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Which one of the knuckle dragging, mouth breathers over at ESPN said that?

Quote:Espn stated that the Jaguars are lazy and players sign contracts there just to get a paycheck they dont care how well or bad they perform. Hmmmm Free agents  I see why they wanted to sign with us. They consider the team as a vacation spot.
This is true to an extent, but it is the players that are lazy, not the Jags.  I told my buddy the other day that is DOES sometimes seem like the Jags MOSTLY sign players who know they can't perform or just don't care any more and want to get paid one last big contract.  Besides Posluszny, I can't hardly think of any free agent who has been worth any where near what they were paid the last 5-6 years.  Babin to a lesser degree has I guess.  


That being said, I think it is starting to change with Bradley coming in here.  I believe players will want to play for him and when they get around him, they want to excel for him.  We now have at least SOME incentive for good players to sign here besides a vacation and no state tax.  Caldwell has to be better than Gene Smith at recognizing good fits for us in free agency also.  I mean he can't be worse.
We'll see just how lazy these jags are in 3 or 4 years when they are contenders.
So we're like the Raiders? 

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