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you are clearly upset

At what? Im reading through the comments and cant seem to find where i would be upset which i guess now is upsetting me.
sorry for believing in my man Blake.  You have enlightened me though.  He should sit the bench because he cant handle this league.

Quote:sorry for believing in my man Blake. You have enlightened me though. He should sit the bench because he cant handle this league.
Who said your mancrush Bortles couldnt handle this league?
Quote:What will happen?  We don't know.  Mental errors that didn't affect his performance much are insignificant.  Gus comments in press conferences are just him being modest.  They don't want to over hype his performance and create more pressure to start him.  They just want to make the switch, one time, permanently.  They don't want a situation where they might have to pull Blake mid-game due to performance.

You said there was nothing in his performance indicates him not being ready. If he himself is admitting, while mic'd up, that he couldn't identify who the mike was on a vanilla defense....then I don't know what your definition of "ready" is.
Quote:I agree.


The key factor is we don't know if he knows the playbook or not.  Only the coaches and players do. 


If hairs are being split....what if he only knows 99% of the playbook?  (no need to answer this, I'm basically throwing it out there, what if he doesn't know all of the playbook, but enough to go out and win games??


I guess I am just going to sit back and enjoy how this all unfolds.  What a nice feeling for us fans to have!  We have been though enough over the years, and it sure feels nice to have this problem.


I also feel if Geno Smith, Mark Sanchez, Joe Flacco, Sam Bradford, and all other day 1 starting rookies to learn the books, then I have faith in Bortles to learn it.  Seems like the hard part is behind him which is show what he can do on the field. 


Learn the BOOKS BORTLES!  You have done everything else just fine

This doesn't matter according to Badger and Rio. Who cares if he got the playcall wrong or he couldn't identify a key aspect of a defense. Just let him improvise...Johnny Football style...amirite?
Quote:This doesn't matter according to Badger and Rio. Who cares if he got the playcall wrong or he couldn't identify a key aspect of a defense. Just let him improvise...Johnny Football style...amirite?

I know. Like he isnt ready. He couldnt identify the mike on one play. That takes years to learn.
Like many have said, and I agree, this new front office and coach have already set a new standard for this team. some fans are getting caught up in what the media is wanting. To the media, Radio, print, and TV, it doesn't matter what Bortles does, to them it is a story! if he's good, they want the credit, if he does bad, he is a story. for them it is win/win.


What ever the coach decides let's support it. This crew is not like those of the past, thank God! Outside of TC's early years, none has come close!

I think learning on the job is more helpful than learning from the sideline.

It has been proven that both ways work, learning on the job, and learning from the bench. Therefore the coaches that see these players everyday on the field and in classrooms have the better viewpoint.

Quote:It has been proven that both ways work, learning on the job, and learning from the bench. Therefore the coaches that see these players everyday on the field and in classrooms have the better viewpoint.

Quote:You said there was nothing in his performance indicates him not being ready. If he himself is admitting, while mic'd up, that he couldn't identify who the mike was on a vanilla defense....then I don't know what your definition of "ready" is.

I'll make the assumption that I'm "Rio".  So, before Bortles plays he:

  • Needs to be able to diagnose every single play correctly
  • Needs a perfect offensive line
  • Needs impeccable mechanics

Am I missing anything?  So somebody is actually expecting this to happen....ever?

  • Needs a perfect offensive line
Perfect is too much to ask -  But a "solid" line would be nice.   I do think there's a pretty good chance Bortles will see reg season action this season with a less than solid Center snapping the ball.  But I'd still love to see it fixed first.  


My best guess is that Henne stinks it up just enough for the team's hand to be forced and Bortles starts by midseason.  I'm OK with that this year. 
Quote:Perfect is too much to ask -  But a "solid" line would be nice.   I do think there's a pretty good chance Bortles will see reg season action this season with a less than solid Center snapping the ball.  But I'd still love to see it fixed first.  


My best guess is that Henne stinks it up just enough for the team's hand to be forced and Bortles starts by midseason.  I'm OK with that this year. 

If Bortles is going to be in the lineup this season, I don't agree with the reasoning not to start him the first game.  This line is not going to get a whole lot better.  He's not going to get many meaningful reps in practice where his mechanics will become 'second nature'.  Hell, there's a good chance that will never happen.  He is certainly going to take some lumps and not play perfectly.  Rookies make mistakes, so what.  And the guy certainly doesn't seem to have the mental makeup to wilt like an old flower like another ex-QB.


I've got to live with whatever they do, but I don't have to agree with it.


I think you could actually be putting more pressure on him if you put him in because Henne is yanked for poor play.

The defense probably wasn't that "vanilla" if he couldn't identifty the mike backer. Something he has probably been doing since he was in pop warner. Circimstances won't be perfect EVER in the NFL.

Put me in with the mouthbreathers. I want to see this guy start.

Although I am not worried... Henne will stink it up and Bortles will be playing. Week 4 at the latest.
Quote:It has been proven that both ways work, learning on the job, and learning from the bench. Therefore the coaches that see these players everyday on the field and in classrooms have the better viewpoint.

This is how I see it. Just sit back and enjoy the ride
Quote:This is how I see it. Just sit back and enjoy the ride
Exactly.  What we're seeing right now is confirmation that their approach has removed any stress or anxiety that might come with being forced into a starting role before he's ready.  They took the right tact for this player.  Hopefully it proves in the end to be the right approach. 
Quote:Gus has stuck to his "Henne is the starter" but nobody is buying it.

Jeff Saturday and the rest of the talking heads are asking how do you keep Bortles on the bench with the performance he is having this preseason.

Henne surely won't be cut but Bortles is forcing their hand.

A lights out game against Detroit, will all but shut the door on the coach's original plan.

Bortles is showing them he doesn't need to sit. At this point, he is our best chance of winning and that is what it will come down to.

If Henne surely won't be cut, then this is nothing at all like 2007.


Bortles had exactly three snaps with the ones on Monday in 11 on 11 (full O vs full D.)  Only a handful more with ones in other drills.


I wouldn't worry about that.  They are re-evaluating their plan, but make no mistake about it... his time was extremely short with the ones.


His play this week may increase his time with the ones next week, but he's not winning the job this week.
Quote:It's been months and still people can't grasp that it isn't about what gives the jaguars the best chance to win this season, but the best chance for winning and success for years to come.

Bortles will sit until his new footwork and playbook comes as 2nd nature.
Either this or Bortles will not be announced starter till right before Philly game. Philly will not have game planned against Bortles and our chances of a win increase.
Quote:If Bortles is going to be in the lineup this season, I don't agree with the reasoning not to start him the first game. This line is not going to get a whole lot better. He's not going to get many meaningful reps in practice where his mechanics will become 'second nature'. Hell, there's a good chance that will never happen. He is certainly going to take some lumps and not play perfectly. Rookies make mistakes, so what. And the guy certainly doesn't seem to have the mental makeup to wilt like an old flower like another ex-QB.

I've got to live with whatever they do, but I don't have to agree with it.

I think you could actually be putting more pressure on him if you put him in because Henne is yanked for poor play.
All fair points. I just think he could use more than two more weeks to really digest the play book and continue improving technique. I just don't feel any rush to start him.

Obviously everything will never be perfect - but it can be better.
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