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Quote:When I saw who wrote the article, I stopped at the headline. I can read uninformed opinions by boneheads right here.

Hey, I resemble that remark!
Quote:Hey, I resemble that remark!
I have much more respect for you than I do from the king sized version of Frodo.
Quote:I have much more respect for you than I do from the king sized version of Frodo.

Thanks. I'm humbled. Truly.
Both Alfie and "Rainy" Day have no business writing articles that the entire nation can see. All too often they attempt to pass their opinions off as fact.

Quote:Both Alfie and "Rainy" Day have no business writing articles that the entire nation can see. All too often they attempt to pass their opinions off as fact.

They also pass off reports by others as if they're breaking the story. They almost never report anything exclusively, opting to retread stories peppered with opinion.

Any time I see someone post a link to their site, I save the click and go to NFL.com or ESPN to get the actual story and not the "Ian Rapoport reported..." version.
Quote:They also pass off reports by others as if they're breaking the story. They almost never report anything exclusively, opting to retread stories peppered with opinion.

Any time I see someone post a link to their site, I save the click and go to NFL.com or ESPN to get the actual story and not the "Ian Rapoport reported..." version.
People say this a lot, but no SB Nation site that I can think of breaks news. Their reports always start with saying where the source come from...so not sure how they really act as if it's their own. They basically just do an analysis of the report, as does every other sb nation site.


I don't care for them, but that's how all of those sites do things pretty much from what I gather.
I like Caldwell
Quote:Looking at Coughlin's first round picks especially, I would take his over Caldwell's any day. 


Yes Coughlin got us into a bad spot with the salary cap back in 01-02 but I think that is the nature of how he does it. He drafts well, builds the team up, opens the window for a Championship, then stacks the deck to get it to happen. Afterwards, the team has to rebuild for a few years. If you're not bill bellicheck, I think this model is fine. 
No doubt.  I think Coughlin's only 1st round bust was RJ "bring me a limo, so I can get to practice on time" Soward.  Hell, he found Garrard in the 4th round, and that turned out to be a good pick.  I think he knows how to find a QB.  Found Brunnel for us in the 90's, and Eli Manning for the Giants.  Everyone knows where that ended up (2 superbowl rings).
Quote:Hey, what's the deal with Coughlin having a separate interview with Khan a day before he interviews with Caldwell? That's kinda weird.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.bigcatcountry.com/2016/12/29/14112600/jaguars-head-coaching-search-2016-tom-coughlin-david-caldwell'>http://www.bigcatcou...-david-caldwell</a>

First Khan says Caldwell will lead the coaching search, then Khan hires a consulting firm to "help" with the coaching search, then Khan has a private meeting with Coughlin without Caldwell being there.


It wouldn't surprise me if TC came in as a gm or any front office role... Caldwell haven't proven to be a great gm yet.. His record is the same as Gus.. Bring in Tom... Asap... I don't blame Khan..Caldwell forced his hand.
Quote:Pretty sure he just likes to stay over at BBC where everyone takes his word as gospel. He doesn't get that treatment here so he avoids this place.
He sucks at radio and he sucks at blogging. pure speculation. 
Quote:R J Soward? You like that pick?

Did he have any other first round picks or do you just remember Soward?
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