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Full Version: Draft Picks Help, But Gus Is the Guy Behind the Buzz
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Quote:People are jumping the gun by saying we're jumping the gun. No ones saying this is gonna be a playoff team, the only point being made here is that Gus Juice is fab.

Its good to read some positive national press for a change. 

Exactly. It's not deluding fans into thinking this is suddenly a playoff contender. It's just good to see positive press, and to see others outside of Jax starting to recognize the progress this team appears to be making.

Beats the heck out of the negative garbage we've read in recent years.
Quote:Gusjuice got us four wins last season
With an 0-16 roster
If you allow me another comparision with Seattle. I think national press learned something from our example. For most of them it take looong time (almost 3 years) to see, what was going on with the Seahawks. Fans and local reporters know, what Pete Carroll (for other he was just another successfull college coach, who will fail again in the NFL) was buliding, but national media still ignored us. I think they only started to take us more serious in later part of 2012 season, when we had that 3 game streak, when we scored 150 points.


They don't want to make same mistake with the Jaguars, so they don't look stupid again, when your team becomes good. I think with another good offseason and development of young players the Jags could be a playoff team in 2015. And for a long time after that.



As Larry Brown Sports notes, Bjornsson squat-lifted nearly 800 pounds and benched more than 500. And he's only half a Thor! Imagine what a full Thor would do! (Sorry. So very, very sorry. I'll go watch old Jaguars games as punishment.)


Haters are going to hate.  (this is just a random article that was on a news site today)
6'9", 400lbs and can bench 500lbs why on earth isnt he in the NFL?

Not like we're putting our life savings on the Jags in Vegas.  

Wait... What?  We're not?   But I thought.... 

SON OF A....       :confused:
Article didn't say we were going to be super bowl champs. It also specifically stated that he had no idea if it would translate on the field. What it did say is our coach is refreshing because he brings fun into coaching and the fans are getting excited. Momentum is building. I don't know how anyone especially a Jag fans spins that into a negative thing.
Quote:Article didn't say we were going to be super bowl champs. It also specifically stated that he had no idea if it would translate on the field. What it did say is our coach is refreshing because he brings fun into coaching and the fans are getting excited. Momentum is building. I don't know how anyone especially a Jag fans spins that into a negative thing.

Obviously, someone is trying. 
Gus personality and approach may not work in every situation or for every franchise, but for this particular franchise and this particular situation it's exactly what was needed.   



I've been following Gus' career since he was Monte Kiffin's apprentice in Tampa Bay.   Monte Kiffin called him a "once in a lifetime" football coach.  That's not just what Kiffin says in the media to blow some hype about a friend for the public eye, but it's what he's been saying behind closed doors and inside the coaching fraternity to anyone who will listen. Just think of all the coaches Monte Kiffin  has worked with over the decades, and what kind of impression Bradley has to make to earn that kind of praise.   That Kiffin coaching tree includes guys who have Superbowl Rings as head coaches, like Mike Tomlin and Pete Carroll.   Gus got the DC job in Seattle because Kiffin got on the phone and begged Mora to just give Gus an interview when Mora took over the job.   Mora didn't know anything about Bradley, but after spending one day with him he hired him on the spot.   Mora, Carroll and every coach who has ever worked with Bradley eventually comes around to Kiffin's opinion of him.  

Doesn't it just make you guys mad whenever you see someone being excited? I know I get that way. Man, when I see people having optimism and excitement it just gets under my skin! I hate it!

Quote:Gus personality and approach may not work in every situation or for every franchise, but for this particular franchise and this particular situation it's exactly what was needed.   



I've been following Gus' career since he was Monte Kiffin's apprentice in Tampa Bay.   Monte Kiffin called him a "once in a lifetime" football coach.  That's not just what Kiffin says in the media to blow some hype about a friend for the public eye, but it's what he's been saying behind closed doors and inside the coaching fraternity to anyone who will listen. Just think of all the coaches Monte Kiffin  has worked with over the decades, and what kind of impression Bradley has to make to earn that kind of praise.   That Kiffin coaching tree includes guys who have Superbowl Rings as head coaches, like Mike Tomlin and Pete Carroll.   Gus got the DC job in Seattle because Kiffin got on the phone and begged Mora to just give Gus an interview when Mora took over the job.   Mora didn't know anything about Bradley, but after spending one day with him he hired him on the spot.   Mora, Carroll and every coach who has ever worked with Bradley eventually comes around to Kiffin's opinion of him.  

As time has progressed since his hiring, I've bought into the entire Gus thing.  There were bigger names we could have pursued, but I really believe that for this franchise, for this owner, and for this town, Gus is the absolute perfect fit. 


Now, he's going to have to do it on the field, but I'm confident that's going to happen. Gus is a good coach. If you watch him on the field, the energy level is barely containable.  He's a teacher and motivational speaker bundled into a coach's body.


Having attended a few events where he was featured, it was easy to get scooped up into that whirlwind of energy.  But, what truly sold me on Bradley was sitting beside him at a youth basketball game that his son and my nephew were playing in.  This is not an act.  Gus is genuinely a positive guy no matter what the situation, and that kind of constant vibe really does start to rub off on everyone around him. 


Seeing good press about his positivity is a sign that people are taking note.  They recognize that when you have a leader who maintains such an emphasis on team, and on having fun and getting better, eventually it's going to start to have an impact on the field.  I'm hopeful that what Gus has brought from his experience with Kiffin and Carroll will translate into great success here in Jacksonville.  If it doesn't happen, it won't be for a lack of trying. 
Quote:Doesn't it just make you guys mad whenever you see someone being excited? I know I get that way. Man, when I see people having optimism and excitement it just gets under my skin! I hate it!

Nothing ticks me off more.


Makes me want to punch someone in the giblets.

Quote:Doesn't it just make you guys mad whenever you see someone being excited? I know I get that way. Man, when I see people having optimism and excitement it just gets under my skin! I hate it!

Last week at minicamp, I saw Bradley signing autographs, praising his players and getting excited about the situation here in Jacksonville.


I was so angry, I was running around looking for a baby to punch.
Quote:Last week at minicamp, I saw Bradley signing autographs, praising his players and getting excited about the situation here in Jacksonville.


I was so angry, I was running around looking for a baby to punch.

I hope you found a suitable target / receptacle for your anger. Myself, I went and beat a stick against a tree. Ain't nothin' like beating something with itself to make me feel better.
Quote:" beating something with itself "

Umm,,,uhhh...  such as??
Quote:Umm,,,uhhh...  such as??

Tree with a stick man. Keep up, things come fast around here.  Ninja
Quote:Tree with a stick man. Keep up, things come fast around here.  Ninja

Sorry, too much Gus-juice.   heady stuff..
Quote:Sorry, too much Gus-juice.   heady stuff..

I understand. It takes a while.
I don't want to take anything away from Coach Bradley, but I think the true genius behind all of this is Mr. Khan.  He is doing a remarkable thing with his team and is making the right decisions.


During and after the draft I started watching a lot of the press and the fan buzz around the internet.  I think a lot of people were caught off guard and suddenly realize that what is happening in this city and with this team is something special.

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