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Full Version: Is it ever a good idea to try and re-connect with an old friend of the opposite sex?
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I need to be more clear in the future.



I need to be more clear in the future.

point still stands....


what difference would it make if I had previously dated her or not in that instance?
Get a feel for where she is at this stage of her life. Tell her what you have been up to and go from there.


Dont think about getting into a relationship with her.


Relax and be honest.

I reconnected with a lady who I had previously not pursued due to my greater interest in another woman about 7 years ago.  After about three dates it was clear to me again why I was initially drawn to someone else. 

Quote:I reconnected with a lady who I had previously not pursued due to my greater interest in another woman about 7 years ago.  After about three dates it was clear to me again why I was initially drawn to someone else. 

just. awesome. Laughing Laughing Laughing 
This is what you do TMD. Pick up some flowers, not from a store from someones flower bed...preferably hers if she has one (that way you know she likes them) then go out to eat and order the most expensive thing on the menu then after taking one bite...spit it out and propose a dine and dash. Unless you go to McDonald's then tell her she can have 2 things from the dollar menu.
I'd LOVE to see TMD on a date:


"Suzy, the steak you selected was decent...I rated it the 3rd best steak on the menu.  The supporting sides you picked weren't very good either.  The potato didn't do well the last time I was here and the salad...THE SALAD!??!  Outback is going to be the better restaurant for the next 5-10 years."

A few years ago I got on to facebook and saw an invite for my old HS g/f.  I accepted and we've been communicating on a daily basis just as I do with all my other friends (and some other old girl friends).  Personally, I think it's cool that we're all friends now and can see how everyone has moved on with their lives.

Quote:I'd LOVE to see TMD on a date:


"Suzy, the steak you selected was decent...I rated it the 3rd best steak on the menu.  The supporting sides you picked weren't very good either.  The potato didn't do well the last time I was here and the salad...THE SALAD!??!  Outback is going to be the better restaurant for the next 5-10 years."


not a bad effort....


6.5 on the scale of 10.  
Quote:Just curious about this one....


Suppose you haven't spoke in like 10+ years, is it best to just let it go, or have you any experiences like this where it turned out as something good?

Well, seeing is that I am 25 years old, and now engaged, if I was to "re-connect" (I snicker out loud by just typing that, "re-connect", LOL), it would be with sooooooooooooo many high school crushes that I wanted to "connect" with at that time. I can at least say I was able to "connect" with two of the umpf-teen ladies I had on my "to-connect-with" list after I graduated and got a bit more established.


Anyways, personally, I can't have a friendship with anyone of the opposite sex inless she's just flat out not into men. Somehow, someway, one way or another, you catch feelings. It's human nature, it's biology and natural chemistry. It happens. I avoid women outside of work like they're the plague. Just out of respect to my relationship.


With that said, if she's single, and you're single. Go for it. No harm there.
Quote:point still stands....


what difference would it make if I had previously dated her or not in that instance?

It makes a difference. How well do you know her? Ten years or more is a long time to not speak to someone. And who is initiating the sparks here. You or her? Maybe it took her ten years to realize she made a mistake when she left you. You're both adults though, mature people. I'd just map the ground work out in advance.


Dinner, movie, wam, bam, thank ya mam!


Or, do you want...


I am getting old, it's been 10+ years, let's rekindle this fire and see where it goes, hopefully we don't burn ourselves in the process


It's your call.
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