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Full Version: So beating a team head-to-head does not matter? another ESPN cheap shot
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Let ESPN whine as we win, their suffering fuels my day when they have to write posstive stories on the Jags.

Quote:Let ESPN whine as we win, their suffering fuels my day when they have to write posstive stories on the Jags.

Like last night, the announcers could only talk mostly about the Texans....like if they talk enough "good" about them...they might do something.

on and on they went....."He'd have caught that..... if he hadn't dropped it". " He almost had it." .In other words, Jags aren't that good the other team is having a bad night. LOL. The 'horns have had 11 bad days/nights now.


Jags lead the WHOLE night and now have longest winning streak in the AFC.

wHuT? where'd they come from? Now the media has to find someone else to bash....nah won't happen. They'll find a way.
Quote:Listening to ESPN radio on the way home from work, as I do everyday. Its SVP and Ryan R.(NO IDEA HOW TO SPELL HIS NAME)

They were doing their weekly top 5/ bottom 3 lists

Van Pelt had Texans/ Bucs/ Jags with the comment that they are in danger of losing their spot on the list if they keep up the way they are playing right now.

So then we get to the other bottom 3- Bucs/ Vikings/ and despite  the Texans having the worst record in the league "No way are the Jags better than the Texans", so we round out the 3.

Not a huge deal, but just felt like it was another ESPN  cheap shot.
Listening to national radio is your first problem Smile
We should change the team name to AJOOS (Andre Johnson Owns Our Secondary).

I'm never one to stick up for ESPN and I feel as though they give us the short end of the stick too often, but I will say in last night's game, after the first quarter we were awful.  And if it wasnt for the Texans repeated mistakes, we would have easily lost.  Obviously we have shown some improvement.  Losing 8 games by double digits versus squeaking out 4 wins means we are getting better.  But our team still stinks.

If "Ifs and Ands" were pots and pans...the world would be a kitchen.

We suffered the same type of mistakes and problems this year only our guys were all mostly new.

What's the "super bowl" bound 'horns excuse?

Eww what's that smell?


We now own the longest winning streak in the AFC.

Definitely getting better, just wait and see what these coaches do with another year fo the guys they keep, another draft and FA.

After years of being also rans.....we're getting back on the road

Nope, pretty sure he's right.
Quote:Listening to national radio is your first problem Smile
You may be right,lol


Quote:We should change the team name to AJOOS (Andre Johnson Owns Our Secondary).
Kewl - How about AJOOS BWSWT (But we still won - twice!!!)
 Why does anyone care what ESPN says about the city or the team? How many years have they used the blackout..bad team...bad city and people still get upset about it?  I watch ESPN only when I can find the game I want on  no other channel, they are a group of blowhards catering to a "my mind is made up" market.....Just ignore them

Crowd sounded just fine to me on my TV.  There is a nice solid hard core group going to the games and the stadium will fill out with winning.  As much as I don't like the overseas games, it is panning out to be a good money base to stabilize the franchise.  With additional stadium improvements, the fans can be proud of what is being done.  Keep improving the onfield experience and everything will be fine.  The media will have plenty of other cities to pick on.

i actually like svp and ryen. they have a decent show
Quote:i actually like svp and ryen. they have a decent show

I am a Van Pelt fan. And he's been pretty positive when talking about the city of Jacksonville and the surrounding area. He even gave a Twitter shoutout to Maple Street Biscuits.
Quote: Why does anyone care what ESPN says about the city or the team? How many years have they used the blackout..bad team...bad city and people still get upset about it?  I watch ESPN only when I can find the game I want on  no other channel, they are a group of blowhards catering to a "my mind is made up" market.....Just ignore them
I live in the middle of Patriot country, so I get a daily Jaguars beating. The normal- "blackout every game", "moving to wherever the hot spot is right now", just yesterday I was told the only reason we beat Houston thursday was because it was a home game and the Jags play good at home. The reason these fools have any of this false info, is due to idiots like ESPN. Thats what makes it annoying.
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