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I mean I'm encouraged by what I saw on Sunday, particularly on defense in the first half. But the second half was concerning. Pass rush was gone, coaching mistakes.


I'll come off of the Henne thing for a bit. That second half effort was a total collapse. Failure by all units, and the coaching staff. That just can't happen.

Worry about the quality of the games and the results will speak for themselves.  Last year we simply weren't competitive in most games; this year there is a different "feel" to the team.  I am not anticipating anything more than 5-6 wins, not when we're starting Henne and a bunch of rookie WR's, but I do expect us to be a threat in every game.  Nice to have "hope" again.

Winning matters, imagine if we didn't go 4-4 to end the year last season, how would you feel going into this year? More importantly would we have the positive momentum we carried into the off season? That momentum, the buzz, we created by going 4-4 to end the season helped us land key free agents, you think those guys would all come here if we hadn't started to show signs of life?


Winning is success in competitive sports, there's no moral victory there's no playing for next year, they're playing Henne because they think with the line we have, the young WR we have a Veteran stands a better chance to WIN.


If they didn't care about winning they'd play the rookie from day one and let him learn and grow with the team.


Personally I think they're wrong I think Bortles gives us a better chance to win, but I'm just an observer, their the ones who's job is on the line. If they stick with Henne all season and we go 4-12 again you bet that seat will be a little warm. I doubt that's what happens but I'm pointing out winning matters, even in "rebuilds".

Winning is awesome, right?  We do it so infrequently that sometimes I forget.  


I think the vibe of this thread is that with BB5, we'll be in a better position to win.  We're all anxious for the new Jaguar Era to begin, one with what we all hope is with a great QB.  He looked amazing in pre-season, so the expectations have been ratcheted up.  And that's to  be expected.  It's clear that having BB5 sit the ENTIRE season would be foolish.  It's clear that we all have seen enough of Henne to know that the game against the iggles is about has good (and sometimes bad) as Henne will be.  This just increases the want by most fans to look towards the future.


With that said, even Dan Marino didn't start Week 1 in his rookie season.  I'm just as anxious as the next person for BB5 to get the nod and start playing on Sundays.  But I'm not quite yet pitch-fork anxious.  

Quote:Khan has bought into the plan. He's not a guy who would sit idly if that wasn't the case.
I thought you always preached that Khan would leave the football to the football people.
Eagles just wore the Jags out. They took away the running game, forcing Henne to make difficult throws. During the 1st half the offense was moving more smoothly down the field. They weren't wasting any time moving the football. In todays NFL, the offense must be quick or else they'll get run over.

It is the only thing that is actually important in the NFL. The rest is fluff.

A win is critical every week.  As Herm Edwards and Dennis Green stated,  You play to win the game.

NFC games don't matter when you can't win your division.

Quote:Winning is always important, how can you measure improvement if the end result is always the same?
Winning is important, and on multiple levels.


1. in the same way that 'grades' are assigned to students in school as a means of quantifying their scholastic achievements, so wins are a tangible way of measuring progress. In sports, 'progress' is defined by winning. Lack of progress or regression is defined by losing...


2. Winning develops a 'self fulfilling' mentality. Winners become used to winning and continue to do the things which leads to further winning. Equally, losing develops a self fulfilling mentality also. Losers start getting used to losing and expect to continue to lose. Winning and losing are established not by 'effort' or 'not being discouraged'... but by the score at the end of the game. 'Winners' win even with rookies, injuries, off field distractions, occasional bad coaching calls, occasional bad referee calls, and more.  


One of the keys to gaining a winning self image is to remove the reminders of a losing heritage. We now have a new owner, new GM, new head coach, and a very promising new quarterback (who is unfortunately sitting on the bench). Henne is a game manager who does not have the talent to really inspire his team to win. He has an established history of losing. With Henne behind center, the odds lean more in favor of losing than winning, because that is what Henne has mostly done. Even in the pre-season, you could see a tangible difference in the effort of the team when Henne came out and Bortles came in. The team wants to win, they just want someone leading whom they have confidence in that will give them the inspiration to put out that extra 'umph' that seems to separate the winners from the losers. Henne isn't that guy; he's the guy you put in when the leader gets hurt. I don't mean this in a mean way toward Henne either. He is what he is; the problem is he's being asked to be something he's proven time and again he's not.... 


I understand the reluctance to play Bortles. Our offensive line isn't the best (and hasn't been for years...), our receivers are rookies or injured or ineligible. Still, I would play Bortles; so what if he throws ints? Henne has more of those than TD's on his record. So what if he gets sacked? He's not made of glass; he's a pretty big dude!


We have nothing to lose by playing Bortles and nothing to gain by playing Henne...
Quote:Winning is awesome, right? We do it so infrequently that sometimes I forget.

I think the vibe of this thread is that with BB5, we'll be in a better position to win. We're all anxious for the new Jaguar Era to begin, one with what we all hope is with a great QB. He looked amazing in pre-season, so the expectations have been ratcheted up. And that's to be expected. It's clear that having BB5 sit the ENTIRE season would be foolish. It's clear that we all have seen enough of Henne to know that the game against the iggles is about has good (and sometimes bad) as Henne will be. This just increases the want by most fans to look towards the future.

With that said, even Dan Marino didn't start Week 1 in his rookie season. I'm just as anxious as the next person for BB5 to get the nod and start playing on Sundays. But I'm not quite yet pitch-fork anxious.

See, the "New Era" has already begin. Playing chad was their choice. They dont get another year to postpone evaluation.
You guys actually think Bortles = W?  Gee, he must be the best QB in the history of the game.  He doesn't even need to know the offense, just show up and collect a W.


Henne actually played very well last week.  He delivered some beautiful strikes that would have kept the Jags in the game if caught.

Quote:You guys actually think Bortles = W?  Gee, he must be the best QB in the history of the game.  He doesn't even need to know the offense, just show up and collect a W.


Henne actually played very well last week.  He delivered some beautiful strikes that would have kept the Jags in the game if caught.


The beautiful balls he threw were dropped. The 2 ugly passes he trew went for TDs. The rest were just ugly. IJS
It sounds like Pee Wee football when you tell the kids winning is not important it is how you play the game! 

Quote:You guys actually think Bortles = W?  Gee, he must be the best QB in the history of the game.  He doesn't even need to know the offense, just show up and collect a W.


Henne actually played very well last week.  He delivered some beautiful strikes that would have kept the Jags in the game if caught.

Make no mistake, Bortles has the "it" factor.  He is going to be a tremendous NFL QB, there is no question in my mind, maybe elite good.  Maybe even HoF good.  But Chad Henne is a competent player in spite of the haters who consider him the worst QB to ever lace up cleats.  With that said, does Bortles make the difference in a win or loss?  Not last week he doesn't, but it is *possible* he could in a game or two here or there.  Even so, the coaching staff is taking the right approach in making sure the future franchise guy is really ready before shoving him in there for the off chance they may win and extra game or two.
I know people say Gabbert always gets mentioned but that's because that's the history we can draw from. I just want this guy to have something else out there helping him. Rookie wideouts is one thing but no running game is another.

How many guys have been successful with zero running game? If they have been you can bet they are elite level or near elite level players. I can't think of any rookie qbs who have succeded without it.
I said it before and I'll say it again.  Wining is nice, but at this point it's not THE most important thing.  THE most important thing is improvement.  As improvement grows, wins will come.  One player is not going to turn a franchise around.

Quote:I said it before and I'll say it again. Wining is nice, but at this point it's not THE most important thing. THE most important thing is improvement. As improvement grows, wins will come. One player is not going to turn a franchise around.

Andrew luck?
Quote:I said it before and I'll say it again.  Wining is nice, but at this point it's not THE most important thing.  THE most important thing is improvement.  As improvement grows, wins will come.  One player is not going to turn a franchise around.
Tell that to the Colts after Manning was hurt...
Quote: One player is not going to turn a franchise around.
Colts record 2011,   2-14

Colts record 2012,   11-5


Any questions?
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