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Full Version: This organazation is afraid to take chances
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And to add it factors into playcalling to. This team sits on a lead and doesn't play aggressive until the game is out of reach and they have no choice. It's a trickle down effect of a franchise that is completely indecisive and afraid to make a move.

Quote:I am still wondering how a kid makes it on the draft board as a Number one when he says he is not a natural thrower. What were the scouts looking at during his pro days scouting even if he did not admit this bizarre confession. I know no other professional QB who has ever said such a weird thing. We have receivers being drafted that were college QB's and they don't even say they struggle to throw accurately. It's a first in the history of the NFL I think. A QB who admits he is not a natural thrower.

For all the flak Tebow took, and rightly so, Bortles looks no better than Timbo this year let's be honest. Denver's defense kept them in games, and our defense kept us in games this year. Our offense failed miserably. Worse than Denver's offense with Tim.

While I am not in any way suggesting Tebow should be here, I am comparing them to show how bad Bortles looked in his mechanics this year. And more and more last year looks like a fluke.

How this flaw in a Quarterbacks throwing escaped the scouts is mind boggling.

Bortles looked a natural thrower from first first game as a rookie. Don't you remember him tearing apart his first preseason? Looked easy tossing it down the field.
Quote:Bortles looked a natural thrower from first first game as a rookie. Don't you remember him tearing apart his first preseason? Looked easy tossing it down the field.

I do remember that. All I have to say about it is: What in the !@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#$%^&*()_+_)(*&^%$#$%^&*()_)(*&^%$#$%^&*()(*&^%$#$%*()__+_++^ happened?
Quote:Unless they are backed into a corner and have no choice. They should've fired Gus weeks ago and tried to salvage the season but nope. Lets play it out until we absolutely have no choice because LA fired Fisher and we need to start the interview process too.


Bench Blake Bortles? Nope. Blake himself cost us games this year and peoples jobs. Mediocre and barely competent play would have given us a chance. Do we bench him and play the kid Allen? Nope. Lets play Pick Hero 6 until the bitter end and wait until a coach with stones comes in and tells him to take a seat.


It's frustrating watching the Texans and BoB has no problem telling his highly paid QB to sit but we are afraid to hurt Bortles feelings and confidence or whatever. Jacksonville is the only franchise in the freaking NFL who will play the wait and see game for seasons with guys like Gabbert and Bradley to hopefully get better. Now we're gonna do it with Bortles in the less than 1% chance he can be fixed. Hey, when a QB says he's not a natural thrower of the football....you might have got the wrong guy.
they took a chance on hiring Gus in the first place 
Taking Chances doesn't get you anywhere unless you take the right chances. Every personnel choice is taking a chance, we take plenty of them, but we have chosen poorly. 

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