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Full Version: Changing coaches mid season does nothing...
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1 game.


Pump the brakes.

All I know is, I've never seen Bortles, or hell, our team play like that since Del Rio.

Quote:All I know is, I've never seen Bortles, or hell, our team play like that since Del Rio.
We've been saying all year if the 2015 offense shows up for a game that the defense does too, then it would be epic. We got our wish. It was awesome.
Quote:No he wasnt lol. He went 6-10 and 9-7, his offenses were total garbage. All he had was a jim schwartz coached defense with a line that included marcell dareus, jerry hughes, mario williams, and kyle williams. They had something like 42 sacks that year. That wasnt marrone, that was Jim. Other than that there was nothing to speak of in his tenure.

He had Kyle Orton playing damn good football in that 9-7 year. Bills last finished 9-7 under Mularkey like 10 years before that.

Can slam on him all you want but Id definitely say hes a decent option. Not who I want but this offense looked like last year today. Small sample size but he was going to be a candidate/will be a candidate for us and other teams regardless.
Quote:If we did it too early we might always be wondering "what if?" but now there's no doubt Gus had to go. Also, the announcers made a good point that sticking with Gus so long makes the job all the more attractive to prospective coaches as it shows strong loyalty from the owner.

  When combining the Raiders game and the game at Tennessee 4 days later,   I think the chances of Gus Bradley turning around the Jaguars were slim.   


  I respect the thought process regarding the loyalty/ patience factor of the owner.   But considering the state of the Jaguars after the game in Nashville,  I don't think the vast majority of potential HC candidates for 2017 would have looked at the Jaguars situation worse if Bradley was let go in the hours or days after the loss in Tennessee.
Language of initial post

So bold and cultured
Quote:1 game.


Pump the brakes.

hold what brakes?  Where did I say this team is superbowl bound?  Where did I say Marrone is some great coach?  In fact, where did I say anything other than something good can come from firing an awful coach?


Quote:hold what brakes?  Where did I say this team is superbowl bound?  Where did I say Marrone is some great coach?  In fact, where did I say anything other than something good can come from firing an awful coach?
right here

If Marrone can repeat this performance then the drum may start beating for him to have the job. We shall see.
Quote:All I know is, I've never seen Bortles, or hell, our team play like that since Del Rio.

Uh, what about the beat down we gave the colts last year?
Quote:Uh, what about the beat down we gave the colts last year?

Yes, a real Jags fan will NEVER forget the clots 50 burger beat down or this totally unexpected, all phases of the game beat down of the stinkin tacks when they had everything to play for, like a rare winning season and a playoff berth, and the Jags had absolutely nothing to play for except Pride and being a division rival playoff spoiler.


I member

titans will forever be titans

I happy

RIP Fargin
Quote:Wrong. They were unprepared and didn't execute.  Marrone didn't blame the refs for any Jaguars mistakes.  And didn't choke.   World of a difference. A blow out and winning feels awesome. 
Which part is wrong?


I guess you are trying to tell me Gus was the reason Blake played so poorly? Because other than raising that question, all I did was express that I wish he'd been fired sooner. 


I've harped on the team being unprepared/undisciplined and not executing since week four of LAST season, dude. 
Quote:I mean that has to be the dumbest thing I have heard people on this board say, and I have heard a lot of stupid things over the years.

Gus was a cancer to this team. Had we fired him a year ago or hell at the bye, this team would be competing for the afc south. Our owner is an absolute idiot for waiting this long.

Tell me again how firing a cancerous coach doesnt do anything for the team... smh

Exactly. It's the same mentality that people have in broken relationships. Look, if something is broken, you either fix it or you find something else and move on. You don't sit there and let it fester like a chump and eat away at you physically and mentally day after day.


It was pretty evident after that loss in Tennessee that a change needed to be made either at the QB position or in the coaching staff. Of course Olson was the first sacrificial lamb but that's Bradley's fault for waiting too long to drop him for Hackett. And that level of incompetence and lack of intestinal fortitude is also in the front office as well. Caldwell has also set us back. 

Quote:1 game.


Pump the brakes.

It's 1 game. Where the offense showed up and looked balanced and fluid with the same personnel they've had all year. Bradley waited too long to pull the trigger on Olson for Hackett. We instantly saw a change and improvement once that happened. Now we saw yesterday what might have been had we had a better eye or game manager leading the way at the HC position. 


These kind of moves don't hurt mid season. Harbaugh in Baltimore made the same move a few years ago and it ended up winning them a Superbowl. Rex Ryan just did the same thing earlier this year when he canned Roman for Lynn. Have the Bills been all that great this year? No. But they're still in a wildcard chase and had they not made that move earlier this year they'd probably be towards the bottom where we've been. 


That's the problem with this front office though. Not making a decision is a BIG decision. An indecision is a bad decision. And that's what happened this year. Khan put too much trust in Caldwell. Caldwell put too much trust in Bradley. After winning only 12 games headed into this season I don't see why they could possibly hold out much longer. If anything positive was going to happen it would have already had happened. 


But it simply wasn't there in Bradley. 
Quote:The fact that only 1 interim coach has even gotten the HC job tells you changing coaches midseason is meaningless. And that coach, Jason Garrett, was being groomed anyway. So it was a rare case. Also, teams usually play well in their first game the with replacement coach. If Marrone had a full 8 games, I'd say we go 2-6 or 3-5 at best. Thankfully, this entire staff will be gone including the garbage interim coach.
Dude, when your other option is the worst HC in history, a coaching change mid season isn't meaningless.

Had we done it this year (I kept saying it needed to be done last year) we would of had a lot better body of work to judge Marrone on. Now, we have two meaningless games.

People need to face it, fans were calling for this a long time ago, and were ridiculed by the media, the FO, Dudley DoRight Jaguar fans, called idiots by Jeff Lags... and wouldn't ya know it we were right.

It's pretty hilarious actually.
Quote:Not true, many here said it accomplished nothing... wether they admit it or not doesnt change that
the only thing ive seen (and I'm one who said it too) is that a mid season coaching change generally does not make a significant enough change to merit doing so and history shows that more interim coaches have a far less impact on the rest of the season to make a big difference...There are always exceptions, but the point remains the same 
Quote:Dude, when your other option is the worst HC in history, a coaching change mid season isn't meaningless.

Had we done it this year (I kept saying it needed to be done last year) we would of had a lot better body of work to judge Marrone on. Now, we have two meaningless games.

People need to face it, fans were calling for this a long time ago, and were ridiculed by the media, the FO, Dudley DoRight Jaguar fans, called idiots by Jeff Lags... and wouldn't ya know it we were right.

It's pretty hilarious actually.

   In addition to what you mentioned,  the fact that the game at Indianapolis has no playoff implications for each team makes that game that much more meaningless in the evaluation process.


  Though Doug Marrone is someone that the Jaguars should interview for the HC position in the next couple of weeks or so,   there's absolutely no question that his limited body of work as Jaguars interim HC works against him compared to if he had a much more extensive interim opportunity.    
Plus, Indy blows.  The Jags have outscored them like 81 to 43 the past 2 outings, and seem built to undo em.  Likely will do it again, if good Jags show up, making the win even murkier evaluation wise.  I'd gladly accept a sweep though, and a 3-3 divisional record to build on in an otherwise forgettable season.
Interesting the o line became better without Marrone. Maybe he just ain't good at being an o-line coach.
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