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Full Version: Another season will end today.
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It's been a roller coaster ride here in the Jaguar jungle.  We all went from the lowest of lows to some good highs.  Most of us will be ending this season satisfied and optimistic for the future.  Just to bring up some ghost from the Jaguars past at ending a season.


Playoff game at the patriots was a total Fog bowl in the '96 playoffs.  I remember watching the game on tv and could not see either team because the fog was so thick.  Brunnel and Bledso could not see their receivers and the receivers could not see the ball


The infamous browns bottle game. (If memory serves me this was a finale as well) .  A call went to the Jaguars that allowed us to win and the browns fans lost it.   They were throwing beer bottles on the field hitting players, coaches, security,camera man, etc. 


The Jags have had some strange endings to their season.

Kinda already seems like it is over. Today's game is a bonus game. Really looking forward to the off season and year two under Caldwell and gus.
Being that this is Meester's last game I'd like to see them, if the opportunity arises, give him the ball at the goal line from a full back position and let him pound it in. Just let the guy get in the stat book as scoring a TD in the NFL.

Regards..............the Chiefjag
Quote:It's been a roller coaster ride here in the Jaguar jungle.  We all went from the lowest of lows to some good highs.  Most of us will be ending this season satisfied and optimistic for the future.  Just to bring up some ghost from the Jaguars past at ending a season.


Playoff game at the patriots was a total Fog bowl in the '96 playoffs.  I remember watching the game on tv and could not see either team because the fog was so thick.  Brunnel and Bledso could not see their receivers and the receivers could not see the ball


The infamous browns bottle game. (If memory serves me this was a finale as well) .  A call went to the Jaguars that allowed us to win and the browns fans lost it.   They were throwing beer bottles on the field hitting players, coaches, security,camera man, etc. 


The Jags have had some strange endings to their season.
Can't forget the greatest season ending game and play ever. Morton Anderson misses a chip shot! Banana


Quote:It's been a roller coaster ride here in the Jaguar jungle.  We all went from the lowest of lows to some good highs.  Most of us will be ending this season satisfied and optimistic for the future.  Just to bring up some ghost from the Jaguars past at ending a season.


Playoff game at the patriots was a total Fog bowl in the '96 playoffs.  I remember watching the game on tv and could not see either team because the fog was so thick.  Brunnel and Bledso could not see their receivers and the receivers could not see the ball


The infamous browns bottle game. (If memory serves me this was a finale as well) .  A call went to the Jaguars that allowed us to win and the browns fans lost it.   They were throwing beer bottles on the field hitting players, coaches, security,camera man, etc. 


The Jags have had some strange endings to their season.
Bottle-gate actually occurred during week 14 of the 2001 season. I'm obviously going to appear very biased as a Jags fan, but that was not a catch. You could clearly see that the receiver never had control of the ball. The Browns fans that were there that day were the absolute lowest, of the low, of white trash. Stay classy Cleveland.