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Full Version: Three words that I am tired of hearing from Gus
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Quote:Agreed.  This sends a clear message to the rest of the guys that sub-par play won't be tolerated, especially from players who have been on the team or in the league for a few years now.  Bradfield looked as bad as I've ever seen any offensive lineman look in 20 years on this team.  A rookie lineman would and has gotten a pass for struggling.  That's expected.  But, for a guy who tarted almost 40 games and has the kind of experience Bradfield does, there should be a higher expectation.  He failed to meet that, and now he's looking for work.  Look for the Ravens to bring  him in. 


In 1996, Tom Coughlin cut Andre Rison in November for a lack of performance.  That lit a spark under quite a few guys, and the team made a playoff run.  I'm not predicting similar outcomes here, but if seeing one of your teammates cut in the middle of the season for basically sucking, that has to be a wake up call for the rest of the team.  There are no secure roster spots. 


A move like this can have a profound impact on the rest of the roster.  We'll see if that happens this time around.
Guy Whimper vs JJ Watt a few years ago is still the most embarrassing performance I've seen from an offensive lineman. 
Until Bortles is in, I'm convinced Gus has more or less lost his mind, and I honestly am sick of hearing anything he has to say.

Quote:Until Bortles is in, I'm convinced Gus has more or less lost his mind, and I honestly am sick of hearing anything he has to say.
He's one positive puppet.
Quote:Guy Whimper vs JJ Watt a few years ago is still the most embarrassing performance I've seen from an offensive lineman. 
No excuses for Whimper, but in all fairness, that is one of the toughest assignments in the league.  
What about these three words?

1. bartram

2. Springs

3. Jag
Quote:Ahem, we're rebuilding.

Ahem, if they keep playing as poorly (and that's being kind) as they have been playing, we are going to have to rebuild the rebuild.
Quote:Guy Whimper vs JJ Watt a few years ago is still the most embarrassing performance I've seen from an offensive lineman. 

Mo Williams in the 2005 playoff loss.


In fairness, I think he was playing injured.

Im frustrated with Gus too. I think Bortles gives us the better chance to win right now. But if I were in his position Im not sure if I would start Bortles either. I have no doubt in my mind hes lying to the media (surprise) about the real reasons Blake isnt starting.

If i was the coach, and had the backing of an awsome owner like Shad, perhaps I would let Chad take the beating for 5-6 weeks until the team started to gel and the schedule got easier, before throwing Blake in. As a fan Id like to see him in right now, but if I was in charge Im not sure if Id pull the trigger either. I dont feel strongly one way or the other, but I dont think 2015 will be any different if Blake plays 10 games or 16.

Yeah its frustrating watching Henne every week, but at least we know the future is on the team and looked pretty dang good when we had a chance to see.

On a random note, not playing Denard at all is behond stupid. Either Gus or Jedd are really dropping the ball on that one.
Less talk, more walk
Quote:He's one positive puppet.

Indeed! Nothing like watching a blatantly obviously inferior product than the one that could be on the field if our coaching staff had any common sense. I'm enjoying this season very much thus far! Marked improvements without a doubt under the guide of our grizzled veteran, efficient QB, Chad Henne.
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