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Full Version: ***OFFICIAL Jaguars Vs. Bills Second Half Thread***
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Give DR another carry for confidence?

If only D-Rob held onto the ball I know he's a rook and will learn but that would have been great to see he exploded through the hole.


Great job D.

Why have we been ignoring Ace?

Quote:Give DR another carry for confidence?
Maybe later
Quote:Give DR another carry for confidence?

No thanks.

Try it in practice or in a blow out. Not while were only down by a TD.
Quote:Man, Henne has really been turning into a dual-threat QB as of late...

He's a supreme slider too.
It would've been tied if we didn't fumble...

Quote:Man, Henne has really been turning into a dual-threat QB as of late...

One day, kids will argue over who would win in a foot race, Chad Henne or the Flash.
Quote:One day, kids will argue over who would win in a foot race, Chad Henne or the Flash.
Henne easily.
Very decisive running by Todman today. Making cuts and always falling forward.
Stupid penalty.


Stupid, stupid, stupid penalties.

We keep getting down in this area of the field and doing dumb stuff.

Quote:One day, kids will argue over who would win in a foot race, Chad Henne or the Flash.

I was The Flash for Halloween.. Bout got me thrown in jail..
Quote:LOL at the people calling Alualu a bust.
Yeah cuz he so obviously is living up to that top 10 pick status.
The Jags should be up. Stupid turnovers
Well no points on this drive... dumb penalty and dumb timeout.

Quote:I was The Flash for Halloween.. Bout got me thrown in jail..

People are so sensitive these days.
Quote:Yeah cuz he so obviously is living up to that top 10 pick status.

That was a GM mistake.. One of many..
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