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We should bring in Scobee. He deserves the garbage points.

Quote:Just who I'd want my young star learning from... a career backup who throws tons of picks and has tons of passes batted down...B

By that logic, Aaron Rodgers should be a gunslinger that throws picks at the worst time...  Mentors don't necessarily have to be all pros on the field.  Henne might be a smart guy in the film room and can point things out as a mentor. 


To dismiss the thought just because he's below average on the field isn't the correct assessment.  And whether or not Henne is a good student of the game that can provide proper advice isn't something any of us knows.


Besides, the likely hood of him being on the squad next year seems pretty probably.  So you might as well  get used to him being around.
Quote:You need the yoga booty to go with them...if not it looks like two hams being smuggled under a blanket!!

We got a TD!  

Face saved 

Quote:Switching over to the skins game

Fine. You missed Taylor's TD.
Steve Tasker should just shut up for these last handful of seconds.

Quote:Just who I'd want my young star learning from... a career backup who throws tons of picks and has tons of passes batted down...
I know. We have to resign him.
I want a stat on how many of Henne's passing touchdowns this year have been complete garbage points.

Quote:You need the yoga booty to go with them...if not it looks like two hams being smuggled under a blanket!!

a very thin, very tight blanket...  
Quote:We got a TD!

Woo! I think that's Taylors first career TD
Quote:We got a TD!  
Last point wins!

Yep...not pretty!!
Quote:Do the Jets get into the final wildcard spot or Pittsburgh?
san diego or pitt if SD wins they are in if they lose pitts in if scores stay the same right now
Onside kick!!!!
Quote:Fine. You missed Taylor's TD.


#12 and # 13 look like keepers
I want to see Taylor on kickoff returns next season.

Quote:I want a stat on how many of Henne's passing touchdowns this year have been complete garbage points.
Does it matter?


Everyone with any ability to evaluate QB play already knows he doesn't cut it.
Quote:He is just saying anything out the mouth, he could be knocking down a few Bud Light's for all we know.
Must be blowing that sticky as well.
Quote:san diego or pitt if SD wins they are in if they lose pitts in if scores stay the same right now

Smh Miami was this close.
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