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Full Version: Jaguars could build passing game around Marqise Lee in 2017
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Allen Robinson didn't like it when the Caldwell thought about bringing in Jennings but now he may be the odd man out if Been, Lee and Walters get more looks.

It's clear Blake feels more comfortable with them.
Quote:Allen Robinson didn't like it when the Caldwell thought about bringing in Jennings but now he may be the odd man out if Been, Lee and Walters get more looks.

It's clear Blake feels more comfortable with them.
Blake isn't comfortable with anyone. He throws crappy ducks to all of them. 


Robinson will be fine and he doesn't need to worry about his spot or his targets.

  He's just dealing with a down year primarily due to Bortles' regression. 
Robinson is still the best WR on our team, Lee does not get double coverages/#1 corners


but I am super pleased by Lee and I too was excited when we drafted him and seeing him play well now has made me optimistic.

Quote:"Hey, I told you not to write a player off too early, and look, I was right!"

"Hey yeah, you were right. Now, excuse me while I write off a *different* player too early."

This is year 3, where Blake hasn't had a lingering injury or anything like that(Lee). He has had poor mechanics since he has been here. He has gotten worse and everyone sees it. You take the garbage TDs away last year and Blake has 26 passing TDs and 18 Ints, not what I would call "good".  When is it a good time to realize your QB doesn't have it? Year 6? 7? 8? Maybe we should have let Gabbert start another 2 or 3 seasons. Blake is done, literally this next season he either is off the team or is the backup. There is no way he is the starter next year with a new coach and possibly (hopefully) a new GM. If he is, expect another 2-5 win season. He simply does not have 'it'. 
We all know what's going to happen.

Soon as we give Lee a big contract he will regress or suddenly become plagued with injuries again
Quote:This is year 3, where Blake hasn't had a lingering injury or anything like that(Lee). He has had poor mechanics since he has been here. He has gotten worse and everyone sees it. You take the garbage TDs away last year and Blake has 26 passing TDs and 18 Ints, not what I would call "good".  When is it a good time to realize your QB doesn't have it? Year 6? 7? 8? Maybe we should have let Gabbert start another 2 or 3 seasons. Blake is done, literally this next season he either is off the team or is the backup. There is no way he is the starter next year with a new coach and possibly (hopefully) a new GM. If he is, expect another 2-5 win season. He simply does not have 'it'.
There were a lot fewer 'garbage' TDs than people who talk about that think. This team was in most games late last year - just because a TD comes when you're behind in the 4th quarter doesn't make it a 'garbage time' TD.

He set many franchise records. He improved his mechanics. He was an all-round better player. This year he has regressed horribly, and you'd be delusional to think otherwise (whatever picture you're trying to paint). Either this year was a blip or last year was, and it's too soon to say with such a young QB who has shown at times that he's really dedicated to working to improve.

And to criticise the GM for taking a QB who it appears the Patriots would have liked to have, and who started his career as arguably the best of the young QBs in the league seems like someone has an axe to grind to me.
Quote:We all know what's going to happen.

Soon as we give Lee a big contract he will regress or suddenly become plagued with injuries again


You don't build you team around a guy with a bad hamstring... one tweak and your season is over... this is ludacris. Focus on proven guys and implementing Lee into the offense more and more, but never build around an injury prone receiver.

Quote:You guys do know that right when things start looking up, something will happen, right? It's the curse of John Oehser.

Seriously.  This whole thread is a Lee jinx.


This thread should be locked, deleted, and never spoken of again.


It's like you all are new to the #becausejaguars phenomena...  smh...
Quote:You don't build you team around a guy with a bad hamstring... one tweak and your season is over... this is ludacris. Focus on proven guys and implementing Lee into the offense more and more, but never build around an injury prone receiver.

I agree that the "build around" bit is preposterous. This offense needs a QB, a LG and and a RT.  Maybe another quality young RB. 

The WR corps is probably the only thing on this team that is actually "built."  


I don't see any new coach building their offense around a guy with Lee's injury history nor do I see the need.  Robinson and Hurns are having a down season but they have enough work on tape to be factored into whatever new scheme emerges.  

The fact that Robinson and Lee have slightly varying skill sets on the outside is also reason why any smart offensive planning is likely to involve both of them in complimentary roles - and not focus primarily on one or the other. 


Here's hoping the new staff is more worried about building up that line than they are concerned about which offensive play-maker to "build around."

I think they will be. 

  1. Why would he not have Hurns and Robinson commanding respect?  They will both be here next year. 
  2. Hurns doesn't play the outside when Lee is on the field. He plays the slot. (which is partially why he's banged up currently after Bortles led him into multiple big hits over the middle)
  3. If you can't see the talent and speed Lee's got, you aren't paying much attention.
  4. The vikes shaded a safety his way many times on Sunday and he still made plays. 

When Robinson or Hurns is out for an extending period of time can he step up is what I am saying. I am not saying he's not talented or lacks speed. I just simply said it's his first real year being able to stay healthy and showcase his abilities. Now that the NFL understands that he's a legit threat when healthy he may end up getting the same treatment in 2017 that Robinson and Hurns received making it much more difficult on him. 

Quote:When Robinson or Hurns is out for an extending period of time can he step up is what I am saying. I am not saying he's not talented or lacks speed. I just simply said it's his first real year being able to stay healthy and showcase his abilities. Now that the NFL understands that he's a legit threat when healthy he may end up getting the same treatment in 2017 that Robinson and Hurns received making it much more difficult on him. 
I see your point. Thought you were implying something more. 


As long as Lee and Robinson are healthy and starting outside defenses will have to pick their poison in terms of doubling or shading safety help one way or the other.  They can't send help everywhere. 


BTW - The vikings did send a safety to Lee's side a number of times last Sunday - so it's already begun. 
Having both lee and Robinson is a good thing
The thought of having Robinson, Lee, and Hurns still excites. Also with a coaching staff that knows how to properly use Thomas is even better

This offense has potential to be dominate. We just need an A-List or even B-List quality OC that knows how to handle the QB position and adjust his course of actions more timely to tip the scale in our favor. An offensive mind like Todd Haley, Andy Reid, Sean Payton, Norv Turner and Bruce Arians would more than likely squeeze a top ten quality offensive performance out of this current starting group. 


Just need this season to end already. I am curious to see what Khan does with Caldwell and if Caldwell is in fact retained his next head coaching hire will say a lot about him and where his biggest personal issues lay with team. He did sip the kool aid being passed around last year though about his personnel. He thought the offense had it going in 2016 and just needed to add a lineman and a running back and that would solve our problems. And then he devoted virtually his entire draft class on defense since it was considered the weak link last year. 


Now the offense has stalled. My guess is that he's going to pursue a Josh McDaniels, Todd Haley, Jim Bob Cooter or Sean Payton to run this team and hope the defense can continue to grow with talent alone and that they can fit into any defensive scheme. 



Hate to say I told you so about Lee, but I told you the guy was good and was gonna be a stud when many wanted him cut or traded, never give up on players too early and never do it due to injuries like a hammy.


He was one of the most dynamic WRs in that draft that was loaded with great WRs, Evans, Watkins and Odell to as well as Hurns and Robinson.


Now that he is healthy he is the best play on our offense, Lane Kiffin said Lee was the best WR he ever coached.
Link? You saying it doesn't mean you actually said it. You are bandwagon until there is proof you were pro ML when we drafted him.
Quote:This offense has potential to be dominate. We just need an A-List or even B-List quality OC that knows how to handle the QB position and adjust his course of actions more timely to tip the scale in our favor. An offensive mind like Todd Haley, Andy Reid, Sean Payton, Norv Turner and Bruce Arians would more than likely squeeze a top ten quality offensive performance out of this current starting group. 
I don't think a coaching staff that included Reid as HC, Payton as OC, and Haley as QB coach could squeeze a true top 10 (aka not inefficient stat compiling) season out of Bortles. 
Quote:I don't think a coaching staff that included Reid as HC, Payton as OC, and Haley as QB coach could squeeze a true top 10 (aka not inefficient stat compiling) season out of Bortles.
cant scheme past his fundamental issues with accuracy
Quote:cant scheme past his fundamental issues with accuracy
truth ^


And Olson and Hackett have clearly tried to do so.  But when your QB is throwing well off target on 70% of his attempts, you are left with very few options.


Especially when your line if struggling to open any holes in the run game and your best back is riddled with injury all season. 
Didn't get to see his return today. How was she?
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