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At least they spared me the emotional damage from watching the games this season. Now I can set the bar low enough to never be disappointed. 

Quote:Appeal to the lowest common denominator, get better ratings, make more money.


I doubt anybody will say the quality of programming on networks like Bravo, History or TLC is better now than 10-20 years ago. But the ratings probably are.

Hell even the Weather Channel isn't as good as it used to be (for what it is supposed to be.)


All they do now is show stupid reality programs amid maybe 4 hours (out of 24 in a day) of actual weather content. If you are on the go looking to get a quick idea of whats going on with the weather, you're better off just logging onto the computer now to the local NWS site. 

Nothing is as good as it used to be in your little Leave it to Beaver world. 

Quote:Nothing is as good as it used to be in your little Leave it to Beaver world. 


[Image: wrigley-left-field2.jpg]
Quote:[Image: wrigley-left-field2.jpg]
Your point? 


I've been to Wrigley.  It's just as great as it has always been.  Not really sure what adding bleachers behind the stadium are doing to make things worse.  I see it as capitalism at its finest.  Someone saw a need, and found a way to capitalize.  I haven't heard a single person complain.  Heck, the area around Wrigley encourages it. 


Are you implying Wrigley is better?  That's the best you can come up with, Beav? 
Quote:Are you implying Wrigley is better?  That's the best you can come up with, Beav? 



Follow the progression of the thread up until your snarky comment, and then look at the visual I provided again....


Ask yourself what thats focusing on...


you'll get it eventually




I'm disappointed. You're usually not this slow, FBT. 



Follow the progression of the thread up until your snarky comment, and then look at the visual I provided again....


Ask yourself what thats focusing on...


you'll get it eventually




I'm disappointed. You're usually not this slow, FBT. 

It's not worth the effort.  Sorry. 
Quote:It's not worth the effort.  Sorry. 

Good Lord, FBT.....


Out of left field     re: your comment

Quote:Good Lord, FBT.....


Out of left field     re: your comment

Really not that clever.  Sorry.


My comment wasn't out of left field.  You were complaining about Weather Channel not being as good as it used to be.  Your common mantra is how things were better in the good old days.  Your Wrigley picture response was a dud. 
Well, my weather channel inclusion was an example driving the point home. We were just talking about, and in agreement that ESPN and MTV were better in the past, as was many other channels that started out as good ideas. Then all of a sudden you decided to throw one of your usual chippy comments my way, outta nowhere. Hence the left field visual. 

Quote:Well, my weather channel inclusion was an example driving the point home. We were just talking about, and in agreement that ESPN and MTV were better in the past, as was many other channels that started out as good ideas. Then all of a sudden you decided to throw one of your usual chippy comments my way, outta nowhere. Hence the left field visual. 

Who watches the Weather Channel besides 80 year olds and people in hotel lobbies?  They dropped it from DirecTV and I was hard pressed to recall the last time I'd even gone there.  ESPN and MTV are iconic cable networks.  Weather Channel?  Notsomuch.

Quote:Who watches the Weather Channel besides 80 year olds and people in hotel lobbies?  They dropped it from DirecTV and I was hard pressed to recall the last time I'd even gone there.  ESPN and MTV are iconic cable networks.  Weather Channel?  Notsomuch.

Well, that was sorta the point. Even something like that had regressed from its original form. 


But to answer the question...the weather channel was useful whenever severe weather was a threat to the area.  

Quote:Well, that was sorta the point. Even something like that had regressed from its original form. 


But to answer the question...the weather channel was useful whenever severe weather was impacting my area. 

So are local weather reports, a computer, and apps on smart phones.  Nobody watches Weather Channel, gramps. 

He may have a point, FBT.


Heck... this board was waayyyy better prior to 10 January 2005.

Quote:He may have a point, FBT.


Heck... this board was waayyyy better prior to 10 January 2005.

whats your problem now, pirk?.....what did I do now to tick you off, that you have to stalk me in several posts today?......
Ah, yes, another drift down the same old trail ... if it isn't how I remember it (and trust me, it's wasn't as good as you remember it) it has to be worse now. 


Some people have never heard The Times They Are A-Changin', I guess.


I think TMD will be shocked when he learns about color tv.

This roster means nothing to me this year. It's all about the future
Quote:Maybe I'm in the minority, but I don't think this roster is bottom 5 talent. It's largely unproven in many areas but while I think the roster 2 years ago may have been bottom 5, the job Caldwell has done has brought the team to a competitive level from a talent standpoint. Now we have to prove it.
No I agree with you and there is a difference between bad and young. Bad is just bad, but young and inexperienced leaves a lot of room for improvement. I also agree with The Mad Dog upper bottom third of the league, but not the bottom.
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