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Full Version: Blake is a lefty that throws right handed - part of his struggles?
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Would make it interesting if he was getting dragged down by his right arm and had to throw a left handed pass in order to get the ball off. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts he'd throw an actual spiral.

In true Jaguars fashion, Belicheck will probably use his sorcery to teach Blake to throw with his dominant hand, who will then proceed to replace and likely eventually out-pace Brady, while beating the Jaguars 300 times and by 10000 points along the way. Smart guy, that Belicheck.
My kid is a righty but kicks let footed. Pretty well I may biasedly add. Yes, I make up words. Bite me.

I write with my right hand and wipe my butt with the other (not simultaneously of course).

It's an elite skill I've mastered.
I know they are completely different sports but Lebron James is left handed but shoots and predominately dribbles right handed. Also Rafael Nadal is right handed but yet plays tennis entirely with his left.


Im not making excuses for Blake but several other athletes play with their opposite hand. 

I can drink beer with either hand.



No, really.

Quote:I can drink beer with either hand.



No, really.

Gifted.  Truly gifted, hb. 
Quote:I was looking around and stumbled upon this article on Blake while he was still at UCF:




<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:16px;color:rgb(72,73,74);margin-left:40px;">Though it looks foolhardy now, there are reasons recruiters missed on Bortles. He started the first half of his sophomore season at defensive back before coaches moved him to quarterback. At the time, Oviedo ran the wing-T, not the best offense to showcase his skill set.

<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:16px;color:rgb(72,73,74);margin-left:40px;">Bortles also played baseball, where he batted and threw left-handed. (He also is a lefty on the golf course.)

<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:16px;color:rgb(72,73,74);">I get that people can be ambidextrous, and can be successful with it.  My son is left eye dominant who bats lefty, swings a golf club lefty, and prefers to kick with his left foot in soccer.  However, he throws right handed.  It was a challenge getting his form correct because although he instinctively picked up the ball and threw it with his right arm, his footwork was backwards - he also wanted to step with his right leg.

<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:16px;color:rgb(72,73,74);">Perhaps some of Blake's struggle with mechanics is simply because he's not a "natural" right handed thrower.  Should that be the case, it's kind of frustrating that he wouldn't be more cognizant and place more emphasis on mechanics himself when working in the offseason.

Had no clue. And yes. That's a challenge for sure. My father is the same exact way. He's naturally a left handed person. So is my mother and my younger brother. But my dad throws right handed. My brother is the only one that sticks with his left hand in throwing or other sports. We were always intrigued by our dad's ambidextrous abilities. I am right handed and I can't use my left hand or left arm to save my life in any sport. Though I can handle a fishing pole left handed thanks to growing up with my dad. 

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