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Quote:You guys are the biggest joke in the NFL!!! You have no QB, no skill players worth a damn, and a Defense with little to no talent. Have fun with your typical 4-12 season next year. 
I think the biggest joke would be to make it the Superbowl 4 times and come out winless........ Just sayin'........I would try and define the word "rebuild", but you seem to not comprehend simple terminology, so we'll bypass the lesson for now. The Bills have been the joke of the league for sometime. At least we have an excuse for sucking. What's yours (especially with all that talent)? HAHAHAHAHA!! What a joke!!!
Quote:Our home attendance is greatly skewed by having a game in Toronto in a place that can only seat like 30k, if that game was in buffalo we are def ahead of you clowns

Wrong. They didn't even count that in those statistics, hence the "7" home games. Troll on though brother.
A fan of a 5-9 team talking smack? I done seen it all.
Quote:27-20 Bills win, enough said. Keep on bragging about your 3 game winning streak. You guys are clearly the worst team in the NFL

One bad team with black Blaine Gabbert beat another team that has already sent the original to the bench.


I don't even think Titans fans would brag about winning by one score against the Jags if they knew it did nothing but solidify Locker's place on the team.
At least we're not in salary cap hell like your team. Glad Mario Williams has you 1 more win than us. How good would your team be without Woods,Johnson, Spiller, Jackson, and your backup O-line. I guarantee you that the Bills would have been blown out.
Quote:27-20 Bills win, enough said. Keep on bragging about your 3 game winning streak. You guys are clearly the worst team in the NFL
Someone needed a diaper change and a nappy during the game. Did we make you cry a lil bit? Get you a little aggravated? I'm glad you're hyped you won a meaningless game. Have fun playing in the Superbowl!
Enjoy going through the repetitive cycle of fired coach, 1st round bust qb, no playoffs. Wash, rinse, repeat. Your team won by the skin of its teeth. If we are the worst team in the NFL, what does it say about your lousy team? Enjoy EJ Manuel!
Are you guys still mathematically alive?!?! I cant believe you clowns were even talking about the Playoffs before this game!!

Quote:At least we're not in salary cap hell like your team. Glad Mario Williams has you 1 more win than us. How good would your team be without Woods,Johnson, Spiller, Jackson, and your backup O-line. I guarantee you that the Bills would have been blown out.
salary cap hell?? We are over 20 million under the cap, one of the best in the league. Check your facts idiot
Quote:27-20 Bills win, enough said. Keep on bragging about your 3 game winning streak. You guys are clearly the worst team in the NFL
I spent a week one day in your city.
Want a fun stat?

When was the last time the Bills made the playoffs?
Quote:Are you guys still mathematically alive?!?! I cant believe you clowns were even talking about the Playoffs before this game!!
As a real possibility even though we lost 8 in a row, yeah, it was a fun thing to think about.
Let's be fair to this kid, guys.


I mean if your team hadn't made the playoffs in 14 years, you'd be pretty salty too. I mean I think that's the longest of any current playoff drought.  Meaning that the last time the Bills were relevant... Bill Clinton was still POTUS.   And to make it worse, the last time they won a playoff game?  Well let's just say that if you were born the day that the Bills won a playoff game, you'd almost be old enough to smoke.

Yeah, the Bills look to be a winner for  many many years....     :woot:

Quote:Let's be fair to this kid, guys.


I mean if your team hadn't made the playoffs in 14 years, you'd be pretty salty too. I mean I think that's the longest of any current playoff drought.  Meaning that the last time the Bills were relevant... Bill Clinton was still POTUS.   And to make it worse, the last time they won a playoff game?  Well let's just say that if you were born the day that the Bills won a playoff game, you'd almost be old enough to smoke.
Huh, now that you mention it, didn't we knock them out of the playoffs the last time they were in?
Quote:salary cap hell?? We are over 20 million under the cap, one of the best in the league. Check your facts idiot
Maybe you should check the facts before calling people names! They had 16.3 BEFORE you made the great move to get Kevin Kolb!
Quote:Huh, now that you mention it, didn't we knock them out of the playoffs the last time they were in?
I think he's salty about that still. Probably wasn't even born yet to even see that game though...
You live in buffalo bro. Reevaluate your life
Quote:Huh, now that you mention it, didn't we knock them out of the playoffs the last time they were in?

No that was the tacks with the Music City Miracle.  


We did however beat them in 1996.  

What's funny is that the last time the Bills won a playoff game?  The Jags were in their inaugural year.
Quote:Yeah, the Bills look to be a winner for many many years.... :woot:
So what you're saying is, you're not a believer in the EJ Manuel/Doug Marrone combo? No way!
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