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Full Version: Jags preseason game #1 winners/losers
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Winners:  The fans and the City of Jacksonville


Losers:   Those of us that were actually getting spoiled by getting from the stadium to the beach in 30 minutes following the game.

Quote:Winners:  The fans and the City of Jacksonville


Losers:   Those of us that were actually getting spoiled by getting from the stadium to the beach in 30 minutes following the game.

Bahaha. Well done sir. This truly made me laugh. I was coming across Hart bridge to MLK shortly after the game ended having seen it with family/friends and it looked terrible for those trying to get back to the arlington/southside area.
Quote:Winners:  The fans and the City of Jacksonville


Losers:   Those of us that were actually getting spoiled by getting from the stadium to the beach in 30 minutes following the game.

We usually hang out for an hour or so after the game before leaving anyway.


I am curious to see if it will be different this year.
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