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Full Version: Shad One of the Worst People...
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And it almost sounds like he is calling him "anti-union" because his employees are so well treated they have no interest in a union.

Quote:And it almost sounds like he is calling him "anti-union" because his employees are so well treated they have no interest in a union.
Employers that practise "enlightened self-intrest" will many times have no problems if their employees choose to organize.

In many cases the employees see no advantage to organizing because their employer has created an environment that is

exciting and rewarding to work for and they and their families needs and benefits are covered.


Then there are other employers that look upon employees as revenue streams.

What has been forgotten is that you can run a company with one shareholder, but most companies can't be run with one employee.

I will stop here.



Everything I have read about Shad's business style is that his folks are well compensated, great work environment, management realizes that sometimes family matters get in the way and allow time to take care of them, health, current, future benefits are well above average and reasonable.


That said. Shad is very capable of putting 48hr's of work in a 24hr day and expects his folks to be productive.


I have two neighbors that have worked for the Jaguar Organization during both owners tenure's.

They speak well of both and are enjoying the sense of excitement and urgency that has bloomed at the Bank.

They both are working more hours and love it.  The senior of the two was passing thru Atlanta airport with a affinity group tour

and was stopped from behind by Tom Coughlin. Tom asked him and his wife how were the children and grandchildren and they reciprocated.

The traveling group was astounded that TC would spend time with senior and chat, Senior's response was that TC was a good person

first and foremost. After reflecting on this story, he responded..... Just like Shad.


We are very fortunate here in JAX and I look forward with Pride and excitement.


Quote:In one of these articles about the Clipper's buffoon owner, the author (presumably) has made a graphic displaying the worst people who own sports franchises....and Shad Khan is on the graphic?!?

Listed alongside with Donald Sterling and Marge Schlott....

Anybody have any clue why this might be? Is there some scumbaggary that Shad has partaken in that I am unaware of?


Here's the link:

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.sbnation.com/2014/4/26/5655476/donald-sterling-scumbag-racist-clippers-tmz'>http://www.sbnation.com/2014/4/26/5655476/donald-sterling-scumbag-racist-clippers-tmz</a>
Khan's gestures to moving the team to London is enough to set off worst owner alarms across the NFL world. NFL fans loath any owner that would disgrace an entire city. In fact, all fans loath a sports franchise owner that would do us like that.


Khan can expect ten thousand times whatever a worst owner is if he actually does move to foreign soil.


LOL at all the people getting so easily offended that Shad is listed on there. It's not the least bit surprising that it's people on this board. Maybe if people actually went out and did there research they might find out that Shad the businessman, and Shad the owner, are two completely different types of people.

Quote:LOL at all the people getting so easily offended that Shad is listed on there. It's not the least bit surprising that it's people on this board. Maybe if people actually went out and did there research they might find out that Shad the businessman, and Shad the owner, are two completely different types of people.

Ummmm, research seems to show that Shad the Businessman is a pretty decent fellow too. Even the moron who made that graphic recanted in the comments.
Quote:LOL at all the people getting so easily offended that Shad is listed on there. It's not the least bit surprising that it's people on this board. Maybe if people actually went out and did there research they might find out that Shad the businessman, and Shad the owner, are two completely different types of people.

"There research"
Quote:"There research"

Where is the research?
Quote:Where is the research?



[Image: pointing-finger.jpg]
Oh, that makes sense.

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