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Full Version: Doomsday Scenario....... Well, For Some, Maybe.
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If Caldwell decided to go Barr/Clowney, I'd honestly be ok with it. Yes I want THE QB, but I could live with him finding our pass rusher.

Quote:Easy, Dave is the gm. He knows more than me. So, I will look forward to see how that player can help the team.

Basically this.

I will debate the pick on here with many, I may dislike aspects of the pick or think Caldwell should have went in a different direction, but I'll also support the pick until given reason to do otherwise. He'll be a Jaguar and I'm a Jaguar fan. It's what we do.
Quote:Fast forward to next May. Let's say that the Jags have the first overall pick. If not that one, then a top 3 pick. Now, assume a fan favorite QB is available (insert flavor of the day).


What do you do as fans if the pick isn't that coveted QB? What if Caldwell decided another direction was safer?


How do you react to it? Discuss.
The message board implodes. Several users fling themselves from the wells Fargo building. Out of state users fling themselves from local heights. 

Dakota watches and smiles. Moderators repopulate the board. Cycle resumes.
If that happens, we put a couple members on Xanax and buy a muzzle for another..
QB is the biggest need on the team and Dave is a needs drafter, so to not come away with one in the first 64 picks would have to be considered a bit of a failure whoever you ask.


This is not to say its the end of the world and Caldwell needs to be chased out of town with pitch forks, but there are no two ways about it, its a position which has to be upgraded one way or another.

Quote:QB is the biggest need on the team and Dave is a needs drafter, so to not come away with one in the first 64 picks would have to be considered a bit of a failure whoever you ask.

This is not to say its the end of the world and Caldwell needs to be chased out of town with pitch forks, but there are no two ways about it, its a position which has to be upgraded one way or another.
It'll fix itself if we keep ignoring it.
Quote:We're winning without Joeckel and Blackmon. Gimme those two, Barr, Fales, and a better interior OL this team can be .500 next season

i would take that into next season quite happily

barr/clowney in the first

big space eating dt in the second

fales in the 3rd or first 4th

centre with whichever pick we don't use above

guard with the other 4th


add to that free agency signings such as right tackle that can play guard/ guard that can play centre or vice versa 

resign henne/ other vet qb to a low vet contract and let him fight it out with fales

if we don't pick qb in the top two round i'd be delighted with that
I wouldn't mind, having someone like clowney or Barr who no one expects is to pick would be ok for me because it takes care of another massive


Besides, ultimately we can all agree that because of the injury to Gabbert earlier in the season that this year doesn't count...so NEXT year is his freshman year Wink Wink Wink


Quote:QB is the biggest need on the team and Dave is a needs drafter, so to not come away with one in the first 64 picks would have to be considered a bit of a failure whoever you ask.

This is not to say its the end of the world and Caldwell needs to be chased out of town with pitch forks, but there are no two ways about it, its a position which has to be upgraded one way or another.

While I agree that the QB is this team's biggest need, drafting a QB is not the only way to solve that problem. Some teams decide to trade for a QB (eg Chiefs and Alex Smith), and there might be a few that might tempt Caldwell if he decides to focus on building the rest of the team in the draft. The likes of Cutler and Schaub might be available if their teams might decide to move on. By no means do I think that will happen, nor am I sure it is the 'right' way to go, but Caldwell could trade for a QB if he prefers to use his high picks to build up the supporting cast.
Quote:While I agree that the QB is this team's biggest need, drafting a QB is not the only way to solve that problem. Some teams decide to trade for a QB (eg Chiefs and Alex Smith), and there might be a few that might tempt Caldwell if he decides to focus on building the rest of the team in the draft. The likes of Cutler and Schaub might be available if their teams might decide to move on. By no means do I think that will happen, nor am I sure it is the 'right' way to go, but Caldwell could trade for a QB if he prefers to use his high picks to build up the supporting cast.

It has to be upgraded one way or another and Jay Cutler would certainly be an upgrade. Although I am sure most of us agree that is probably not the idea way forward.
Quote:While I agree that the QB is this team's biggest need, drafting a QB is not the only way to solve that problem. Some teams decide to trade for a QB (eg Chiefs and Alex Smith), and there might be a few that might tempt Caldwell if he decides to focus on building the rest of the team in the draft. The likes of Cutler and Schaub might be available if their teams might decide to move on. By no means do I think that will happen, nor am I sure it is the 'right' way to go, but Caldwell could trade for a QB if he prefers to use his high picks to build up the supporting cast.


That would take alot of stars lining up and is to me the least likely scenario. We're takin a QB in the first or second it just depends on Bridgewater and Mariota IMO. Possibles with us picking at #3:


Bridgewater vs Clowney at # 3 : I think dave goes Bridgewater and we see a DE or similiar OLB/DE Barr type player in the second.


Mariota vs Clowney at # 3 : Clowney gets the pick and we take one of the more polished QBs in the second (McCarron if available)


Mariota vs Barr at #3 with Clowney and Bridgewater gone : Close call but in this case its likely Mariota.


Barr vs Clowney at #3 with Mariota and Bridgewater gone : Toss up as we could use either. Personally i feel Barr would be the better fit and could do more dropping into coverage and rushing the passer but i feel Clowney will be the more dominant pass rusher. If it were me id take Barr.


Side Mention: Bridgewater vs Barr = easy choice of Bridgewater. 


Crazy talk prediction: Bridgewater vs Mariota with Barr and Clowney gone. Extremely unlikely but still take Bridgewater.
Quote:I'm cautiously optimistic for this as well. The division will be much tougher, unfortunately, because the Texans will most likely have a good QB and I expect the Colts to be better. But it's hard to deny the upward momentum of this franchise right now.

I can see Houston getting better next season provided that a massive coaching change does not cause their Defense to fall off, but I'm not so sure about Indianapolis. They are a quality team and all, but they have no First Round selection, and just how effective will Reggie Wayne be if/when he returns? Also, how much longer can Robert Mathis keep up that pace he is on? While they are young and talented at certain spots, they are going to have glaring weaknesses at the O-Line and RB positions, and their 2014 First Round pick is sitting on the bench in the form of Trent Richardson.
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