Jacksonville Jaguars Fan Forums

Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Lions Preseason Game Night Thread***
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Hope Blake doesn't get hurt
from the 5?!

Throwing to the middle of the field makes the offensive line play easier.
Here we go
Good Lord just keep Blake healthy

Nice throw to Hurns!

OH MY...


2nd throw... Bortles to Hurns.



Omg how do we not start this kid?
oh o. He's here....
Look how competent our offense looks with Bortles!
wooooo real QB play!

Hurns is a baller.

Boryles hurns
WE want Bortles!!!

BB5 to Hurns for many years to come fellas!













That is if he doesn't contract Gabbertizm. *yawn*

Finally a real QB is in the game
bortles throwing off his back foot, and he doesnt have a cannon to begin with,  doesnt look good.

Wow... As soon as Bortles goes in, my nfl.com feed breaks... Anyone else have this problem?

NFL preseason live just took a dump what is happening?!