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Full Version: New Drug Policy....could it be good for Blackmon?
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This does 100% affect blackmon. He was suspended indefinitely as of week 8 right which is usually one year. According to the rules even though it wasn't this offseason he'll finish his ban and his new offense would come into play when he did and if got reinstated. Meaning he would be eligible to play after week 8 as long as his DUI arrest doesn't come into play. How many offenses does JB have?
How does this not affect JB. No one else is suspended from years prior obviously bc the ban eventually turns into next season. If they are getting rid of all drug offenses this off season it 1000% applies to JB
Quote:How does this not affect JB. No one else is suspended from years prior obviously bc the ban eventually turns into next season. If they are getting rid of all drug offenses this off season it 1000% applies to JB

Because he was suspended indefinitely and then got busted for possession before even being able to apply for re-instatement. 


Put's him in "no-man's land" in terms of defining when his suspension would end - and how much to shorten it. 


How do you trim down something that was undefined in the first place? 



He technically wasn't punished for the new arrest because wasn't in the league correct? From eberuthing I have read he was only suspended for the remainder of the 2014 season. All he has to do is reapply and get reinstated and he can play. Technically he's not suspended. And his new offense would carry over into the new drug policy?
Quote:Ace is on his second strike for recreational drug use which is an automatic 4 game suspension. Welker was a first strike with a PED which is an automatic 4 game suspension.


If the rule changes, it would count as Welker's first strike with a recreational drug which carries no suspension.


It shouldn't affect Ace unless he tested below the new threshold.

Excuse my ignorance, but when did Ace receive his first strike?
New Policies:


<p style="font-family:arial, verdana, helvetica;color:rgb(34,34,33);">» HGH Testing will start in the 2014 season. The collection of blood specimens is prohibited on game days.

<p style="font-family:arial, verdana, helvetica;color:rgb(34,34,33);">» The new threshold for a positive test for marijuana will increase to 35 ng/ml from the previous limit of 15 ng/ml. There will be additional steps for players who test positive for the substance before suspension.

<p style="font-family:arial, verdana, helvetica;color:rgb(34,34,33);">» A two-game suspension will be issued upon conviction or plea agreement for driving under the influence.

<p style="font-family:arial, verdana, helvetica;color:rgb(34,34,33);">» The NFL and NFLPA will have the right to retain independent investigators to review cases where player confidentiality as related to the drug policies has been breached. Employees found to violate confidentiality agreement will face fines up to $500,000 and/or termination or other discipline.

<p style="font-family:arial, verdana, helvetica;color:rgb(34,34,33);">» An independent arbitrator will hear appeals for positive test violations of both substances of abuse and performance enhancing drug policies. The NFL and NFLPA will jointly select, approve and pay for retention of three to five arbitrators.

There will be some change in appearance to a lot of players between now and December as they stop taking HGH.  I've watched acquaintances  "cycle" on that stuff.  It can be quite obvious. 
Quote:You literally missed the whole point of his post, just right over your head. The only job Ace has is to play a game. Hardly the same as the two examples listed.

His point, or opinion, was that a person engaging in a league banned activity (which was also a criminal act in the legal jurisdiction in which it occurred) should not be held accountable to the league for that offense.  My question was essentially asking if he felt this to be a privacy issue; in which case, the same right should apply to all, or if he believed the enforcement of a double standard would be justified for those working in industries where the safety of others was a factor.


Sorry you weren't able to follow the discussion. 
Quote:2012: Blackmon Begins

2014: Blackmon Returns

Lol nice!
Quote:Not that it matters, because Blackmon is gone, but the big thing about Blackmon is that he uses and then get's pulled over.  He's in the criminal justice system.


Conversely, Ace Sanders uses, and is wise enough to not get popped by the cops.  He failed a drug test.  This is where I find major fault in Goodell's fascist regime.


If a dude partakes in the privacy of his own home, it's no business of the league.  It's just not.


Ace should be back. 

"Fascist regime"! Were you a drama major?


It is the league's business if it relies on the good will of it's paying customers - and it does. The NFL has a vested interest to want the public to not perceive their employees as a bunch of druggies. Do you really think it matters much regarding all the other types of employment in which companies love to promote that they are a "drug free company"? It's public relations in the truest sense.
Quote:"Fascist regime"! Were you a drama major?


It is the league's business if it relies on the good will of it's paying customers - and it does. The NFL has a vested interest to want the public to not perceive their employees as a bunch of druggies. Do you really think it matters much regarding all the other types of employment in which companies love to promote that they are a "drug free company"? It's public relations in the truest sense.

Maybe, but how much stuff do we see about the NBA and weed?  Testing actually is making this worse.  It is bringing it to light.  In many ways it is back firing.  No wonder they want to raise the THC level.  Probably tired of hearing people testing positive in the news.  Plus it is out of touch with today's society and how the majority of Americans feel.  
People still clinging to JB coming back. 


This is more hilarious than Barnum & Bailey coming to town. Big Grin

Quote:...And I can't think of a single person who misses you.

Because everyone who used to be on the board regularly sans maybe a few people, left. Honestly never had a problem with your takes, but you have to admit the board has lost its flair to so speak.
Quote:People still clinging to JB coming back. 


This is more hilarious than Barnum & Bailey coming to town. Big Grin
God forbid people still want to see the most talented player on the roster play.
Quote:"Fascist regime"! Were you a drama major?


It is the league's business if it relies on the good will of it's paying customers - and it does. The NFL has a vested interest to want the public to not perceive their employees as a bunch of druggies. Do you really think it matters much regarding all the other types of employment in which companies love to promote that they are a "drug free company"? It's public relations in the truest sense.
And its crooked anyway. They sell and advertise the most abused drug in America at their games, alcohol.
Why is it always the good/explosive ones that seem to have the drug problem? why couldnt it be the injury prone ones that develop the junkie habits?
Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://sports.yahoo.com/news/why-justin-blackmons-suspension-not-235220201.html'>http://sports.yahoo.com/news/why-justin-blackmons-suspension-not-235220201.html</a>

We'll that settles the case for Blackmon. But what about Ace?
Quote:Because he was suspended indefinitely and then got busted for possession before even being able to apply for re-instatement. 


Put's him in "no-man's land" in terms of defining when his suspension would end - and how much to shorten it. 


How do you trim down something that was undefined in the first place? 


Goodell put him on double secret probation. 


Quote:We'll that settles the case for Blackmon. But what about Ace?

That is opinion, not fact. There has been nothing said about Blackmon so far. (at least that I am aware of)
Quote:That is opinion, not fact. There has been nothing said about Blackmon so far. (at least that I am aware of)

The drug policy is retro effective March 11th 2014. Blackmon was suspended after the London's game last year. The new policy has no effect on his suspension.
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