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Full Version: If all Caldwell's acquisitions pan out do we have a SB caliber offense in 2015?
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Quote:Fact: Ben Roethsliberger won more Super Bowls than Aaron Rodgers. He also is the player Blake Bortles was most often compared to before the draft.

Is it a fact that Blake was most often compared to Ben?
Quote:It would depend on the type of qb Blake turns into. If he becomes more of a Aaron Rodgers type then yes. He will constantly make the game a track meet where some teams just cant keep up. On the other hand if he becomes a Matt Ryan or Big Ben then no. We would still need some type of defense to stall opposing offenses and generate more turnovers. 

I'm pretty sure when all is said and done with the defense, it's going to be a little better than the traditional bend but don't break units we've endured for years. 
Quote:Fact: Ben Roethsliberger won more Super Bowls than Aaron Rodgers. He also is the player Blake Bortles was most often compared to before the draft.

How exactly is that a fact?  Someone expresses an opinion comparing a player to another guy already in the league.  That's not fact.  It's an opinion.  You know the difference, right?  Otherwise you're just the female version of TMD. 
"If all of Caldwell's acquisitions pan out, do we have a SB caliber offense in 2015?"


I guess it depends upon the definition of "pan out".  I am assuming "pan out" to be that the player becomes a solid or better NFL starter.  On the offensive side, if Linder, Beadles, and Bowanko become solid or better starters, the line is good.  At the skill spots, if Bortles, Lee, Allen, and Gerhart become solid or better starters, with the improved line, TDs then would be more prevalent.  So, yes, in your scenario, the offense would be at or close to SB caliber. 


Unfortunately, the odds that all seven guys mentioned above stay healthy and all develop into good or great players, especially in a short period of time, would be very slim.     

We had a the lowest PPG in the NFL last year, often a good measure of offense.  So no, even if all of Dave's picks hit, we won't be close to a stomp your face in the playoffs offense.

Quote:We had a the lowest PPG in the NFL last year, often a good measure of offense.  So no, even if all of Dave's picks hit, we won't be close to a stomp your face in the playoffs offense.

The PPG stat is based on having Henne, a broke down MJD, pathetic o-line and Shorts as our offense.  So if those picks "pan out"... your negative nancy evaluation will change.
Expectations, temper them.
Quote:Expectations, temper them.

Agreed.  Rome wasn't built in a day. If all the current acquisitions pan out, this is going to be a very good offense, but there are a lot of moving parts that will have to come together to make that happen, and it won't happen overnight. 
Quote:Poz isn't a weakness and will still be in his prime in 2015. I'm pretty sure if someone doesn't emerge at FS this year it will be addressed in the offseason.
Gus has shown no hesitation about giving Gus the tools he needs on the defensive side of the ball
Quote:Middle Linebacker???

I... I...

Middle Linebacker?

Our middle linebacker is the best player on our entire team.
Poz is a liability in coverage and is pretty overpaid for his skill set. If we were more cap strapped they probably would have cut him already, along with Marcedes. Of course this isn't a popular opinion, but it's the truth. Marks is our best player on defense right now.


Poz is a liability in coverage and is pretty overpaid for his skill set. If we were more cap strapped they probably would have cut him already, along with Marcedes. Of course this isn't a popular opinion, but it's the truth. Marks is our best player on defense right now.
You live in a make believe world.


The only reason the jags would have a weakness there is by following your stupid advice, but they won't, and that is the truth.

Quote:I think the Jaguars' weakness in 2015 will be the run defense and free safety.
Curious as to why. I thought the defensive line and LB additions would help that out. It may not be superbowl par, but I would hope it's shored up a great deal. I guess time will tell.


PS: agree on the FS though, but even there I think it will be at least adequate.

It's not really debatable. Poz is a good tackler, and racks up tackle numbers, but he doesn't cover well and is overpaid. No where did I say we should get rid of him though, which is what you're implying, so how about you actually read what I say before you jump to conclusions. What I said is that we need to address the position in the draft to get an upgrade over Poz because he's not worth the money we're paying, doesn't get the most out of the position on the field, and is heading into the backend of his career. If you want to see how the position is properly played in this defense look at Bobby Wagner, then go and look at film of Poz.

Either way, they need to get a young replacement for him especially if he's asking for too much money. Poz is serviceable at best, but he's not the longterm answer by any stretch.
Quote:It's not really debatable. Poz is a good tackler, and racks up tackle numbers, but he doesn't cover well and is overpaid. No where did I say we should get rid of him though, which is what you're implying, so how about you actually read what I say before you jump to conclusions. What I said is that we need to address the position in the draft to get an upgrade over Poz because he's not worth the money we're paying, doesn't get the most out of the position on the field, and is heading into the backend of his career. If you want to see how the position is properly played in this defense look at Bobby Wagner, then go and look at film of Poz.

Either way, they need to get a young replacement for him especially if he's asking for too much money. Poz is serviceable at best, but he's not the longterm answer by any stretch.
What does being over paid have to do with his performance? The jags can afford him now and will be able to afford him in 2015.


Weaknesses on the roster aren't defined as players you would cut because they make too much money. That weakness only exists in your imagination.


You may not like him but that doesn't change the fact tat he a good MLB. His trip to the pro bowl confirms that.
I think we could make a deep run in the playoffs next year. But I am heavily factoring in the amount of spending we do in FA next year. Caldwell already showed he wasnt afraid to make a player the top paid guy at his position. And in 2015 there will only be 2 more years to reach the 89% average limit, which he isnt really close to right now. I think we might sign 2 pro bowl caliber guys, just because other than Cecil we have no where to spend the money. 


With that taken into account, if Blake is above average I could see us challenging at least any team. 

Quote:I think we could make a deep run in the playoffs next year. But I am heavily factoring in the amount of spending we do in FA next year. Caldwell already showed he wasnt afraid to make a player the top paid guy at his position. And in 2015 there will only be 2 more years to reach the 89% average limit, which he isnt really close to right now. I think we might sign 2 pro bowl caliber guys, just because other than Cecil we have no where to spend the money. 


With that taken into account, if Blake is above average I could see us challenging at least any team. 
Hopefully we will have some players step up and earn contract extensions also. We need more players hitting their stride going into 2015.

Quote:I think the Jaguars' weakness in 2015 will be the run defense and free safety.

It' better not be.  We just signed 4 defensive linemen in free agency.
Quote:The PPG stat is based on having Henne, a broke down MJD, pathetic o-line and Shorts as our offense.  So if those picks "pan out"... your negative nancy evaluation will change.

This year it'll be still Henne, unproven RBs, unproven rookie WRs, unproven offensive line who have collectively started how many games (if you take Beadles out, its under 10, no?).  That is NOT a superbowl offense.  There is not a single pro bowl player to watch for this year on the offense, if there is one it'll be a major surprise.  Two is dream world. We're not even talking an All-Pro... 


All these people who claim we have the makings of a top 3 offense (which is what a super bowl caliber offense would be) in 2015 can't even admit we won't have a pro bowl player in 2014 on offense nor a likely all-pro in 2015.  I think it's harder to go from pro bowl to all-pro than it is best player on the team to pro bowl. 


Temper expectations, the defense will probably be better than the offense this year anyway.

It basically all come down to Blake and if he can be what we all hope he can.  With all the excitement its easy to forget how much is riding on Blake.

A very good offense IF they pan out. Which is the hardest thing, in the end.


The O-Line is better but improvement is needed to put the O over the top, along with an extra receiving TE.


Guys... I know that everyone is excited that we can still keep Blackmon along with our draft picks and free agent additions to improve our offense, but let's actually save all the "Super Bowl Offense" talk for when we actually get on the field, play some games, and beat some good defenses like Seattle.


Than we can start talking about the Super Bowl.

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