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Quote:The issue is systemic, unfortunately, and mostly caused by an over-invasive government filled to the brim with welfare grants.

We spend almost twice as much on corporate welfare than we do on social welfare. In 2014, the Fortune 500 alone got $63 Billion (more than 245,000 grants). Because politicians (on both sides) are shady and only concerned about staying in office.

But it's the poor who should be scorned while those who don't need the breaks get them in greater amounts each year and we spin this yarn it will all trickle down somehow.
Quote:This is great except it doesn't work. Tax breaks at the top never trickle down. Not in the late 19th century. Not under Reagan. We have a Right that wants to blast welfare programs (blame the poor) when the biggest welfare recipients are large corporations that don't need them and prove time and again the "horse and sparrow theory" is bunk.

The Waltons don't need $7.8B in tax breaks. Every single Wal-Mart in America actually costs tax payers between $900K - $1.75M a year. Roughly $3K -$6K per worker. And who the hell can live off of a Wal-Mart salary? The farce tax breaks at the top creates jobs is absurd, especially when you look at the types of jobs most create.

But hate the poor people who have a deck stacked against them while billionaires lobby to pay less and less. If you think this gets any better in the next four years, you need to put down the crack pipe. Especially since Trump's proposed Labor Secretary wants to change overtime rules which impact exec bonuses.

8 years of anti business Leninist rhetoric....

0 years of 3% growth...

0 net wage growth...

"Just words! Just speeches!"
Quote:8 years of anti business Leninist rhetoric....

0 years of 3% growth...

0 net wage growth...

"Just words! Just speeches!"

Forget to take your lithium today?
Of course liberals are going to hate the idea of jobs. That's a given. They despise actual work.
Quote:Of course liberals are going to hate the idea of jobs. That's a given. They despise actual work.

C'mon. Be better than the bumper sticker baloney.
Quote:Your post brings another question into play. Do the majority of Americans have the skills or training MOTIVATION necessary to occupy this swarm of jobs that are coming our way?

Quote:Of course liberals are going to hate the idea of jobs. That's a given. They despise actual work.

You may be right.  I despise work (but need to add that I've been doing it for 30+ years now)


I prefer to get drunk, eat chips, and binge on Netflix.
Quote:Forget to take your lithium today?

Interesting that Ford and Scraps are used in the title.


If your drive-by post made sense or referenced any aspect of the section you quoted, you might get a response that was more to your liking.
Quote:Call me crazy, but I like the scenario where more people are actually working. Being unemployed while the rich pay more taxes doesn't exactly expand ones spending power.


Your post brings another question into play. Do the majority of Americans have the skills or training necessary to occupy this swarm of jobs that are coming our way?

Primarily no, especially younger generations.  I'll use what I've seen from my own family members as an example.


I 3d printed some "safes" with a preset combination.  The combination consists 5 digits with the numbers 0-9.  The clue that I gave them was that no digit is used twice, and the total of the combination adds up to 10.  Only two of seven (my daughter and son) figured it out in less than 5 minutes.  It's not really hard if you actually have to THINK about it (no google).
Quote:Primarily no, especially younger generations. I'll use what I've seen from my own family members as an example.

I 3d printed some "safes" with a preset combination. The combination consists 5 digits with the numbers 0-9. The clue that I gave them was that no digit is used twice, and the total of the combination adds up to 10. Only two of seven (my daughter and son) figured it out in less than 5 minutes. It's not really hard if you actually have to THINK about it (no google).
0,1,2,3,4, lol
Quote:If your drive-by post made sense or referenced any aspect of the section you quoted, you might get a response that was more to your liking.

Lol. You think I'm staying up late worrying about what you think about my posts?

304 playa.

And just so you know... I wiped the floor with you the entire election cycle! Your bitterness is sad but predictable. Don't u worry son, this is where the healing begins!!!
Damn Kotite, you got got.


You can complain that acquiring the necessary skills to qualify for positions offering a living wage is too expensive, and I can agree to an extent. However, there are multiple reasons why acquiring the necessary skills can be difficult to acquire. The issue is systemic, unfortunately, and mostly caused by an over-invasive government filled to the brim with welfare grants.

Some of that is actually taught in grade school.  My son learned about culinary arts while in high school and is now a Chef in a very nice place making pretty good money.  He never went to college and holds no degrees.


I personally learned about programming by myself, yet I have held the position of Software Engineer at previous jobs.  What got me there was the ability to READ.


I learned about electronics from my time serving in the Navy.  I've held the job title of "Electronics Engineer" on a couple of occasions, and during that time I had to actually teach an EE grad how to safely and correctly hook up a battery.  His "education" never taught him common sense.


My point is, most people can earn a "living wage" by simply learning something from public government schools.  There are also secondary colleges and trade schools available that teach much needed skills that will be needed for years to come.  Well paying trades.  AC, automotive repair, welding, etc.  Those schools don't require a huge student loan.  Get into one of those trades and you could be successful and make a good living wage.  Will you become "rich"?  That depends on your spending/saving habits.
Quote:I think it's safe to assume that trumps policies are going to be extremely pro business. I have no idea if that's a good thing or bad thing yet. Only time will tell and we shall see.

The tax burdens going to have to be made up somewhere.

Pro business is good pro corporation is bad. If he is pro business it'll be across the board changes, if he's a corporatist it'll be exclusive deals for big players.

I don't know which way it'll go either but so far it seems to be trending towards broad sweeping changes.
Quote:Lol. You think I'm staying up late worrying about what you think about my posts?

304 playa.

And just so you know... I wiped the floor with you the entire election cycle! Your bitterness is sad but predictable. Don't u worry son, this is where the healing begins!!!

Cool story bro.. but your rambling posts are rarely focused word vomit. This post is your typical delusional nonsense. You're the type of guy who thinks a debate is won by the guy who yells the loudest. I have long since stopped giving you my full attention in threads as I know your shtick is to just respond without reading what you're even responding too or referencing what is untrue about what I have posted. Your first post in this thread is a perfect example. Unfocused reactionary garbage which needs a decoder ring to interpret. Not challenging, or disproving in any way what you quoted. This is why I don't engage you often on this board. Plus you have a well documented history of issues with reading.
Quote:Damn Kotite, you got got.

You really think so? By JJ?! The list of things he can't get is pretty [BLEEP] long. I'll bet you're impressed by all sorts of shiny objects.
Last I checked using simple statistics to demonstrate the failures of your ideology is pretty straight forward. Lol.

Did you look up heavy water reactors yet by the way? Tired if doing your homework for u.
Quote:Last I checked using simple statistics to demonstrate the failures of your ideology is pretty straight forward. Lol.

Did you look up heavy water reactors yet by the way? Tired if doing your homework for u.

What part of, "I don't take anything you say seriously," do you not get?

If you want to make a point about something I say and back it up with supportive evidence, include a link and an explanation of the point you are trying to make.

Your consistent inability to do that is the reason I cannot take you seriously. You are all over the place (the above quote is referencing a different thread) and I do not have the time or patience to try to interpret your word salad. Especially since I know you ignore arguments which blow up the points you try to make. You are a spastic mosquito who thinks you are the smartest guy on these boards. You clearly are not. But you nailed the annoying part.
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