts went from awful to decent with Luck and Luck isn't half the talent Bortles is
Man, need to pump the brakes on that a bit.
Quote:Unless you have the 85 Bears or '00 Ravens D, your offense is your best defense.

Were going to see the team that played the 1st half in the Eagles game play for 4 quarters.  Crazy, fast pass rush creating turnovers. Explosive vertical passing, and a added dimension an improved power running attack.

The optimism around here is truly suprising seeing that we just came off 3 brutal blowouts.  Can't say the fans arent doing there jobs!

We're gonna win this game. Then Pittsburgh won't stand a chance.

Quote:Now while I'm sure that some of you already know this, there seem to be a lot of mis- informed posters on this forum in regards to how a football team works fundamentally. These are the same people who have blamed our defense as the reason that so many points have been scored on us, and also the ones that emphasize that our whole team is bad, not just our (old) QB situation with Henne. Let me explain.

1. If Bortles can provide the same spark that he did on Sunday, you will see a much better performing defensive unit.

Bortles has the ability to sustain keep drives alive, and move our team downfield, thus meaning that he can significantly increase our TOP. This means that our defense isn't forced onto the field so often after constant 3 and out possesions, so they should be well rested and ready to go out and play. Not to mention, our big guys on the defensive line (Clemons, Bryant, Branch) should be able to get much better penetration on the O line when theyre not completely gassed.

2. There is no excuse for us not to be able to run the ball at least semi- effectively this Sunday

Our offensive line is mediocre. everyone knows this. But Bortles actually gives opposing defenses something to worry about. However, they will not give him the benefit of the doubt. They are going to load the box,much like we saw with Gabbert and Henne, Until he proves that he can beat it. When he does, this will mean that the defense won't be blitzing as much, and that Gerhart and D Rob (preferably D Rob) Will actually have some bigger holes to run the ball.

3. This team is much better than our record indicates

This isn't just my personal bias towards the team either. This is a pretty solid football team. By no means are we great, but by no means are we terrible either, no matter how much it seems so. We lack depth, but we have just enough depth in the right places for it to count. (Cyp at SS, Blackmon at CB, Branch, clemons and bryant on DL, the list goes on...)

So with a new leader to give our abysmal offense hope, and our entire team a spark, I am predicting that we will see a much better Jaguars football team on Sunday, one that has a legitimate chance of beating San Diego in their own house.

Agreed. I think the UN should call Bortles too so he can fix this whole situation in the middle east.
Quote:Agreed. I think the UN should call Bortles too so he can fix this whole situation in the middle east.

So many jilted Jaguar lovers in this thread. Don't worry little buddy, it will get better. Don't forget, qb is the most important position in all of sports.
Quote:So many jilted Jaguar lovers in this thread. Don't worry little buddy, it will get better. Don't forget, qb is the most important position in all of sports.

A sphincter says what?
Quote:A sphincter says what?

[Image: rJ5eGuX.gif]
Quote:<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="hb1148" data-cid="304265" data-time="1411684865">
A sphincter says what?
[Image: rJ5eGuX.gif]</blockquote>

No no. Dude you're *missing* it. Ha ha ha. Read it again.
Agree with OP, totally different team this week.

Luck is top 5 or 6, BB has some work to do to be counted in there. Rivers is an outstanding competitor, he is the target.. stop him, and you stop them. Pick him early and often to win.

My hopes are high...but I do respect what Rivers brings - we better be up two scores with 3:00 to play.
Rivers>Luck at this point in time, IMO.  Scary thought, i don't think he'll have the day Luck had tho.  With Bortles, i'd hope he doesnt get as many opportunities with the ball.

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