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Quote:Right, in the 90's.  The market changed and so did the technology.  MS lost the battle big time.
see my last post as well as dragon fury's. they lost the battle and theyre worth 78 billion. also this article with the headline....


"Microsoft's Q2: record $24.52 billion revenue and 3.9 million Xbox One sales"




they better lick their wounds and crawl into a hole. 



Quote:I'm sure they're weeping into their 90% market share in the desktop/ laptop market.

Where are you getting this number from?  I'm pretty sure its way too high.
Quote:Where are you getting this number from?  I'm pretty sure its way too high.

I linked the article where i got my numbers from. Why dont you focus on that one?
Quote:I linked the article where i got my numbers from. Why dont you focus on that one?

Because I was asking him.  I don't need you to direct me where to look.
Quote:see my last post as well as dragon fury's. they lost the battle and theyre worth 78 billion. also this article with the headline....


"Microsoft's Q2: record $24.52 billion revenue and 3.9 million Xbox One sales"




they better lick their wounds and crawl into a hole. 



As I've said previously, the guy isn't a complete idiot.  He's done some really good things at Microsoft (as you've pointed out, but their market share is not 90%) and he missed out on the pad explosion....I did say as a businessman, buying the Clippers for 2 billion was a bad business move.  I don't care if there are 50 offers for that, it's a bad business move. 


Let's not rehash the 2 billion is nothing to him line either.  That is 10% of his personal wealth.  If any of us spent 10% of our personal wealth, we'd notice too.




On why he wouldn't move them to Seattle - http://sportspressnw.com/2185402/2014/ba...ng-of-jaws


[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-04-16-at-4-16-4.16.46-PM-620x587.png]
Operating profit and market share are not the same thing. Apple's profit is massive because they have no low end machines.

When I get home I'll post the link to Windows' market share.
Quote:Operating profit and market share are not the same thing. Apple's profit is massive because they have no low end machines.

When I get home I'll post the link to Windows' market share.

No, I understand what you're saying.....and I agree with you to a point.  In the end, profit is king.


Windows has a good product that a lot of systems use, and for the most part has done a good job of rolling with time.  I have a mac, and prefer the Windows operating system.


Edit:  I found this.  It's two years old, but basically says why he had to step down.  I don't think I knew their share price peaked at $60 while he took over as CEO and dipped to $20 at one point.  Pretty crazy.



Quote:As I've said previously, the guy isn't a complete idiot.  He's done some really good things at Microsoft (as you've pointed out, but their market share is not 90%) and he missed out on the pad explosion....I did say as a businessman, buying the Clippers for 2 billion was a bad business move.  I don't care if there are 50 offers for that, it's a bad business move. 


Let's not rehash the 2 billion is nothing to him line either.  That is 10% of his personal wealth.  If any of us spent 10% of our personal wealth, we'd notice too.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/31/opinion/downey-clippers-sell-for-two-billion-ballmer/'>http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/31/opinion/downey-clippers-sell-for-two-billion-ballmer/</a>


On why he wouldn't move them to Seattle - <a class="bbc_url" href='http://sportspressnw.com/2185402/2014/ballmer-clippers-a-seismic-dropping-of-jaws'>http://sportspressnw.com/2185402/2014/ballmer-clippers-a-seismic-dropping-of-jaws</a>

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://83-136-248-155.uk-lon1.host.upcloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Screen-Shot-2013-04-16-at-4-16-4.16.46-PM.png'>[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-04-16-at-4-16-4.16.46-PM-620x587.png]</a>

Its as simple as Wikipedia. <a class="bbc_url" href='http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems'>http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems</a>
Quote:Its as simple as Wikipedia. <a class="bbc_url" href='http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems'>http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems</a>

Like you said earlier, please see my previous reply.  LOL
Its actually over 90%. Its clear you arent educated on the topic and just throwing crap at the wall. You dont like ballmer probably because of some random article you read on an apple enthusiast site which only puts out biased and baseless info. Microsoft is still a powerhouse even though they are late to the tablet party. Ballmer ran the company for 14 years. Through a recession, through a shift to mobile, and theyre still doing great. So i think if he sees 2 billion as an appropriate price to pay, you, specifically you, because youre extremely uneducated on the matter, shouldn't have any room to say he overpaid.
Quote:Its actually over 90%. Its clear you arent educated on the topic and just throwing crap at the wall. You dont like ballmer probably because of some random article you read on an apple enthusiast site which only puts out biased and baseless info. Microsoft is still a powerhouse even though they are late to the tablet party. Ballmer ran the company for 14 years. Through a recession, through a shift to mobile, and theyre still doing great. So i think if he sees 2 billion as an appropriate price to pay, you, specifically you, because youre extremely uneducated on the matter, shouldn't have any room to say he overpaid.

Lol, talk about throwing crap against the wall.  Nothing you said about me personally above is true....He did an ok job running Microsoft, but lets take a look at that stock price from when he took over.  His investors don't think he has done very well.  If you want to keep on believing I think the purchase price was too high because he worked for Microsoft you haven't read what I said about Microsoft previously in this thread.


If you look at the profit ratio to purchase price, it's a bad purchase.  Simple as that.  If you want to talk about being uneducated on the pruchase price, you just proved it.  Like I said, lets keep playing the he has the money so its ok card.  Rich people lose money because of stupid decisions. 
This just popped up on my Facebook timeline.  It was posted 23 minutes ago on Deadspin....



Quote:This just popped up on my Facebook timeline.  It was posted 23 minutes ago on Deadspin....




When Ballmer left Microsoft, its profits were three times higher than when he took over as CEO.

Must have been doing something right. As for Ballmer as a CEO, his major mistake was not recognizing the emerging markets of mobile systems and the general internet boom. But against that is the fact that MS remained dominant in the OS & Office suite markets.


As for the purchase price; major sports franchises don't adhere to standard laws of corporate economics because they are viewed as more than just corporations or franchises. They're the ultimate prestige object.
Quote:Its actually over 90%. Its clear you arent educated on the topic and just throwing crap at the wall. You dont like ballmer probably because of some random article you read on an apple enthusiast site which only puts out biased and baseless info. Microsoft is still a powerhouse even though they are late to the tablet party. Ballmer ran the company for 14 years. Through a recession, through a shift to mobile, and theyre still doing great. So i think if he sees 2 billion as an appropriate price to pay, you, specifically you, because youre extremely uneducated on the matter, shouldn't have any room to say he overpaid.

They only have a 5% share in the U.S which has been stagnant., and there are rumors circulating they want to intergrate part of their platform with Android.
Quote:Its actually over 90%. Its clear you arent educated on the topic and just throwing crap at the wall. You dont like ballmer probably because of some random article you read on an apple enthusiast site which only puts out biased and baseless info. Microsoft is still a powerhouse even though they are late to the tablet party. Ballmer ran the company for 14 years. Through a recession, through a shift to mobile, and theyre still doing great. So i think if he sees 2 billion as an appropriate price to pay, you, specifically you, because youre extremely uneducated on the matter, shouldn't have any room to say he overpaid.

All of my computer/mobile devices are all cross platform. I own a Toshiba Win 8.1 touchscreen, iPad Gen 2, and Android Samsung Galaxy Note 3. I purposely did this to seek out the benefits and disadvantages of all ecosystem so it will help me understand each platform more.

On to your response, as a person who's first smartphone was a Samsung Blackjack that ran on at that time was Windows Mobile back in 2007, Microsoft was in a prime position to be a leader in the OS smartphone world. The 2 key mistakes they make and continue to make is for one, creating flagship devices for select carries only. Prime example was the Blackjack only being available on AT&T then. Fast forward to now, and they are still creating select carrier moly flagship devices ie Nokia Lumina icon only being available on Verizon which is supposedly the best phone on Microsoft. Yes, a person who has Tmobile can buy the Verison phone and have it unlocked, but why pay extra to do that, and take a gamble on not receiving the proper updates on time?

A lot of people complain and whine about Android, but truth of the matter is they built their brand solely off of advertising and marketing to both the high end with the Galaxy and Galaxy Note line, all the way down to the basic pre-paid el cheapo you can pick up at the gas station. iOS is dominant because the ui is smooth and unlike Android is stable and more secure. The thing iOS and Android both have in common is they don't have carrier only flagship devices.

Microsoft is still on a long path to being a dominant player in the tablet market. Challenge yourself the next time you walk into a carrier store and see what the salesperson recommends when it comes to smartphone/tablets. Pay attention to where they are located in the store, are the devices located in the back or front of the store. Also, see what the salesperson suggest. More than likely they will punch the Samsung Tablets/Smartphones because they get a bigger commission check. They get no incentive selling Microsoft.
Quote:Not so fast....


Lol, this is one wishy washy guy.  I want to sell, I dont want to sell and sue...and on and on and on.


His main point of the lawsuit is a good base.  They are using information obtained illegally to kick him out of the NBA....I cant imagine his business would be viable though with him owning it going forward.  He'd get bottom barrel players and I'd imagine Doc Rivers would want out as well.


I'd say selling for $2 billion is the way to go.
Quote:Lol, this is one wishy washy guy.  I want to sell, I dont want to sell and sue...and on and on and on.


His main point of the lawsuit is a good base.  They are using information obtained illegally to kick him out of the NBA....I cant imagine his business would be viable though with him owning it going forward.  He'd get bottom barrel players and I'd imagine Doc Rivers would want out as well.


I'd say selling for $2 billion is the way to go.

espn says the value of the knicks is an estimated 3 billion. you should write them a letter and tell them thats stupid. 
Quote:Lol, this is one wishy washy guy.  I want to sell, I dont want to sell and sue...and on and on and on.


His main point of the lawsuit is a good base.  They are using information obtained illegally to kick him out of the NBA....I cant imagine his business would be viable though with him owning it going forward.  He'd get bottom barrel players and I'd imagine Doc Rivers would want out as well.


I'd say selling for $2 billion is the way to go.

Well since he supposedly has Alzheimer's now...I guess it's to be expected.
Quote:espn says the value of the knicks is an estimated 3 billion. you should write them a letter and tell them thats stupid. 

You sound like a bitter, jilted lover.
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