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Full Version: We will go to the playoffs this year..
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I'm with you brother.  This is a great time to be a jag fan, as well as an excited jag fan.  The wheels are churning for greatness, and lets enjoy it.  Lets have high hopes that chad henne can be a good qb with Cecil and Justin having career years.  Lets have hope that Gerhart is the next Michael Turner.  Lets have some fun watching this newly rebuilt D-line rock it.  How about Gratz carrying on the #27.  Oh and my favorite player Cyp!!  We have talent and there is reason to be optimistic.  Go Jags!!!

I'll get flamed for this, but even after all these signings, I see us as a 4 or 5 win team right now. Sure, that may go up after the draft, pending who we select, but when you combine our schedule with still no ball hawk in the secondary and a question mark at WR with not knowing if Blackmon will be there or not..(until he's back officially per the league, I'm not counting on him) then I can't see this team winning more than 5 games at current. 
Quote:Don't sell the offense short so soon. Last year with both Blackmon and Shorts healthy, Henne was productive. If we can get some decent protection and Blackmon can come back and stay clean, we'll be able to move the ball. I know that's a lot of ifs but that's what we got.

Last year Henne had the best season by a Jaguar QB since 2009 (and he didn't even play the full year.)  By limiting mistakes the offense certainly won't be a liability.  With his knowledge of the system, they should be able to even expand the playbook.
Quote:How do you not tire of this?


Prove you're not a troll.  Make 5 consecutive posts that don't echo the same lame Henne-bashing schtick.  I dare you.

Everyone knows he's not a very good quarterback. Everyone also knows that you despise him.  You don't have to squeeze it into every single post. 

Okie is still grieving. Give him some time to come to grips with reality. He'll slowly make the migration to the 49ers' board and he'll eventually fade away.
I was as tough on Henne as anyone, but 8/8 is very possible with him under center. While I do not see winning any titles with him, I believe he will be a perfect bridge to the future for us.
Quote:Last year Henne had the best season by a Jaguar QB since 2009 (and he didn't even play the full year.) By limiting mistakes the offense certainly won't be a liability. With his knowledge of the system, they should be able to even expand the playbook.

Thank you. I have felt like a voice in the wilderness on this. Henne's no pro - bowler but with support he can be a solid, reliable performer and even win a few games for us.
Quote:Thank you. I have felt like a voice in the wilderness on this. Henne's no pro - bowler but with support he can be a solid, reliable performer and even win a few games for us.

You do realize that from weeks 9-16 our schedule was ridiculously easy, right? 


Watch the real Henne next year when we've got a tough schedule. It won't be pretty. He's not good. He's barely mediocre. I see Jeff Kemp when I watch him play. 
I think 9-7 wins our division. So yes it's feasible.
Quote:You do realize that from weeks 9-16 our schedule was ridiculously easy, right?

Watch the real Henne next year when we've got a tough schedule. It won't be pretty. He's not good. He's barely mediocre. I see Jeff Kemp when I watch him play.

It's a common mistake to think that any schedule in the NFL is easy. Also you're forgetting that a Henne had some of his better games against some of the toughest teams on the schedule.

Again, dudes not great but we could do worse. Anyone who says he's terrible are Madden players who are totally clueless about the real life game.
The "schedule" checkdown excuse... what a joke.  If we win, it's "easy."  If we lose, it was "hard."  It's always rewritten and re-spun after the fact by those who missed with their useless prediction.

I think the team could win with Henne.  Give henne some weapons to work with and improve the defense.  I want to see what he can do on a talented team.

My god. When will the Gabbert Henne debate end? Henne already won. Gabbert sucks and Henne is and always has been the better QB.

Case point... Oklahomie... you was wrong Homie
Quote:My god. When will the Gabbert Henne debate end? Henne already won. Gabbert sucks and Henne is and always has been the better QB.

Case point... Oklahomie... you was wrong Homie

I think the debate has gone past that.  Most people don't mention Gabbert anymore.  That said, people who think this teams fortunes next year are doomed due to Henne starting are on drugs.

Quote:The "schedule" checkdown excuse... what a joke.  If we win, it's "easy."  If we lose, it was "hard."  It's always rewritten and re-spun after the fact by those who missed with their useless prediction.

Agreed. Was the schedule harder when we got jacked up in Oakland? They pick two spots behind us.
I see better than last year, but no playoffs.  7-9, maybe 8-8, if we draft a QB, who proves to be good.  Beyond that, not enough talent throwing the ball and not enough talent catching the ball.  Holes to fill on the O line.  Joekel's coming off an injury and will be a relatively inexperienced 2nd year player.  Running game is unproven, but should be good.  LB's and secondary will get the job done, but we still don't have a pass rush that's going to scare anyone.

Ahhh, Playoffs... I've seen them on TV before....


Look, let's not pretend that we are a playoff caliber team.  We're not.  Unless we pick up Vick and he starts every single game, there's not a QB we can pick up that will make us a playoff team.


Yes we are getting better.  But are we better than the c'lots?  No.  They have a QB.  Are we better than anyone in the AFC Central besides the Browns?  Maybe Pittsburg, but even though Rothlesburger is a middle tier QB, he's better than anything we have or will get.


Are we better than KC? No.  Are we better than the Chargers?  No.  Are we better than Oakland?  Push...



I hate to be a wet blanket, maybe I'm a bit bitter sitting on my couch instead of hookin' up with my wife...  But I just don't see us making that quantum leap to the playoffs without a franchise QB.


This draft doesn't seem to have one in it.  I know Bridgewater seems like he's the top prospect.  But I can't really trust his talents.  The highlights I've seen from him just don't impress me.  And he's not even lighting up a top tier conference.



I think our D will be much improved.  WE will be a TOUGH team to beat. 


But c'mon ya'll.  We don't have a QB, any QB we pick up in the draft isn't gonna be that stellar right out of the gate to make us that successful.  



Also, on Henne...  He's not that great.  He's not leading us to anything but maybe 6 wins.  And those wins will be mainly by him not losing the game.  Not him snatching a win.  Yeah, went 4-4 in our last 8 games.  Yeah, we looked alot better on offense after Henne started.  But to think anything about Henne other than the fact that he's not worth anything but a clipboard holder and a backup is just silly.


The FA has been AWESOME to behold.  Clearly our new GM  has a plan.  It's refreshing compared to the philosophy we had with the old owner and front office.  It really looks like we have focused on D, which is great.  But this all means we are still in a slow rebuild.  Unless we hit pocket aces on QB, we are only going to be mildly better next year.  6-10 would be a GREAT record.  


If we go 8-8, Caldwell should be named Executive of the year.  If we make the playoffs...  I'd expect we found the 2nd coming of Marino.

We "could" be threatening for a playoff spot next year but this draft has to be solid for that to be remotely possible  

I'd like to see an improvement on last years record for sure, but I dont want this team to win too many ball games just yet.  I hope we draft the QB of the future of course in the draft coming up, then he can sit, Henne will get us a few wins but more importantly, we wont fall too far in next years draft!  One more draft!!!

Quote:Agreed. Was the schedule harder when we got jacked up in Oakland? They pick two spots behind us.
We played 6 of the 12 Playoff teams last year.. we had the hardest SOS. Please be quiet. 
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