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Full Version: Gerhart is Trash!
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The O-line gets blown up every run play and we're blaming Gerhart?

I don't think anyone here is blaming slo-mo because there is no blocking. We all can see that. I can't stand watching him because he looks like he is running in concrete. It is just painful to watch.

7 sacks already and you think Gerhart or any other RB should be able to run behind this line?  Your a moron.

Quote:7 sacks already and you think Gerhart or any other RB should be able to run behind this line? Your a moron.
Yea i think Barry could do it Emmitt, AP,Payton, Brown, hell Freddy T.. The line is just part of the problem you still have to RUN the ball efficiently.
Kinda hard to do with no lanes and now the RB/FB has been relegated to pass blocking on every snap.

Can't run the ball when they have EIGHT players in the box. And they can get away with it, because our rookie receivers can't break away from FOUR DB's.

its the running plays that Fisch calls

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