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Full Version: Renaldo Wynn Says Greg Williams Stole Jags Playbook in 1999
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This guy just keeps giving people reasons to hate him.

<span>With so many players in 32 NFL training camps, so many coaches, assistants, front office personnel, as well as players changing teams weekly in many cases. Just how are playbooks protected?</span>


<span>What would a Bronco's playbook be worth to the Seahawks organization at this moment?</span>
It was the guys on the grassy knoll.  Yeah, right.


You lost because you were out played.  Same reason we lost to the Rams in the SB.  Al the rest is just blah, blah, blah.

If this can be proven, he shouldn't be allowed in a football stadium for the rest of his life.  Cheating bastard.

Quote:With so many players in 32 NFL training camps, so many coaches, assistants, front office personnel, as well as players changing teams weekly in many cases. Just how are playbooks protected?

What would a Bronco's playbook be worth to the Seahawks organization at this moment?

Which previous board member where you???
Quote:This guy just keeps giving people reasons to hate him.
Yeah, the crazy thing is he was a defensive coordinator here under "Alibi" Jack Del Rio.


Renaldo wouldn't make something like that up. 
It does not matter.   It is the job of the coaches to have back up plans and try different stuff if the first way does not work.    They didnt we lost plain and simple.  

It's in the past. Whether it's true or not we can't change it so just focus on the future. The football legacy Williams will carry will last forever and needless to say it's not a good one.

Quote:Meh, don't really care.

Everyone knows everyone plays.

He had a whole season of tape to watch, he knew every play we had we knew every play they had. Even if he did have the actual playbook, he presumably didn't know the game plan or the specific wrinkles for that game so I really dont see it as a difference maker.

They won because they played better.

Quote:First thing he said when he came in the door was, ‘Hey, you know why you lost?’  With a lot of other explicit words with that.  He said he had our playbook.  Greg Williams had our playbook.  Our game-plan on offense. {He} had our playbook.
So Wynn states they had our 1999 playbook, then goes on to say Williams "started" getting playbooks after Wynn went to Washington.



Pitchforks please...

Quote:So Wynn states they had our 1999 playbook, then goes on to say Williams "started" getting playbooks after Wynn went to Washington.



That was confusing, but after reading it again, I don't think he was saying that Williams just started stealing playbooks when both were with the Redskins, I think he was saying the Redskins started getting them when Williams arrived. Outside of that sentence, he is very clear that he's sure Williams was getting the Jaguars playbook when he was DC of the Titans because Williams told him how the titans beat the Jaguars 3 times in 1999.



First thing he said when he came in the door was ‘Hey, you know why you lost?’ With a lot of other explicit words with that.  He said he had our play book.  Greg Williams had our play book.  Our game-plan on offense. [He] had our playbook.



Despite my earlier post, of course I know that the titans clearly outplayed the Jaguars, but if Wynn is correct, they had an unfair advantage. That the scumbag Williams felt immune enough to be so open with a victim of his cheating is remarkable in and of itself.
I don't think it matters much. With all the tape they watch, all the players changing teams, and all the data they keep of what coaches like to call in certain situations the playbook itself is probably not giving away much. Tom Coughlin once said if your players are executing the way they are suppose to you should be able to walk up to the line of scrimmage and tell the defense what you're going to run and still be successful.


Regards......................the Chiefjag


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Mr Sensible" data-cid="124173" data-time="1391246644">
Meh, don't really care.

Everyone knows everyone plays.

He had a whole season of tape to watch, he knew every play we had we knew every play they had. Even if he did have the actual playbook, he presumably didn't know the game plan or the specific wrinkles for that game so I really dont see it as a difference maker.

They won because they played better.

Quote:First thing he said when he came in the door was, ‘Hey, you know why you lost?’  With a lot of other explicit words with that.  He said he had our playbook.  Greg Williams had our playbook.  Our game-plan on offense. {He} had our playbook.



Yeah... I'm calling bull [BLEEP]. Or that Wynn has taken too many blows to the head to know the difference.
It always did seem kind of "fishy" that the titans were the only team to beat the jags in '99.  That afc title game was a heartbreaking loss. 14-0 against the rest of the league and 0-3 against the titans.  Hmmmmm

The tacks are a vile bunch. This comes as no surprise to me whatsoever.


Plus, what does Wynn stand to gain by coming out about this years later? He has no reason to make it up. He is gaining absolutely nothing by revealing it.


Williams is a douche. It's hardly the first time he has done something which is morally questionable. I will take Wynn's word over Williams'.

Since when did the generic term for a summer's eve product become a bad word and get auto deleted? Strange.....

To all of you that thinks that it didn't matter........really? At that level of the game where abilities are razor hair close. Any tiny edge can be a big advantage. Just imagine the confidence gain alone. Football wasn't my sport in college so I cannot be certain how much the advantage is. If Wynn is telling the truth, Greg Williams himself had said that that was the reason why the Jags fell. At any rate, I'll be interested in hearing the takes of Lageman and Bosselli on this matter.
Quote:If true, even when they had our playbook,  Taylor ran all over them in the first half of that game.  Jimmy Smith and Alvis Whitted could have made huge plays in the second half to knock them off.  I wonder about the Brunell pick in the end zone that game.  Had they not stolen our playbook that game...

Around the 6 minute mark of the interview,  Renaldo Wynn brings up the interception by Mark Brunell in that game.  Wynn doesn't leave any doubt that he believes Gregg Williams having access to the Jaguars playbook is what led to the interception by Marcus Robertson.





In general,  the interview is well worth listening to as I think it will clarify some questions that were brought up in this thread,  after seeing the article the OP provided.

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