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Full Version: Kelvin Beachum roasts Gus, says its all about winning and nothing else.
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Quote:You loved high school, didn't you.
No, I really didn't at all. In fact, I very much disliked HS.

Quote:No, I really don't at all. In fact, I very much disliked HS.
I wouldn't pay any attention to that guy.
C'mon man.  If the players had so much of a problem and knew what the reason for losing was.....CHANGE IT.  Leaders lead and if the coach is the sole problem with a team then all of these so-called leaders should've spoke up.  Go to the players making mistakes and make it hard on them if the coach doesn't and act like a MAN.  


Its repulsive reading threads about grown men coming out the closet after the coach is fired.  Say wit ya chest when the coach is there in your face or pull him aside and say your peace and let others join you with their complaints etc.  Speaking out behind someone's back is the lowest of the low to me.  Respecting such actions is even worse.  carry on little ones.

Quote:And everyone used to say that the players LOVED playing for Gus.


Doesn't look like that's the case now does it? The players who have been the most vocal are the players who come from winning cultures. It's no surprised they don't respect a coach who clearly had no idea what he was doing.


It's not just those from winning cultures. Gipson has probably been the most vocal. He actually expects the defensive coordinator to develop a scheme that fits the talent of the roster. Why, the audacity to say such a thing. For some reason he things having specific, designated roles that players are forced into prohibits winning, but then again, the team was like #6 overall on defense.

Quote:It's not just those from winning cultures. Gipson has probably been the most vocal. He actually expects the defensive coordinator to develop a scheme that fits the talent of the roster. Why, the audacity to say such a thing. For some reason he things having specific, designated roles that players are forced into prohibits winning, but then again, the team was like #6 overall on defense.
I'll take #6 overall defense and guys grumbling rather than guys getting big stats and bottom ranked defense any time.
All those pick-6s we gave opponents early in the games have got to have skewed the stats on that #6 ranked D

I mean, we were almost always behind, that other teams just sat on the ball
Quote:All those pick-6s we gave opponents early in the games have got to have skewed the stats on that #6 ranked D

I mean, we were almost always behind, that other teams just sat on the ball
Most of our games we were right in the thick of things man. We were 2nd in the NFL in losses by 8 points or less if I remember right. 


But if what you are saying is the case, why don't we see more trash teams with high rankings defensively? I mean we were damn near dead last during 2015...
Quote:All those pick-6s we gave opponents early in the games have got to have skewed the stats on that #6 ranked D

I mean, we were almost always behind, that other teams just sat on the ball

Cuts both ways. The incompetency of the offense kept the defense out on the field for an inordinate amount of time which skewed stats as well.
Sounds about right.

Remember though:

Beachum also said (presumably it was Beachum) to the ESPN reporter after the Tennessee game "I don't think we have the right QB."

I'm positive that Beachum means what he says. I believe him to be correct about 'Ol Gus,, Idk about the QB.
I cant find the article about ramsey fowler and gibson trash talking the scheme. Anyone?
Quote:Maybe he can stop giving away 5 penalties a game then. That would help.


I can always count on Beachum getting a false start on 3rd and short to kill a drive.
Quote:I cant find the article about ramsey fowler and gibson [NO SYNONYM?] talking the scheme. Anyone?
Thank u
Quote:Jags locker room is slowly curing themselves of the loser mentality that Gus nurtured while he was here

ehhh... I wouldn't say "get better.. every day just focus on being better than the last" is a loser mentality. Its just the Gus' bettet was never good enough.

But really, every week it was something, usually falling back on the players. Stupid, boneheaded penalties. Late hits on the field of play, out of bounds.. Late hits and hits to the head on the QB. 3rd and short false starts. Blake false starts.. SenDerrick jumping the cadence at critical moments on 3rd and short. Odrick meltdowns. At on point, Gus did everything he could do to overcome players errors, such as having 3 different punt returners 3 consecutive weeks muff/fumbled punts/punt returns.

Then there were the refs, where everybody just treated poor ARob like a ragtag Lebron cause he obviously was getting almost no calls as he gets beat up down the field. I swear the officiating seemed to regulate itself once Gus was gone.

So yeah, I just see it as alot of tough situations for coach.
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