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Full Version: I don't care what you guys say, I think we just set ourselves up for a super bowl run next year. Playoffs this year.
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Why not Super Bowl in a few years?  Football is a team game and Dave & Gus are building a team with the same mindset.  Get 'em all moving in the same direction and the sky's the limit.  Gus is the man to lead this.

I'm as happy as anyone with this draft, but this is nuts.  Did you watch what Seattle did to the best offense in the league?  They made them look incompetent.  And as much as we can all hope for Bortles to be great, I think hoping for Manning levels is asking a lot.


In short, playoffs next year, maybe.  Super bowl though?  We're going to need more drafts like this first.

Quote:Don't buy the "meaningless" stuff. There are no "meaningless" wins in the NFL. Winning those games made people begin to buy into what Gus was doing. While "meaningless" in your eyes, they were important wins.
that guy is a douche bag.
@stroudcrowd1...we beat the Texans who had clearly given up, twice...and another win came over the Browns in OT...3 wins against teams picking in the top 4 is nothing to brag about...and by all accounts the players were already "bought into" what Gus was doing.


@JagsorDie...LOL...how am I a [BLEEP] when I am being realistic...they were not what I would call quality wins...we got blown out a ton and managed to barely win 4 games against bad opponents during the weakest part of our schedule...sorry I am not predicting SB like so many others.

Quote:@stroudcrowd1...we beat the Texans who had clearly given up, twice...and another win came over the Browns in OT...3 wins against teams picking in the top 4 is nothing to brag about...and by all accounts the players were already "bought into" what Gus was doing.


@JagsorDie...LOL...how am I a [BAD WORD REMOVED] when I am being realistic...they were not what I would call quality wins...we got blown out a ton and managed to barely win 4 games against bad opponents during the weakest part of our schedule...sorry I am not predicting SB like so many others.

I don't recall anybody bragging about anything, lol
HA HA...good point Stroudcrowd...I am just not getting excited until I see it on the field...to many years have I seen us supposedly have good drafts only to see the product on the field not improve at all...and when I see us beating really bad teams, while I am happy for the wins...I am not saying we had 4 wins last year...we are going to get 8 wins this year...


Improvement IMO would not be getting blown out multiple times during the season...beating the bad teams while also taking really good teams to the wire...this may only equal 4 or 5 wins this coming year and personally I would be alright with that...because to me that would show actual improvement.

Realistically, I'm expecting 6 to 7 wins next year.

Quote:I am renewing my tickets Monday! And I will be right there cheering them on all season.

Bortles to Lee for 6..yes! After the review its a TD!

Storm Johnson busts loose for 6.

Robinson on the fade......the ref says yes! TD

I am fired up!!!!

While I share your enthusiasm and excitement, let's get back to planet earth.


At the VERY best, and it's a reach, we make the playoffs as a wild card contender.


Remember, the Colts have a pretty good team still, although they are going through a transition.  As much as we all hate it, they are the "team to beat" in our division.


The Texans can still be very dangerous.  I believe that last season was a fluke for them.  They are much better than their record showed.  Quite a few of their losses last season came in the final minutes or overtime in games, and they didn't lose many games by a huge margin.  Mark my words, I don't see them having the first pick of the 2015 draft next year, and it's quite possible they won't even have a pick in the first 10 positions.


The Titans are rebuilding just like we are.  I don't see them having as much talent as the Colts or the Texans, but somehow they always manage to be in the mix.  They have always been our nemesis, and I wouldn't take it as a "given" that we can beat them twice.


I would give us the possibility of going 3-3 in the division.  There is always a chance that any one of our division rivals can beat us, and it's very likely.


Looking at the schedule for next season, I don't see any games that favor us significantly.  Look at each opponent, and the game can go either way.  While we see the upgrades that we have done on our team, other teams have also upgraded.


I would be happy and satisfied if we can get to .500 this coming season, then move up in the 2015 season.  I believe that we have the players and the tools in place to at least accomplish that.  Depending on how the season plays out, 8-8 might get a wild card spot.
I agree jagibelieve...even though I am picking a slightly lower win total...IMO the Texans will be this years "Chiefs"...maybe not 14 - 2...but I can see them being a 10 win team...they have way to much talent to be horrible again.


I also agree that when you look out of the division...no games really favor us and all of them could go either way...with some games being in the it will be hard for us to win those type games.
Wow most of our fans are using rationale and logic... where did the old board go?
Quote:I agree jagibelieve...even though I am picking a slightly lower win total...IMO the Texans will be this years "Chiefs"...maybe not 14 - 2...but I can see them being a 10 win team...they have way to much talent to be horrible again.


I also agree that when you look out of the division...no games really favor us and all of them could go either way...with some games being in the it will be hard for us to win those type games.
the Texans are not gonna win 10 games without a QB.
The Jaguars could make a playoff run this year... if Bortles is ready to start on opening day.


We're a better team now, but QB will hold the roster down as long as it's Henne in the game.

Ryan Fitzpatrick is not horrible and can win some games with the defense they have...and if Foster is back to full strength then they will be very tough to beat...their defense should return to be very good and then you add in Clowney and they could be scary good.

I said before the draft jags will go 9-7 this year. I stand by that, We will be much better then people think.  our defense will keep us in some games, maybe even win a couple for us this year.

You have to keep in mind that even if Bortles starts over Henne (and that's an if), Bortles is still a rookie.  Rarely do rookie quarterbacks do well in their first year.  We're also going to be relying heavily on other rookies (2 receivers and a guard).  There does tend to be a learning curve.  I still see us as being one off-season away from being a legitimate playoff contender.  Besides the reliance on rookies (including a rookie quarterback), we have holes.  I think we have a center and two outside linebackers that would start on very few NFL teams.  Our center may not even make many teams.  Although we added depth to the defensive line, I still feel that we lack an elite pass rusher that's important for winning.  I think we get 6-7 wins with our losses mostly being close instead of the blowouts from last year.  That's good progress.  I think we were lucky to win the 4 games last year.  If we were to win 8 games this year, that would be a very good year for us.  With one more off-season and development of our rookies, 2015 could be exciting.

Quote:I said before the draft jags will go 9-7 this year. I stand by that, We will be much better then people think. our defense will keep us in some games, maybe even win a couple for us this year.

I hope you're right. It's possible but at this point you'd have to feel like the Jags would have to have a few lucky breaks here or there. Then again, nobody thought the 96 team would make the playoffs and they went 9-7. ;-) Let's just hope for steady progress in the meantime.
Quote:I agree jagibelieve...even though I am picking a slightly lower win total...IMO the Texans will be this years "Chiefs"...maybe not 14 - 2...but I can see them being a 10 win team...they have way to much talent to be horrible again.


I also agree that when you look out of the division...no games really favor us and all of them could go either way...with some games being in the it will be hard for us to win those type games.

10 wins by the Texans is not out of the question.  They have a pretty good defensive front now, and their offense is not bad, other than the need for a good quarterback.  I would give them the nod as the favorite to win the division if, and only if, they find their quarterback.


The Colts are the Colts.  Andrew Luck is by no means a Peyton Manning, but he has proven to be a solid quarterback.  His targets are changing, and the Colts seem to be filling the spots with capable players.  One interesting thing to see about that team is how they moved into a "run first" type of offense.  If you have a good running game offense, you're going to present a major challenge to most other teams.


Honestly, you can't look at our schedule and say "easy win" or "WILL win" on any of them.  CAN they win any of those games?  Possibly.


This coming season is going to be another development season for us.  I suspect that the front office, the coaching staff and the ownership realizes that and is O.K. with that.  We have the new stadium with all of the "latest perks", we have some young players that are up and coming stars.  Now all that it's going to take is time.  That's where the challenge is.


Most of the fanbase wants to win "right now".  Most want us to be playoff contenders "right now".  It doesn't work that way, and it's pretty much proven that if you go in that direction, you are going to fail more times than not.


Instead you build, be patient and do the right things.  Mr. Khan is no dummy.  He's putting in the infrastructure to make the stadium a world class venue.  He's hired the people who he thinks can bring a competitive and exciting team to his venue.


What is happening before our very eyes is something special.  My hope is that the fans and the people of Jacksonville soon realize that and get behind it.
Quote:I said before the draft jags will go 9-7 this year. I stand by that, We will be much better then people think.  our defense will keep us in some games, maybe even win a couple for us this year.
I sure hope your right but I guess I don't want to be disappointed. I hope i'm pleasantly surprised. I'm thanking 6 wins. Go Jaguars
Well, if you don't care what we say then.....well... ok then.

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