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Quote:The Killing Fields, the ideology of the Left in all its bloody glory.

Good God, that's not "the left" any more than Adolf Hitler is "the right." 


In the United States, the left and the right are actually so close together that people in the rest of the world can hardly distinguish them.  
House of Cards was really good...although technically not a movie.

Quote:Good God, that's not "the left" any more than Adolf Hitler is "the right." 


In the United States, the left and the right are actually so close together that people in the rest of the world can hardly distinguish them.  

Good diety that's exactly the left and has been for a hundred years now.
"Being There", starring Peter Sellers.


Particularly topical right now, but actually pretty relevant under any regime.

Quote:House of Cards was really good...although technically not a movie.
And so close to how D.C. really is it is scary.


I vote for these:

Manchurian Candidate.

Lions for Lambs

Eagle Eye

V for Vendetta
Apocalypse Now and To Kill a Mockingbird.
I liked Mel Gibson's conspiracy theory
It's gotta be Cabin Boy

Money Masters ftw
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

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