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Ugliest uniforms in professional sports.  If he doesn't like teal, thats fine.  But the off shade dark yellow / gold is horrible.  If we cant go back to black, white, and a bit of teal, Just change the entire color scheme.  Black and dark mustard is terrible.  

I wish they were solid gold with jaguar print on them.

Worst uniforms in football, and possibly in pro sports. Arguably coming off of the worst GM in NFL history, worst uniforms, and now worst head coach. I want the 1999 uniforms. Team had an identity then, and teal was it. Since the mid 2000s we have had a serious identity crisis in terms of uniforms. Make the Jags great again, bring back black helmets, teal tops, white bottoms. Pls and ty. 

Quote:Worst uniforms in football, and possibly in pro sports. Arguably coming off of the worst GM in NFL history, worst uniforms, and now worst head coach. I want the 1999 uniforms. Team had an identity then, and teal was it. Since the mid 2000s we have had a serious identity crisis in terms of uniforms. Make the Jags great again, bring back black helmets, teal tops, white bottoms. Pls and ty. 


Franchise is floundering since getting rid of a successful identity.  Bring back the teal!
Quote:Khan is the guy that has to be convinced...  I have heard he hates Teal so you can forget about that color coming back again as a main color of the team.  Those helmets are mocked league wide..  They don't bother me..  It's just the players wearing them that bother me..  
I'd love to see them all gold.
Quote:I'd love to see them all gold.

Gold...  Maybe...  That mustard orange garbage we saw on Thrusday Night, no.


But sersioulsy, just get rid of those helmets.  They are a joke.  You know it.  I know it.  The American people know it.
TMD where you hiding at?  Cause he loved to talk junk about our uniforms. 

Heck tie into the Navy more and use the camo blue pattern. Honestly, I would call it a success if they painted the helmets all the way. Just like the franchise, the uniforms are half baked.


My oldest apologized for buying me a Bortles jersey last year. Every weekend it stares back at me like an accusing middle finger.

Everybody seems so fixated on the 'ugly' uniforms that the real problem with these things is overlooked...  The monumental stupidity involved in putting strips of plastic on the shoulder pads ends any chance this team has at success before it even starts.


Have any of you ever worn one of these jerseys in the September sun?  It's like putting a couple of hot-plates on each shoulder and literally burns the skin without wearing another shirt underneath...  And this is what our players are wearing.  How is this team supposed to have a competitive advantage early in the season due to being more accustomed to the Florida heat than our competition when these guys are literally cooking in their uniforms???


I couldn't care less what the uniforms look like, but this team will be never be anything but a loser as long as this kind of stupidity permeates the franchise at the most basic of all levels.

^the garbage bag sleeves

Quote:TMD where you hiding at?  Cause he loved to talk junk about our uniforms. 

LOL I can't remember if he loved or hated them. 
You win and everyone wants the fade look.  You go 12-48   (whatever) and they suck. 


My vote is to go back to the gloss black helmets.

I really like the uniforms. The teal jersey is my favorite, hate the color rush.

I'm indifferent on the helmets.
We need a new color scheme if our owner hates teal. Black and mustard are not good.
Let's get spots on our uniforms like the Bengals wear stripes.
Matte black helmet has my vote.. the fade looks like a girl who had her hair dyed blonde but doesn't have money to keep up with it so the roots are black... long comparison, but that's what I think about every time I see them.
The worst helmets in the history of football at any level.  For the life of me I cant believe anyone actually looked at those things and thought they'd be a good idea.  They dont even fade, it just changes color almost instantly.  Hideous, just hideous!


Does anybody else just get so tired of their buddies ragging on them every few weeks?  Just wait until the day we actually get somewhat respectable again and are on TV more often.  It'll be merciless and it'll be nonstop.  For the love of God just get rid of them.  

I like the old ones better but the uniforms are ok.  Would rather have more wins, but if I'd change one thing it would be to make the helmets all gold or all black.  All gold with the current logo and uniform would look a lot better.  The current helmet looks half-painted. 

I actually love the white unis, the black ones look like [BLEEP] though.
Jaguars are teal!   The owners personal feelings should not override the teams tradition. 

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