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Washington is better on D than Philly. Henne will Henn it up like he did last week, only for the entire game.

Prosinski will blow 3 or 4 coverages, and RG3-Garcon/Jackson will capitalize a few times.

Rg3: 350 yds 3TD, 75 rushing 1 TD.

Morris: 110 yds 1 TD

Garcon: 125 yds

Jackson: 100 yds

Helu: 75 yds receiving.

Henne: 170 yds 2 INT 1 Fmb 6 sacks

Gerhart: 25 carries, 30 yds

Marcedes: 1 catch, 4 drops

Lee: 75 yds (garbage time) 3 drops

28-6 Washington.
teal kool aid prediction:


Jags 20

Skins 17

Quote:Washington is better on D than Philly. Henne will Henn it up like he did last week, only for the entire game.

Prosinski will blow 3 or 4 coverages, and RG3-Garcon/Jackson will capitalize a few times.

Rg3: 350 yds 3TD, 75 rushing 1 TD.

Morris: 110 yds 1 TD

Garcon: 125 yds

Jackson: 100 yds

Helu: 75 yds receiving.

Henne: 170 yds 2 INT 1 Fmb 6 sacks

Gerhart: 25 carries, 30 yds

Marcedes: 1 catch, 4 drops

Lee: 75 yds (garbage time) 3 drops

28-6 Washington.


Dude, what is your malfunction?
teal vodka prediction:


Jags 42

Skins 0

Both offenses continue their struggles. Defenses shine. 17-7 Skins

One score for Washington will be via pick 6 or something of the like.

Hennething that can go wrong, will go wrong.
32-24 jags in OT

Quote:32-24 jags in OT

Quote:if cyp plays Jags 27 redskins 6

if cyp does not play Jags 27 redskins 6

Evans is cyps back up not proz SMH
The Sproles run happened with Evans on the field.

He had no clue where to line up...
We're 4.5 point underdogs this week. If we don't give up multiple big plays I think we can take the win.
Quote:The Sproles run happened with Evans on the field.

He had no clue where to line up...

Funny thing about that play is they ran directly at Alualu. I mean directly at him. I guess he was too busy getting blocked to realize it.

Halfassed effort on his part.
The Washington Racists (I refuse to call them by that other name)

will lose the game by 20+ points.  I assume our Defense will work even harder and contain them to only 10 points while our Offensive running game will look much improved, and Toby will rush for over a hundred yards (if not something is seriously wrong)....


Final score Jaguars win 27 to 10.

Quote:Funny thing about that play is they ran directly at Alualu. I mean directly at him. I guess he was too busy getting blocked to realize it.

Halfassed effort on his part.
Oh that big run by sproles, yeah I wanted to blame Tyson but he was blocked well to the left.. I think it fell more on the OLB Thomas for missing him & then Josh Evans for being out of position.
Quote:Hennething that can go wrong, will go wrong.

Not if Blake Bortles is playing....
This is a game the Jaguars should have a chance at on paper, but Henne is a QB that got all of 3 points against the Eagles without some really crazy stuff happening.


Of Bortles starts I could see the Jaguars scoring 30 and winning. With Henne it's more likely to be a 10-14 point score for the Jaguars, and it's hard to win any game scoring that little.

The Texans put 17 on them and held them to 6. I think we are at least comparable on def. And Henne is better than Fitzpatrick I think. I'd say 20-10 Jags.
14-10. Redskins. This is the game that will make Gus start sweating.

Quote:32-24 jags in OT

That would be quite the feat.
Quote:That would be quite the feat.

Go for two. Why not?
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