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Quote:I think that Jordan is a top 3 lock and in my opinion the best to play the game. The fact that Jordan fanboys don't even accept that as a logical opinion is the kind of stuff that doesn't sit well with me.

I would put Lebron at this point as a top 5 player, but lebron fans hate that he isn't put above by Jordan.  It's typically people that never got to see Jordan in his prime.


Watching Jordan play was must see tv....with Lebron, I can miss it and it's not a big deal.
Lebron doesn't make those around him better. He doesn't raise their level of play like the all timers did. Being great doesn't involve just the player as an individual.
Trav still trying to bait someone who said Jordan > LeBron into a Jordan vs LeBron debate.


Just itchin' to talk about your mancrush, eh?

Quote:Trav still trying to bait someone who said Jordan > LeBron into a Jordan vs LeBron debate.


Just itchin' to talk about your mancrush, eh?
I am not a Bulls fan, or a Jordan fan when you boil it down. I know who the GOAT was and the comparisons with him and Lebron are laughable.


I still can't understand why you avoid answering questions.

Because I'm not going to humor you with a Jordan vs LeBron debate when I don't even think LeBron is better.

I just ran into this thread and it was interesting to see the reaction to the Spurs now as compared to how overall perception was in prior years. Hope you guys don't mind but I'm going to be a little long winded. But don't worry I'll try to connect this post to the Jags in a way. 


 I'm from San Antonio and am very proud to be a Spurs fan since 86. I was a little tyke and remember going to the old smoke filled hemisphere arena to watch the Andersons and Alvin Robertson. I still to this day have an image ingrained of when Willie Anderson would score the graphic on the jumbo tron would show a cartoon like basketball player doing a wheely on his bike. I thought it was great and had no Idea how bad the Spurs were. It was just fun.


 Fast forward a few years and all of a sudden the Spurs are a first placed team with David Robinson, Sean Elliot and Rod Strickland / Avery Johnson. These were the Spurs I grew up with and it was the first time that I can remember having expectations for the Spurs. I witnessed the Spurs lose a heart breaking series to Clyde Drexlers Blazers and was heart broken. Every year it seemed like Karl Malone would elbow David Robinson and then kick us out of the playoffs and to add insult to injury our beloved David Robinson a "good guy" was now hearing the stigma of being soft. Sound familiar?


 Then the Jordan Baseball years were supposed to be the Spurs chance and Hakeem Olajuwon put Robinson to shame in back to back years. It was demoralizing. As the team aged and injuries took there toll one miserable year changed the Spurs franchise forever because of drafting Tim Duncan. Greg Popovich was the GM at the time and then he became the head coach later that year leaving the GM duties to his protege RC Buford. That was another defining moment in Spurs history. Now the Spurs were just boring and unbearable to watch. "They just lay the ball up." Spurs fans yearned the media attention just like any other fan base. Sound Familiar? I can assure you that having watched all of these years since I was a little boy; winning never was or has become boring for me.


 Then amazingly the Spurs drafted Tony Parker with the 28th pick and even more amazing drafted Manu Ginobili with the 54th pick. Then to put us over the hump one more time the spurs traded backup point guard George Hill for Indiana's 14th pick and drafted a future Finals MVP Kawhi Leonard. 16 years and 5 Championships later it still feels like the first time!


 It's strange because I see a lot of similarities with the Jags. I guess having to hear all the negativity about a small market Spurs team has helped me adapt to that type of negativity when it comes to the Jags. Albeit even I lost my way at times and believed the hype and wanted the Exciting player in a Jags uni if only because the situation seemed a little more dire to give the fans what they needed. Forgetting what the tried and true method that I had witnessed with the Spurs from the beginning of having good players and getting so close but never to that championship level. But having a Coach and GM that had a plan and believed in that system and drafted accordingly. 


 The Spurs have that very important trio of Owner, GM, Coach. It seems the Jags are heading in the direction. My hope is that Blake Bortles is the next Tim Duncan and let the rest be history!


Now for those that appreciate entertaining basketball please take a look at these inspiring videos:







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