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So, every Titans player who scores a touchdown will dance and celebrate like crazy...


Except for Mularkey's tight ends - who'll dourly hand the ball to the official, before shuffling back to the bench and writing out a $500 cheque for sick kids.



That was one of the stupidest rules of his brief tenure in Jax. :no:

I will go on record that my favorite TD celebration will always be Barry Sanders juking four guys out of their shoes, scoring and matter-of-factly handing the ball to the ref like he had been there before. Of course, that was his decision and not the coach's. Players should have the right to make that decision, but I would love it if that type of "celebration" made a comeback.
Quote:What about the Buffalo Bills era when he ultimately resigned on his team?

I was specifically referring to his time with the Jags.  Everything else is fair game to criticize and debate.  There was a (sarcastic) post above stating that he did such a good job with Gabbert -- last I checked, nobody had success with what is becoming one of the biggest busts of all time.  Furthermore, Mularkey did not have the option to go with Henne since Gene was still around and there was an urgent need to illustrate Gabbert was THE GUY.


... for the record, i'm not a mularkey supporter by all means.  i still recall jumping off the couch cussing him out when he called a reverse on 1st and goal from the 1 when the steelers had bettis in the backfield.   they lost 3 yards on that play.

Quote:So, every Titans player who scores a touchdown will dance and celebrate like crazy...


Except for Mularkey's tight ends - who'll dourly hand the ball to the official, before shuffling back to the bench and writing out a $500 cheque for sick kids.



That was one of the stupidest rules of his brief tenure in Jax. :no:

Agreed.  It was so unbelievably bad.
Quote:I will go on record that my favorite TD celebration will always be Barry Sanders juking four guys out of their shoes, scoring and matter-of-factly handing the ball to the ref like he had been there before. Of course, that was his decision and not the coach's. Players should have the right to make that decision, but I would love it if that type of "celebration" made a comeback.

Agreed on both counts -


  - Sanders acting like his epic touchdown wasn't no thang was totally alpha.  Love it.

  - The decision to celebrate or not to celebrate should be with the players.

In a season where we hardly scored, it seemed perverse to deny them enjoying the moment when the Jags actually got into the end zone.

Quote:I will go on record that my favorite TD celebration will always be Barry Sanders juking four guys out of their shoes, scoring and matter-of-factly handing the ball to the ref like he had been there before. Of course, that was his decision and not the coach's. Players should have the right to make that decision, but I would love it if that type of "celebration" made a comeback.
Sanders was the anti-Sherman.  Loads of class to spare. 
Counting down until TMDs honeymoon with Wisenhunt ends...

This is good news.

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