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Full Version: Will Bortles pick grow fanbase in Central FL?
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Quote:you mean they have a huge fan base that can't sell out a 45,301 seat stadium?


maybe they have fans, but they don't go to games, so why would they drive all the way to Jacksonville?

We only need a few hundred of them.   Small steps...
This is the kind of garbage they print in the paper down here.


Orlando media is going to do their best to tamp down any potential for enthusiasm from fans in the region for the Jaguars.


The Bortles selection isn't going to get the Orlando market excited about the Jaguars, but if he proves to be the guy everyone hopes he will be, the winning that should follow suit will do more to appeal to the area.  Winning will do more to cure most of the ills this franchise has.

Quote:This is the kind of garbage they print in the paper down here.



Unfortunately I clicked that link.  1010 needs to get call him up and tear him apart on the air.
Quote:Unfortunately I clicked that link.  1010 needs to get call him up and tear him apart on the air.

Yeah, that would be an entertaining conversation.  Unfortunately, I'd bet the guy wouldn't have the stones to come on the air in Jacksonville.
Quote:Yeah, that would be an entertaining conversation.  Unfortunately, I'd bet the guy wouldn't have the stones to come on the air in Jacksonville.
To be honest, I wouldn't have the confidence that 1010XL would hold him accountable.


There have been way too many instances where media types have taken potshots at us without being held accountable even when they came on the air here.


Truth be told, they would chuckle about it, and that's all.
Quote:To be honest, I wouldn't have the confidence that 1010XL would hold him accountable.


There have been way too many instances where media types have taken potshots at us without being held accountable even when they came on the air here.


Truth be told, they would chuckle about it, and that's all.

True.  But, there are also those moments when they do actually hammer someone in the media.  I can't remember who the columnist was, but it was a guy who wrote an article that kept referencing blackouts and how the team struggled to find fans.  He came on with Hicken and Prosser, and they pummeled the guy until he admitted he didn't have all the facts. 


An article like the one referenced above should be a "guest" opportunity for Dempsey's show.  Let him come on and trash not only the team, but the city on the air.


The Jaguars are certaintly trying their best to reach out to the Orlando fan base. This is good to see. "Welcome to the Family"



The Jaguars are certaintly trying their best to reach out to the Orlando fan base. This is good to see. "Welcome to the Family"
Notice Fin fans getting upset in the comments.Says we get our games blacked out and wish we would move to LA.


Let the haters hate. 

Quote:Notice Fin fans getting upset in the comments.Says we get our games blacked out and wish we would move to LA.



Sounds like Bayless the other day "they can't even sell out half of their stadium" what an idiot.
Spoke to several people over the weekend who were UCF folks who claimed to have looked into getting tics pronto (down here in Daytona.)

The mediator earlier in the week hoped the Jags wouldn't pick BB so he wouldn't have to become a fan. Glad for his luck!
The Media down here bashes the Jags every chance they get. It is sad really. 

Quote:Sounds like Bayless the other day "they can't even sell out half of their stadium" what an idiot.

Bayless is only on ESPN to make everyone else look smarter.  It's lowering our standards without letting us realize that we're lowering them.
Quote:Bayless is only on ESPN to make everyone else look smarter.  It's lowering our standards without letting us realize that we're lowering them.

His counterpart said he "about fainted" when we passed on Manziel for Bortles. What a bunch of clowns.
Quote:His counterpart said he "about fainted" when we passed on Manziel for Bortles. What a bunch of clowns.

These are the guys who are too lazy to be informed. They perpetuate the myths.
My first thought was the usual disdain from people in that area when it previously showed the Jags games....


This could help, but they gotta start winning by the time Bortles becomes full time starter. 

It's not going to make a huge difference in Orlando. Anyone familiar with the area recognizes this. You'll generate a small amount of interest, but for the most part those folks either want their Dolphins or Bucs. Mostly Miami.
Quote:It's not going to make a huge difference in Orlando. Anyone familiar with the area recognizes this. You'll generate a small amount of interest, but for the most part those folks either want their Dolphins or Bucs. Mostly Miami.

Yeah, but perhaps this could steal some of the younger crowd. And the Miami contingent should finish dying off soon. (literally)
You're still talking about a very small segment.

What will grow fans outside of Jacksonville is winning consistently. Bortles isn't going to draw anyone if he's not winning.
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