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Full Version: Behold, The 12 Laziest Breakups Of All Time
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Quote:You don't stop at just one, homie.. Think of Pringles.. Once you pop, you just don't stop.

Welcome back you funny bastard.
Quote:You don't stop at just one, homie.. Think of Pringles.. Once you pop, you just don't stop.
who said I stopped...
Quote:Welcome back you funny [BAD WORD REMOVED].

Grasias Mi Amigo
De nada muchacho.
I had an ex- pull the "we need a break" line, and she was upset when I stopped talking to her. No good way to break up I suppose. 

I had a knack for being with girls that break up with you by purposely being caught cheating haha.
I'm notorious for being a rebound. But that's all good for me. Rebounds hardly ever last so I have that going for me.
Quote:I'm notorious for being a rebound. But that's all good for me. Rebounds hardly ever last so I have that going for me.

Nevermind. Thought OJ posted that.
Quote:I'm notorious for being a rebound. But that's all good for me. Rebounds hardly ever last so I have that going for me.

I don't think I've ever been a rebound.
Quote:I don't think I've ever been a rebound.
try it
Quote:try it

There aren't a lot of women rebounding when you're in your mid 30's
Quote:Nevermind. Thought OJ posted that.

See if OJ woulda used a blue dolphin instead of a knife, things woulda been a little different.
Quote:There aren't a lot of women rebounding when you're in your mid 30's
You'd be surprised.
Quote:There aren't a lot of women rebounding when you're in your mid 30's

*Clears throat*

Whenever there's a woman who needs a shoulder to cry on, I'll be there..

Whenever there's a woman who caught her husband cheating and she needs someone to talk to, I'll be there..

Whenever a woman is feeling depressed about life, I'll be there..

Whenever a woman needs that special attention that she's been lacking, I'll be there..

I just might not be there in the morning Smile
Ha^ well gents my NyQuil has kicked in some I'm gonna pass out.

Women like danger.

There's danger....and then there's danger!

Black leather, a Harley and a record = danger

Guy from Deliverance = run like hell!!!!
Quote:I'm gonna pass on some good advice.. Google Numbers..

I have a total of 5 Google Numbers and each woman gets a different number.. When it's splitsville, delete the Google Number she has for you and get a new one.. Makes things a lot easier..
Quote:you're creepy



besides....if she's old enough to drink and boink which I am sure she's doing....well, then she's old enough to be looked at as hawt or nawt. 
That logic will (could) get you in a lot of trouble.
Quote:My beard makes me look scary... I had someone break up with me over text.. Lost all respect got her after that.. Not that it mattered at that point.

via text?? smh.... How long were you going out?


Quote:I had an ex- pull the "we need a break" line, and she was upset when I stopped talking to her. No good way to break up I suppose. 

Rachel?? (no not the one from here...lol)


Quote:That logic will (could) get you in a lot of trouble.

...get me in trouble for saying if a 17 year old is hot or not?? Ehmm, I think were getting a little carried away here. 


....and people say I'm the "get off my lawn" type. Laughing 
Quote:...get me in trouble for saying if a 17 year old is hot or not?? Ehmm, I think were getting a little carried away here. 


....and people say I'm the "get off my lawn" type. Laughing
No, not saying she is hot will get you in trouble. The problem lies with some using the logic that just because she is "drinking and boinking" that it is ok to drink and boink. That lineof thinking has gotten many, many guys in trouble.
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