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Full Version: Favorite explanation for when Bortles will start
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Quote:Exactly. He and Caldwell buy more patience. It's so obvious what's going on here.
Hmmm.  I think this is delusional.  Caldwell has put together the youngest roster in the AFC with promising young talent at a number of positions  -- and you think he needs job security??   It doesn't work that way.  Caldwell showed his ability to mine talent from mid and late rounds of the draft in year one and the promise shown from the new crop generated buzz nationally in the media.  Do you actually believe he's on some hotseat? 


Gus and Dave could win 3 games this year and be safe and sound.  They'll win at least 6 IMO, but they could win less and Khan wouldn't bat an eyelash. 

Quote:I don't think anyone is attacking Gus or Dave. 

Are you sure?  

Read on….  


Quote:That's because all gus spews about it is coachspeak bull[BAD WORD REMOVED]. The definitions of "ready" and "efficient" are ever changing


Quote:This way, Gus buys himself at least another year next year because of his "rookie" QB.


Quote:Exactly. He and Caldwell buy more patience. It's so obvious what's going on here.
Quote:I don't think anyone is turning on Gus and Dave, we just don't understand the reasoning for sitting Blake! When he out played Henne in the preseason we listened to the it was because he was playing against the twos. Finally for us believers that Blake was better then Henne they let him start with the ones and we seen the same result. There never was a time during preseason that he looked overwhelmed or was affected by pressure adversely. Just the opposite he show the ability to step up in the pocket and roll out if he had to passing on the run. He passed everyone's eye test and any other criteria that you might evaluate him on. I think Dave and Gus are the corner stones of this team moving forward. That doesn't mean I have to support every decision they make! What will really make me sick is when he does get to play and lights it up they claim that sitting him was the reason he was ready to start. No one will really know if that was truly the reason.

Plus, the one time he didn't get a play from the sideline, he didn't freak out and call a timeout like Henne, he called his own play and made a great pass. The guy has got all the tools.
Quote:You forgot the overwhelming favorite of the crybaby brigade:


o - Put him in NOW, we don't care what the coaches think.  We don't care if he can't handle the mental part yet, we don't care if he gets clobbered.  Wah!  Baby want what baby want NOW
The first worthwhile post of the thread.


Quote:Right?   I can just picture some of these knee-jerkers making their "Fire Gus" signs for the home opener while muttering under their breath about how horrible Henne is. 


I kinda' feel bad for them  -- It's a good time to be a Jags fan.
But, but,,,,,, it worked on Madden........




Madden dork
Quote:But, but,,,,,, it worked on Madden........


Madden dork

...said nobody
henne works fine on madden, if you make the choices for him.  sadly not in the actual game.

Quote:The first worthwhile post of the thread.


- 1 when did he display he wasn't mentally capable of handling the quart back position? There was not one preseason game that would support that statement! Show me one quote made by the coaching staff that supports your statement.
Quote:- 1 when did he display he wasn't mentally capable of handling the quart back position? There was not one preseason game that would support that statement! Show me one quote made by the coaching staff that supports your statement.

+1 lol
Quote:Chad Henne played great and the mob is dumb. - Tony Boselli

Agreed but don't try to tell the mob that. They're idiots.
Bortles made progress this week learning the playbook. He learned the 5 yard check down, the 6 yard bat down, rebounder, and he learned the stand in the pocket too long and take a sack.

Few more plays and he should be ready.
Quote:Bortles made progress this week learning the playbook. He learned the 5 yard check down, the 6 yard bat down, rebounder, and he learned the stand in the pocket too long and take a sack.

Few more plays and he should be ready.
Lets not forget the stare down your receiver special. That could be classified as the bat down rebounder, but it is actually a different play.

Playbook is complicated.
Has any team had more "fans" dissing their starting quarterback?


We want to be compared to fans of the Jets? The Raiders? The Texans? The Browns?

Defensive game plan for Chad Henne.



Quote:Bortles made progress this week learning the playbook. He learned the 5 yard check down, the 6 yard bat down, rebounder, and he learned the stand in the pocket too long and take a sack.

Few more plays and he should be ready.
He still needs to learn the pick 6.
Quote:Has any team had more "fans" dissing their starting quarterback?


We want to be compared to fans of the Jets? The Raiders? The Texans? The Browns?
I don't blame Chad; he's obviously trying to the best of his ability.  I do however, blame the guys who make the decision to play him.
I wonder what Tony Khan's analytics say about Henne. I imagine Tony is sitting at home scratching his head while putting pins in his Gus and Dave dolls.

So many quarterback coaches posting here.


I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day. Now, time to get back to your Pee Wee League warriors. That eight year old needs your help.

Quote:This way, Gus buys himself at least another year next year because of his "rookie" QB.
It really buys Gus two more years after this. Because if things don't go right next year he can say this was Bortles 1st year being the starter. I have no problem with Caldwell because he seems compentent at his job. It's the coach out here making rookie in game mistakes with a 4-13 record who's done nothing to this point.
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