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Full Version: A closer look at the FA signings
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Good thread, I also doubt Beadles will suck he's been more than solid for pretty much his entire career. 


        I think Watson is a steal. He will earn another contract from Dave when its all said and done. With the beefed up D-line in front of him in over and under fronts, he will run to the ball and make plays. He is to fast and athletic not too. He fits Gus Defensive scheme perfectly. Him & Puz are going to eat this year!!!!
This is not going to be very good news for the naysayers. They have their work cut out for them to spin this into a negative.

Quote:This is not going to be very good news for the naysayers. They have their work cut out for them to spin this into a negative.

Should have used 45M+ in the cap to sign Alex Mack to a deal with all that cap hitting in year #1....
Excellent work friend! It feels good to feel confident in the FO. Dang its been forever too.

Caldwell not teh suxors??

Great. Next you're gonna tell me that Bradley's coaching staff isn't a bunch of third rate bums.

What the hell am I going to panic over??!!

Oh well. I guess there's always QB fear. Or Brian Sexton.

(Good post , Slinger)
Quote:Caldwell not teh suxors??

Great. Next you're gonna tell me that Bradley's coaching staff isn't a bunch of third rate bums.

What the hell am I going to panic over??!!

Oh well. I guess there's always QB fear.

(Good post , Slinger)

6th rate bums?
Quote:6th rate bums?
I knew I was too optimystikal
I love how certain posters have avoided this thread
All the free agency signings so far have been nice. Some play a larger role, but each of the signee's will improve this football team.

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