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Full Version: ***OFFICIAL Jaguars Vs. Titans Second Half Game Day Thread***
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Quote:Did i really just see an Allstate commercial of a fat Bears fan, eating a sausage while given a back massage by Mike Ditka?!?


I love that commercial!  Especially how repulsed Ditka looks while he barely touches the fan's shoulder
Close one.

come on Cyp.

How has Cyprien been playing? 

C'mon D!!!  

OK, this is getting worrisome.  

Come on D don't get soft...

Gratz is always injured. Hopefully another year in the weightroom and putting on some more muscle will help him out.

The Broncos/ Texans game has exactly the same score as this game.


who will break the tie???

Gotta stop the run, Jags! 

The heck is going on here D?

Poz says NO!
Hold'em on 3rd down D

Please holding....

Soft call..
No Ball NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weak call.
Ball, c'mon man

Why Ball Why??????????

Alan ball the new babin
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