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Full Version: 11 Cheap American Beers Ranked From Awful to Drinkable
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Quote:May I present exhibit A.

LOL - I guess I am a bit of a beer snob. 


Compared to many folks I know that wouldn't drink a Michelob Light with a gun to their head I'm actually pretty tame. 

I actually don't care for a bunch of the stuff that's super trendy with the craft-beer-hipster-set. (super hoppy IPAs and sours)

 I lean more toward the classic stuff. Pilsners, Lagers, pale ales, brown ales and lighter stouts. 


But yeah, traveling extensively in Germany and Belgium kind-of ruined me on the mass-produced American pilsners and lagers. Most of them are just to watered-down tasting to me now. I still drink them - but I have my preferences.  If that makes me a snob - I'm fine with that. 
Do any of you watch Beerland on Netflix or Sling?

That show makes me thirsty

Quote:LOL - I guess I am a bit of a beer snob.

Compared to many folks I know that wouldn't drink a Michelob Light with a gun to their head I'm actually pretty tame.

I actually don't care for a bunch of the stuff that's super trendy with the craft-beer-hipster-set. (super hoppy IPAs and sours)

I lean more toward the classic stuff. Pilsners, Lagers, pale ales, brown ales and lighter stouts.

But yeah, traveling extensively in Germany and Belgium kind-of ruined me on the mass-produced American pilsners and lagers. Most of them are just to watered-down tasting to me now. I still drink them - but I have my preferences. If that makes me a snob - I'm fine with that.

After spending 6 weeks in Germany, it took me quite a while to readjust my tastebuds after I came back home.
Quote:You're right, Michelob is a good beer. I'd forgotten about it. I only drink Rolling Rock when I'm eating. To me, it's the best food beer out there.

I can't drink beer with anything but snack foods. I find it too filling as the main beverage with a full meal.

Quote:May I present exhibit A.

Hell I'll gladly admit to being a beer snob.
For you fruity beer drinkers...or drinkers of fruity beer...I noticed that Publix has Leinenkugel BOGO this week.
Quote:I can't drink beer with anything but snack foods. I find it too filling as the main beverage with a full meal.

Agree.  Though I can handle light meals - sub, wings, burger, etc.  I'll sometimes go for an app instead of a plate if having a drink at a restaurant.



Quote:For you fruity beer drinkers...or drinkers of fruity beer...I noticed that Publix has Leinenkugel BOGO this week.

Thanks for the heads up!
Quote:For you fruity beer drinkers...or drinkers of fruity beer...

Important distinction. 


Quote:LOL - I guess I am a bit of a beer snob. 


Compared to many folks I know that wouldn't drink a Michelob Light with a gun to their head I'm actually pretty tame. 

I actually don't care for a bunch of the stuff that's super trendy with the craft-beer-hipster-set. (super hoppy IPAs and sours)

 I lean more toward the classic stuff. Pilsners, Lagers, pale ales, brown ales and lighter stouts. 


But yeah, traveling extensively in Germany and Belgium kind-of ruined me on the mass-produced American pilsners and lagers. Most of them are just to watered-down tasting to me now. I still drink them - but I have my preferences.  If that makes me a snob - I'm fine with that. 

LOL  I must admit that I'm pretty much the same.
Quote:I'm a big Pacifico and Bohemia fan for the south of the border stuff.  (Negra Modelo is good too.)


Which Canadian beers do you like?  I haven't settled on a go-to beer up there really.
Quote:Molson XXX.  Cheap, high alcohol content, usually costs a buck more a 12 pack than Yeungling.  Fosters lager is Australian in origin, but if you pick it up at Publix, it's brewed in Canada.  It's been so long since I've had a LaBatt's, I've forgotten what they taste like, but I think I remember liking one of their high octane cheap ones.


My favorite Mexican beer is also Bohemia, with Negra second.  For the lighter lagers, I'll take a Carta Blanca.  Not much into Corona, but I'll drink one before I take any of them on Drifter's list.


There are great American beers, but they ain't cheap.  I've often wondered why other countries can make inexpensive, drinkable beer and we can't.

SteamWhistle... good one from the great white north.

Alexander Keith has some good ones
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