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Full Version: The Jaguars need to scheme like Jets defensively
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Quote:Caldwell revamped this defense to be Seattle South, not the Jets.

Well it needs to be revamped again until it looks like an actual NFL defense and not 11 guys from the stands playing pick up football for the 1st time together.
Quote:LOL. No, you're a punk for continually insulting me and turning this whole  thing into name-calling. It's, petty and immature.  But - now that we're here….


Some kind of Nancy Boy? Hmmmm.   I like it.  Completely lacking on many levels creatively - but a little old-school.  Nancy-Boy.  Yeah - let's go with that. LOL. I'll run that by TMD  -- see if he approves.  


OK. Carry on.  I'll just be up here in New York not behaving like a xenophobic idiot. 
You were the first person to start calling names so no need to start whining about that now.


You don't like the term Nancy boy? Like punk isn't even older school and even less original. But hey, we've already established your laziness and utter lack of insight so it's not surprising you used the first term to pop into your pea brain.


Yes and please stay up there. You've proven yourself a perfect match for the talking out your rear culture.
*Grabs popcorn*

This is better than the press conference thread.
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