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Full Version: Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Sides Rules Against the American Flag
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We have a flag posted on our front porch and have it lit up from sundown to sun up. In February when it snowed, sleeted and hailed for 3 days straight we brought it in. When it gets wear and tear we buy a new one and take the old one to a place here that properly disposes of them.


My husband could understand at first. I'm a veteran and take it pretty seriously so I showed him the code. After that he had no problem with my reasons for doing it the right way.

Quote:I don't think this even counts as "liberalism". A principal has the right to set and enforce dress codes, and to ask students to change clothes or go home. This principal did so in astonishingly stupid fashion, and the court's ruling makes it sound more like a war zone than a school. My question to the principal would be, "What the hell kind of school are you running if 'prevent violence' is on your daily to-do list?".



Sure it is. Only a liberal would suggest that wearing the American flag might offend Mexicans.

Quote:Sure it is. Only a liberal would suggest that wearing the American flag might offend Mexicans.

Because people can't be stupid without being of an ideology you disagree with. Rolleyes
Quote:Because people can't be stupid without being of an ideology you disagree with. Rolleyes


No, because it fits a common theme among liberals wherein they feel someone somewhere is offended by just about anything. Why is there such a big debate about possibly removing the name "Redskins"? Because liberals in Congress think its offensive to Indians. That's one of dozens of examples.

Quote:No, because it fits a common theme among liberals wherein they feel someone somewhere is offended by just about anything. Why is there such a big debate about possibly removing the name "Redskins"? Because liberals in Congress think its offensive to Indians. That's one of dozens of examples.

It's more than just liberals in Congress. The debate existed before politicians got involved.
Of course the debate existed prior. Afterall, someone surely had to lobby the liberal Congressmen. Care to guess the affiliation of that someone?

Quote:Sure it is. Only a liberal would suggest that wearing the American flag might offend Mexicans.

The case is about a court ruling the principle was within his authority to punish students for not abiding by the dress code. How else is the court to rule?

The problem is the jack wagon working as principle but it's a not a liberal court ruling against the flag.
Quote:The case is about a court ruling the principle was within his authority to punish students for not abiding by the dress code. How else is the court to rule?

The problem is the jack wagon working as principle but it's a not a liberal court ruling against the flag.
I think it has to do with 2 things, depending on how you look at it. There's the principal who made the initial complaint and the court that made the ruling. It's most likely the principal is a liberal and the court ruling that had to uphold it. Not a liberal agenda there on the part of the court, they just had to uphold the dress code. Sadly.
Quote:I think it has to do with 2 things, depending on how you look at it. There's the principal who made the initial complaint and the court that made the ruling. It's most likely the principal is a liberal and the court ruling that had to uphold it. Not a liberal agenda there on the part of the court, they just had to uphold the dress code. Sadly.

Exactly but the article is courts side against the flag that's misleading and actually a down right lie.
Quote:Of course the debate existed prior. Afterall, someone surely had to lobby the liberal Congressmen. Care to guess the affiliation of that someone?

So, are you saying only Liberals find "Redskins" offensive, or only Liberals would enlist the aid of Congress to rid the franchise of the name. I'll cede point that Congress has no role in the matter beyond individuals expressing their opinion, but if you really think Liberals are the only ones getting stuck on stupid, I can't help you. Regarding the name, a lot of people from all political views think it's offensive, they just differ on what should be done about it.
Quote:I think it has to do with 2 things, depending on how you look at it. There's the principal who made the initial complaint and the court that made the ruling. It's most likely the principal is a liberal and the court ruling that had to uphold it. Not a liberal agenda there on the part of the court, they just had to uphold the dress code. Sadly.

I'm going to go way out on a limb and say that his own heritage combined with the fact that there were hundreds of students with Mexican flag themed and just four with American flag themed clothes had more to do with his (poor) decision than any political leanings the guy has.

Now, to those of you shouting "liberalism" at the problem of poor judgment by one person (his decision was even overruled by the district and the students were allowed to return to school), would you be shouting the same thing if there were four Mexican-American students wearing Mexican flag themed clothes on the Fourth of July that were told to turn their shirts inside out or go home or is it only actions you disagree with that get labeled that way?
Quote:So, are you saying only Liberals find "Redskins" offensive, or only Liberals would enlist the aid of Congress to rid the franchise of the name. I'll cede point that Congress has no role in the matter beyond individuals expressing their opinion, but if you really think Liberals are the only ones getting stuck on stupid, I can't help you. Regarding the name, a lot of people from all political views think it's offensive, they just differ on what should be done about it.


There may be some non-liberals who bought into the claim that the name Redskins should be considered offensive to Indians, but those making a big stink about removing the name are for the most part liberals.

Never mind. So not worth it.


Quote:The case is about a court ruling the principle was within his authority to punish students for not abiding by the dress code. How else is the court to rule?

The problem is the jack wagon working as principle but it's a not a liberal court ruling against the flag.

School principals are not interested in fairness.  They aren't even interested in education.


Principals value ORDER.


Eric's absolutely on the right track on this one.  Don't blame the courts, or the Mexicans, or society at large.  Blame the crappy individual who thought his/her dress code was a good idea.
Quote:There may be some non-liberals who bought into the claim that the name Redskins should be considered offensive to Indians, but those making a big stink about removing the name are for the most part liberals.

Maybe it's a case of you hearing someone say the Redskins name is offensive and characterize them as liberal because of that opinion.


The point is not that the name offends Native Americans. Given the history of genocide inflicted upon their people by European settlers, I'd say an offensive term used to describe them is far down their list of grievances.


The point is that the name should offend anyone who is honest and knowledgeable about the origins and especially the historical use of the name.
Quote:More liberalism poisoning America.

Another sad, sad example.

Go back 30-40 years and everyone was for America. If this crap happened then you'd be called a communist. It seems like this type of story is happening everyday. Not the America I know.
Quote:Go back 30-40 years and everyone was for America. If this crap happened then you'd be called a communist. It seems like this type of story is happening everyday. Not the America I know.

I think one reason it seems like this type of story seems  to be happening every day is because of the desire of political parties to inflame their bases, and the means to do so (the rise of the internet and the 24 hour news cycle).  


In the grand scheme of things, this is such a tiny, tiny incident, but it is a prime opportunity to get people upset.  Upset = active.   Upset = contributions.  


This is all about raising money or selling advertising.  There is very little significance to this story.   America is not coming apart at the seams now any more than it was 30 or 40 years ago.   But some people want you to believe it is, so they can control you better.  

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