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Quote:Yes, things would be easier if alcoholics could just stop drinking. Just like things would be so much easier if junkies could just stop doing heroin and if politicians could stop lying. Things would be so much easier indeed.


Do you think you could give up very young Asian hotties? Certainly you can appreciate their struggles. :whistling:


He had one very clear choice. To either negotiate a contract and sign it, or to not sign a contract. That's a pretty big choice.


The contract that was signed was full of provisions that protected the franchise in the event that something like this happened again, yet provided a fair market deal to an elite player, given that the player fulfilled simple contractual obligations, like staying out of trouble of the law.


I'm sure everyone would have been thrilled had no contract ever been signed.
Yep, I agree, I guess I did a bad job of saying it.

His agent had to agree to pretty much whatever the Jags laid out and thank goodness they did. Or just lose the deal.

It was JB's fault.

Even though he agreed to it......he just couldn't hold his end of the deal.
Quote:You have to remember he had a  bust before he even hAD a contract.

His agent didn't have much choice.

No doubt he hurt himself with that bust, but remember, the negotiation still went to a holdout.  The team could have very easily relented on the language in the contract and given up some of these provisions that are being put to use.  Hell, IIRC, some people on this very forum were arguing just to get the contract done (note, I'm not saying a majority or even a lot, I just remember people were arguing for it).
Quote:Pretty much every substance abuser has the means to get help, if they choose...

And really, I never really thought about the politician part of it. How true, how true...
not true call rehabs and the first question they ask is what insurance and if you have none you will find it is a couple of grand per week. so just saying rehab is not in reach of most people
Sorry, dude. There's AA and several other substance abuse alternatives that he could have gone to for help for free...

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