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Quote:Those food stamp paper cuts are the worst.

Anyone trying to dig themselves off welfare will find themselves at a huge disadvantage versus staying on the system. The entire system especially food stamps is DESIGNED to encourage individuals in poverty to make less, the more they make the less the receive in assistance. The levels are ridiculous a family of four making 1500 a month will get $800 in food stamps, if they make another $500 a month in attempt to get out of poverty their food stamps get cut down to $130 a month. They still need help but the system wants them stuck at the lowest possible wage making them completely helpless and in NEED of government assistance. That's the purpose of welfare to beat families into poverty until they NEED the government, you won't fight what you need to survive. 


You want to help the poor give them work, teach them a skill, but don't make it to where they can't dig out of poverty.
I seem to recall a Republican governor in Wisconsin maybe? He had a program where anyone on welfare had to take mandatory job training courses or have welfare denied. Thought that was a good idea. Help the guy who is hurting. Anyone else remember that and what became of the program?
Quote:I seem to recall a Republican governor in Wisconsin maybe? He had a program where anyone on welfare had to take mandatory job training courses or have welfare denied. Thought that was a good idea. Help the guy who is hurting. Anyone else remember that and what became of the program?
I think it was Clinton that brought in the work for welfare program of course that's all gone now but from what I know that was another good move.

The Wisconsin governor is Scott Walker I'm not sure what happened to his proposal or that program.

I'm all for helping just not enabling and right now it's set up to enable.
I think it was before Walker
Quote:The term "pro-life" is a talking point. It's not an accurate description. "Pro-birth" is more accurate. As stated by another poster earlier and ignored for the most part, most "pro-life'ers" only care about the child until it's born then couldn't care less how it's raised or by whom or if it is even raised at all.
So you would rather just start killing those who you deem not correctly raised to some standard?


Hitler would be very very proud of your views.
Quote:I think it was before Walker

Well than I have no idea but I'm pretty sure Wisconsin has had a democrat for governor for a long time before walker?
Quote:So you would rather just start killing those who you deem not correctly raised to some standard?


Hitler would be very very proud of your views.

What's with conservatives likening people to Nazi's or Hitler or w/e? 


Aside from that, what are you even talking about? I mean you can try and insinuate I touted some crazy world view but I clearly said nothing like that. 

Quote:Well than I have no idea but I'm pretty sure Wisconsin has had a democrat for governor for a long time before walker?
I remember it being a Republican and a really good idea. Wondering how it rolled out and what results it yielded.
Quote:Well than I have no idea but I'm pretty sure Wisconsin has had a democrat for governor for a long time before walker?

Wisconsin had a Republican Governor from the late 80s until 2003, then went Democrat from 2003 to 2011.
Perhaps someone should open an abortion clinic for dogs.  When the animal rights groups and others on the left go nuts over the killing of cute little puppies kindly remind them they are just fetuses. 

Also why can a person be charged with double murder when a pregnant person is killed?

Quote:Perhaps someone should open an abortion clinic for dogs.  When the animal rights groups and others on the left go nuts over the killing of cute little puppies kindly remind them they are just fetuses.

Maybe you didn't know this, but thousands of dogs around the country are killed legally every day.
That doesnt change the fact that people would balk at the idea of a dog abortion clinic.  The point was you have the option of having you pet spayed or neutured or you deal with the puppies.  Nobody aborts animals in utero, but humans quick someone get the sissiors.

Quote:That doesnt change the fact that people would balk at the idea of a dog abortion clinic.  The point was you have the option of having you pet spayed or neutured or you deal with the puppies.  Nobody aborts animals in utero, but humans quick someone get the sissiors.

Dogs also have a gestation period of around a month and it's not at all illegal to just euthanize the puppies.


If babies could easily be gotten rid of after birth and there were little to no possible costs to going through with a birth then abortion wouldn't seem like such a necessary option.


The problem is unlike dogs everything to do with babies is legally complicated and expensive.
The comment was to point out how certain people who support abortion would not feel the same about doing it to an animal.  The length of a dogs pregancy and what you can do with the dogs after that do not change my point. 

Quote:The comment was to point out how certain people who support abortion would not feel the same about doing it to an animal. The length of a dogs pregancy and what you can do with the dogs after that do not change my point.

Your point is idiotic. Dog abortions already happen and no one cares.
Quote:The comment was to point out how certain people who support abortion would not feel the same about doing it to an animal.  The length of a dogs pregancy and what you can do with the dogs after that do not change my point. 

You didn't have a point at all, you're comparing the social norms regarding animals to people. They're not at all comparable.

Quote:Let me ask you:


1. When does "life" began?

2. Is it ever appropriate to terminate a pregnancy?



Also, I am not "extremely ignorant" to assume that doctors refer to in-utero offspring as a fetus. I work with OB/GYN doctors nearly every day of my career and I've never heard them refer to the fetus as a child. I work with radiologists every day of my career and I've never heard them refer to the fetus as a child. I've read and studied several books on fetal development and none of them ever refer to the fetus as a child.

1. At conception

2. Yes


I believe the terminology simply go to the difference between the technical and the philosophical. Much written in medical literature (and many other fields) uses technical terms interchangeably for everyday terms that common non-technicians would understand. In my own experiences the physician and staff refer to the child as "your baby" rather than using the more detached clinical terms. Yes, fetus is correct, but that doesn't mean that baby, child, or kid are wrong. And as I said before, I think many on the "celebrate abortion" side intentionally use the detached terms in an attempt to remove the humanity from the target of their obsession thereby making it easier to accept their own or others decision to end a perfectly healthy and viable life. At the same time, those in the profession use strict terminology because of their training and the need to communicate clearly and effectively, not because of their philosophical beliefs about the timing of human life.

Do you really think the majority of people who favor a woman's right to have an abortion "celebrate abortion"?

Quote:Do you really think the majority of people who favor a woman's right to have an abortion "celebrate abortion"?

The majority?  Nope.  The vocal minority?  Absolutely. 
Quote:I can't make a statement on that because I'm not familiar with the general consensus in the medical world on when a fetus becomes a person in its own right. 
lol typical liberal, murderous tripe.


after all, a woman has the right to do whatever she wants with her body, right? except, the fetus, well, ya know, isn't her body.
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